Realms of Gold: A Catalogue of Maps in the Library of the American Philosophical Society Part III: Atlases (135 items)
American Philosophical Society
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Realms of Gold overview
Murphy D. Smith created this guide to the map holdings of the American Philosophical Society in 1991. The guide is divided
into four main sections:
Theatrum orbis terrarum. A. Ortelius. Antwerp: 1569-1570.
Cartographer: Abraham Ortelius. |
[ca. 1569-1570]. | Size: 41 cm. | (912: Or8 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The title page is in manuscript. |
Atlas. By Frederick de Wit. Amsterdam: Frederick de Wit: [ca. 1670?]. 100 plates.
Cartographer: Frederick de Wit. |
[ca. 1670?]. | Size: 55.5 cm. | (912: W77 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Original binding in vellum. Provenance: : Presented by John Vaughan, 19 January 1816. |
La primera parte del monte de la turba, ardiente Alumbrando con la claridad de su fuego toda la India-Occidental, empeçando
desde el Rio Amazonas. Y fenesciendo al norte de Tierra Nueva. Descrita por Arnoldo Roggeveen. Amsterdam: Pedro Goos: 1680.
Cartographer: Arnold Roggeveen. |
1680. | Size: 45 cm. | (912.6: R63p Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Original vellum binding. |
Atlas maritime (The French Neptune). [Amsterdam: Pierre Mortier: 1693]. Volume 1.
Cartographer: Romein de Hooge. Engraver: Romein de Hooge. |
[1693] | Size: 62 cm. | (912: H76 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Title page is wanting. For volume 2, bound in same volume, see: Zee Atlas tot het gebruik van de Vlouten des Konings van Groot Britanje (no. 1640). Provenance: : Presented by John G. Watmough, 17 February 1837. |
Zee Atlas tot het gebruik van de Vlouten des Konings van Groot Britanje, gemaakt volgens de nieuwste Memorien der ervarenste
Ingenieurs en Stuurlieden, en verrykt met Profilen van de Vermaardste Zeehavenen en Zeesteden van Europa . . . Gegraveerd en verzameld door den Heer Romein de Hooge. Amsterdam: Pieter Mortier: 1694. Volume 2.
Cartographer: Romein de Hooge. Engraver: Romein de Hooge. |
1693-1694 | Size: 62 cm. | (912: H76 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
For vol. 1, bound in same volume, see: Atlas maritime (The French Neptune). Provenance: : Presented by John G. Watmough, 17 February 1837. |
Maps of Holland, Germany, Bohemia, Austria & Italy. 1695-1753. 2 volumes.
1695-1753. | Size: 54 cm. | (912.4: M32 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Binder's title: German atlas. Provenance: : Presented by Joseph P. Engles, October 1839. |
[Grande carte des Pays Bas catholiques et des contrées qui les bordent en XXIV feuilles par E. H. Friex. Amsterdam: Covens: 1712].
Cartographer: E. H. Friex [Fricx]. |
[1712] | Size: 50.5 cm. | (912.4: F91g Oversize) | ||||||||||||
[Plan de Paris, commencé l'année 1734, dessiné et gravé sous les ordres de Messire Michel Etienne Turgot. . . Levé et dessiné par Louis
Bretez; gravé par Claude Lucas; écrit par Aubin. N.p.: 1739].
Cartographer: Louis Bretez. Engraver: Claude Lucas. |
[1739] | Size: 55.9 cm. | (912.44: B75 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas novus coelestis in quo mundus spectabilis, et in eodem tam errantium quam inerrantium stellarum phoenomena notablilia,
circa ipsarum lumen, figuram, faciem, motum, eclipses, occultationes, transitus magnitudines, distantias, aliaque. Secundum Nic. Copernici, et ex parte Tychonis de Brahe, hypothesin. Nürnberg: Sumptibus Heredum Homannianorum: 1742.
Cartographer: Copernicus and Tycho Brahe. |
1742. | Size: 23 cm. | (524: D72a Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A new map of part of North America from the latitude of 40 to 68 degrees. Including the late discoveries made on the Furnace
bomb ketch in 1742 and the western rivers & lakes falling into Nelson River in Hudson's Bay, as described by Joseph La France,
a French Canadese Indian who traveled thro those countries and lakes for 3 years from 1739 to 1742. N.p.: [ca. 1742?].
Cartographer: Joseph La France. |
[ca. 1742?]. | Size: 20 cm. | (912.7: L13) | ||||||||||||
[Uranographia Britannica, or exact view of the heavens.] By John Bevis. N.p.: ca. 1745-1750.
Cartographer: John Bevis. |
[ca. 1745-1750] | Size: 37 cm. | (523.89: B465 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Contains a manuscript note by John Williams, assistant secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society, giving an explanation
of the work and partial of this copy which contains the bookplate of Sir George Shuckburgh. |
Carte des nouvelles découvertes au nord de la Mer du Sud, tant à l'est de la Siberie et du Kamtchatka, qu'à l'ouest de la
Nouvelle France . . . Par M. De l'Isle. Paris: 1752.
Cartographer: De l'Isle. |
1752. | Scale: 25 French common leagues = 1 degree. Size: 26 cm. | (912.7: D37) | ||||||||||||
With this is: "Explication de la carte ..." |
Atlas Germaniae specialis seu systema tabularum geographicarum, in quibus imperium Romano-Germanicum . . . Opus inceptum a Ioh. Bapt. Homanno. Nürnberg: Homanniana: 1753.
Cartographer: Joh. Bapt. Homann. |
1753. | Size: 55 cm. | (912.43: H75 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A new, general, and universal atlas, containing forty-five maps. Engraved by Mr. Kitchin, & others. [London]: A[ndrew] Dury: [1761].
Engraver: Thomas Kitchin. |
[1761]. | Size: 12 cm. | (912: D93n) | ||||||||||||
A compleat set of new charts on thirty-eight large plates, containing an accurate survey of the coast of Portugal and the
Mediterranean Sea, in which are included seventy-five charts, of the principal harbours in the Straits, shewing the rocks,
shoals, soundings, &c: anchoring places, with their true latitude. The whole being accurately surveyed by J. Giacomo Alagna of Messina. London: J. Mount and T. Page: 1764.
Cartographer: J. Giacomo Alagna. |
1764. | Size: 60.5 cm. | (912:4: AL12 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Le petit atlas maritime. Recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du monde. Paris: 1764.
Cartographer: Jacques Nicolas Bellin. |
1764. | 5 volumes. Size: 32.6 cm. | (912: B41 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Map of the city and liberties of Philadelphia. John Reed. Philadelphia: J. Reed: 1774. 3 sheets.
Cartographer: John Reed. Engraver: James Smither. |
1774. | Size of each sheet: ca. 75 x 49.8 cm. | (912.748: R25) | ||||||||||||
Contains pictures of the House of Employment and Alms House; State House. Provenance: : Presented by Joseph Reed. |
New atlas of the mundane system; or, of geography and cosmography: describing the heavens and the earth, the distances, motions and magnitudes, of the celestial
