Realms of Gold: A Catalogue of Maps in the Library of the American Philosophical Society
Part II: Printed Maps -

(28 items)
© American Philosophical Society
105 South Fifth Street * Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386

American Philosophical Society

105 South Fifth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386
Table of contents Abstract
Realms of Gold overview

Murphy D. Smith created this guide to the map holdings of the American Philosophical Society in 1991. The guide is divided into four main sections:

The bulk of the maps described are found within the printed maps section, which is further subdivided by geographic location. The printed guide was digitized in 2005 and supplemented by the addition of a significant number of digital images of the maps described. These digital representations are maintained in JPEG2000 format, an emerging standard for image compression. Each entry for which there is a corresponding scan features a small thumbnail that links to the JPEG2000 image. Not every map in the collection was scanned for this project. Inventories of all the digitized maps may be found in the following locations:

Scope and content
The printed maps are arranged geographically according to the Dewey Decimal System. Each major subdivision is presented as a unique page as follows:

The printed maps are arranged in the order in which they were catalogued, which for the most part follows the Dewey Decimal area classification system. Within a given area or country they are arranged chronologically. "Wheat numbers" are given for maps cited in James Clement Wheat and Christian F. Brun's Maps and charts published in America before 1800. A bibliography. The printed maps are described as follows as the information warrants:
  • Date (date of reproduction is used for facsimiles)
  • Title or description (supplied titles are bracketed)
  • Number of pieces (if more than one)
  • Scale
  • Cartographer(s)
  • Engraver(s)
  • Size (neat line, plate impression, or size of paper; unless otherwise noted, measurements are taken from neat lines)
  • Inset(s)
  • Coloring
  • Provenance
  • Note (cross-references, bibliographical references, etc.)
  • Wheat number
  • Call number

Administrative information

Processing information
Murphy D. Smith created the original guide 1991; Ellen Foster edited the online version in 2005.

Contact information
American Philosophical Society
105 South Fifth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386


  Sponsor:Encoding made possible by a grant by the Gladys Kriebel Delmas Foundation
Detailed inventory


421. A new and correct map of Africa, done from the latest and best observations. London: R. Sayer: 1754.
1754. Size: 54.7 x 46.8 cm. Colored. (500: 1754: Af81ncm Large)

Inset: A prospect of the Cape of Good Hope.

422. Africa, according to Mr. D'Anville with several additions and improvements, with a particular chart of the Gold Coast, wherein are distinguished all the European forts and factories, the whole illustrated with a summary description relative to the trade & natural produce, manners & customs of that part of the world. London: Robert Sayer: 1772 [1 August 1772].
1 August 1772. Scale: 7.25 cm. = 400 English mi. Size: 103 x 122.5 cm. Colored. (500: 1772: Af81dag Large)

Inset: A chart of the Gold Coast and the Azores.

423. Africa with all its states, kingdoms, republics, regions, islands &ca. Improved and inlarged from d'Anville's map; to which have been added a particular chart of the Gold Coast, wherein are distinguished all the European forts and factories. By S. Boulton. And also a summary description relative to the trade and natural produce, manners and customs of the African continent and islands. London: Robert Sayer: 1787 [6 January 1787].
Cartographer: D'Anville and S. Boulton.
6 January 1787. 2 sheets. Scale: 5½ in. = 300 English mi. Size: 102.6 x ca. 245 cm. Colored. (500: 1787: D196skr Large)

Inset: A particular chart of the Gold Coast.

Provenance: Purchased from the library of William Priestman, 15 July 1831.

424. Africa according to the best authorities. [London]: Woodman and Mutlow: [ca. 1790].
[ca.1790]. Scale: 60 British statute mi. = 1 degree. Size: 33.7 x 36.3 cm. (500: [ca. 1790]: W859cgg Small)

The Transactions (vol. 6) state that Carey presented the "Materials from which Guthrie's Geography were compiled." This is one of those maps. See: William Guthrie, The general atlas for Carey's edition of his geography improved. Philadelphia: Carey: 1795 [1 May 1795].
Engraved for Chambers's edition of Guthrie's new system of geography.

Provenance: Presented by Mathew Carey, 18 October 1805.

425. Africa from the best authorities. [1790].
Engraver: R. Scot.
[1790]. Size: 17.7 x 21.5 cm. (032: En2)

In: Thomas Dobson, publisher, Encyclopaedia, vol. 1, following p. 228.
Wheat: 840

Provenance: Presented by Thomas Dobson, 1798.

426. Africa from the best authorities. [ 1799].
Engraver: Rollinson.
[1799]. Size: 18.2 x 21.8 cm. (910: P29)

In: John Payne, A new and complete system of universal geography, vol. 2, frontispiece.
Wheat: 859


427. Carte de l'oasis de Thèbes, comprenant le vallon d'El Khargeh et celui d'El Dakel ainsi que les routes qui y conduisent, à partir d'Esné, de Girgeh et de Syout. Dressée d'après les itinéraires de M. M. Cailliaud et Drovetti par M. Jomard. [Paris]: 1820.
Cartographer: E. F. Jomard.
Engraver: Chocarne.
1820. Scale: 25 leagues = 1 degree. Size: 25 x 35.7 cm. (524: 1820: J694tkd Small)

Indicates routes of Cailliaud and Drovetti. To accompany Cailliaud, Voyage à l'Ouest.

428. Carte itinéraire du désert situé entre le Nil et la Mer Rouge comprenant la montagne de Zabarah, les mines d'eméraude, la mine de soufre et les vestiges de l'ancienne route du commerce entre l'Egypte et l'lnde. Dressée d'après l'itinéraire de Mr. Cailliaud . . . par Mr. Jomard. N.p.: 1820. Plate 1.
Cartographer: E. F. Jomard.
Engraver: Blondeau.
1820. Scale: 25 leagues = 1 degree. Size: 29.2 x 36.3 cm. (521: 1820: J694nmr Small)

See: Cailliaud, Voyage à l'Est.

429. Pente du Nil comparée à celle du plusieurs autres fleuves. N.p.: [ca. 1820].
Cartographer: E. F. Jomard.
1820. Scale: 1:32,000,000. Size of paper: 26.6 x 41.8 cm. (521: [ca. 1820]: J694nmr Small)

To accompany Jomard's Mémoire sur la communication du Niger et du Nil.

430. Tableau d'assemblage pour la carte topographique de l'Égypte, en 47 feuilles et pour la carte géographique en 3 feuilles. Dépôt Général de la Guerre. Paris: [ca. 1820].
[ca. 1820]. Scale: 1 mm. = 50 m. Size: 49.5 x 33.6 cm. (521: [ca. 1820]: F843tae Small)

431. Carte de l'Égypte et d'une partie des contrées adjacentes, dressée pour l' usage des Collèges; d'après les observations de voyageurs Français, et les découvertes les plus récentes. Par M. E[dme] J[omard] D.L. Paris: Selves fils: 1821.
Cartographer: E. Jomard.
1821. Scale: 25 common leagues = 1 degree. Size: 42.6 x 30.3 cm. (521: 1821:J694epc Small)

432. Le Kaire. Plan particulier de la ville. Vol. 1, P1. 26. N.p.: [ca. 1829].
Cartographer: Simonel, Jomard, Bertre, Lecesne, et dirigé par Mr. Jacotin.
Engraver: Vicq and Dandeleux.
[ca. 1829]. Scale: 6 cm. = 300 m. Size: 60.4 x 94.5 cm. (522.921: [ca. 1829]: V668cai Large)

433. Geological map of Egypt. Survey Department Egypt. N.p.: 1910.
1910. Scale: 1:2,000,000. Size: 59 x 57.8 cm. Colored. (521: 1910: Eg92sdg Large)

West Africa

434. The western coast of Africa; from Cape Blanco to Cape Virga, exhibiting Senegambia proper. By T. Jefferys. London: Robert Sayer: 1768 [12 August 1768].
Cartographer: T. Jefferys.
12 August 1768. Scale: 20 British leagues = 1 degree. Size: 70.7 x 52.2 cm. Colored. (503: 1768: J377cbv Large)

Contains "Mr. Moore's account of the English settlements on the River Gambia in 1730."

Provenance: Purchased from the library of William Priestman, 15 July 1831.

435. Guinée entre Serre-Lione et le passage à la ligne. Par Sr. d'Anville. [Paris]: 1775.
Cartographer: D'Anville.
Engraver: Guill. de la Haye.
1775. Scale: 25 common French leagues = 1 degree. Size: 30.5 x ca. 67.5 cm. Colored. (549: 1775: D196sLL Large)

Inset: Côte d'Or.

Provenance: Purchased from the library of William Priestman, 15 July 1831.

436. A map of Barbary comprehending Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. [1794].
Engraver: J. T. Scott.
[1794]. Size: 12.5 x 26 cm. (Pam., vol. 146, no. 1)

In: [Mathew Carey], A short, account of Algiers . . . , frontispiece.
Wheat: 845

Provenance: Presented by John Vaughan June 1815.

437. Plan of Sierra Leone and the parts adjacent. N.p.: 1795.
Engraver: Vallance.
1795. Scale: 2.5 cm. = 1 mi. 4½ furlongs. Size: 26 x 24.5 cm. (Pam., vol. 153, no. 6)

In: Sierra Leone Company, Substance of the report delivered by the court of directors, frontispiece.
Wheat: 848

Provenance: One copy presented by Estate of Richard Gimbel, 1974.

438. Esquisse d'une carte itinéraire pour les voyages de mr. Frédéric Cailliaud de Nantes et du plusieurs autres voyageurs. Par M. J[omard]. Paris: 1822.
Cartographer: E. Jomard.
1822. Size: 36.5 x 32 cm. (521: 1822: C122mve Small)

Indicates routes of Cailliaud, Brown, and Hornemann.

439. A chart of the western coast of Africa, extending from Sierra Leone and the Isle of Los, to the Cape of Good Hope. With enlarged plans of the principal islands, harbours, & roadsteads; constructed chiefly from the surveys of Captain W. F. W. Owen, R.N. by J. W. Norie, hydrographer. 1834, additions &c. 1844. London: J. W. Norie: 1844.
Cartographer: J. W. Norie and W. F. W. Owen.
1844. Scale: Various. Size: 76.4 x 197.5 cm. (503: 1844: N776sLL Large)

Insets: 27, of islands, harbors, and roadsteads.

440. Map of Liberia. Compiled, from data on file in the office of the American Colonization Society, under the direction of the Revd. W. McLain, Secy. By R. Coyle. Baltimore: E. Weber & Co.: 1845.
Cartographer: R. Coyle and J. Ashman.
1845. Scale: 1 in. = 12 mi. Size: 44.5 x 62 cm. (535: 1845: C832acs Large)

Inset: Vicinity of Monrovia. Surveyed by J. Ashmun, 1825.

441. Carte esferica de una parte de la costa ocidental de Africa en el golfo de Guinea, que comprende desde Cabo S[a]n Pablo hasta el de Formosa levantado en 1846 pour el capitan de la M.R.B. H.M. Denham Commandante de Avon, publicada en la Dirección de Hidrografia. Madrid: 1850.
Cartographer: F. Bregante and H. M. Denham.
Engraver: J. Noguera and F. Bregante.
1850. Size: 60.3 x 93.3 cm. (500.3: 1850: Sp27gga Large)

442. Carte de l'Etbaye ou pays habité par les arabes Bicharieh, comprenant les contrées des mines d'or connues des anciens sous le nom d'Ollaki. Par Mr. Linant de Bellefonds. Paris: Lemercier: 1868.
Cartographer: Linant de Bellefonds.
1868. Scale: 1:250,000. Size: 55 x 60.4 cm. (525: 1868: L635etb Large)

See: Maurice Adolphe Linant de Bellefonds, L'Etbaye: pays inhabité par les Arabes Bicharieh. Paris: A. Bertrand: 1868.

Central Africa

443. Croquis de l'Afrique équatorial contenant les derniers renseignements recuellis par les agents de l'Association Internationale du Congo. Brussels: Institut National de Géographie: 1884.
1884. Scale: 1:4,000,000. Size: 43.1 x 92.4 cm. Colored. (555: 1884: B411gnb Large)

Inset: Africa.

444. Croquis de l'Afrique centrale mis au courant des dernières explorations. Par. A. J. Wauters. Brussels: Institut National de Géographie: 1886. Seventh ed.
Cartographer: A. J. Wauters.
Engraver: A. Verwest.
1886. Scale: 1:10,000,000. Size: 25.3 x 37.5 cm. Colored. (504: 1886: W369cfx Small)

Inset: Africa and Belgium.

445. Carte de l'État Indépendant du Congo dressée par A. J. Wauters. Brussels: Institut National de Géographie: 1889.
Cartographer: A. J. Wauters.
1889. Scale: 1:7,000,000. Size: 31.1 x 33.1 cm. Colored. (555: 1889: W369cdb Small)

Inset: Belgium.
Endorsed: This copy is valuable. Handle with care. No other obtainable.

446. Comité Special de Katanga. Carte des réserves minières. J. Malvaux: 1911.
1911. Scale: 1:2,000,000. Size: 55.6 x 48 cm. Colored. (555: 1911: K154crk Large)

South Africa

447. Map of the seat of war in Africa prepared in the War Department, Adjutant General's office, Military Information Division. Washington: Norris Peters Co.: 1899.
1899. Scale: 2.7cm. = 10 mi. Size: 105.9 x 85.7 cm. Colored. (500: [1899]: Un38swa Large)

Inset: South Africa (24° to 34° latitude).

448. Kenhardt. International Map. South H 34. [Compiled by] Geographical Section, General Staff. [London]: 1911.
Engraver: W. and A. K. Johnston, Ltd.
1911. Scale: 1 in. = 15.78 mi. Size: 46.2 x 58.7 cm. Colored. (571: 1911: G813ken Large)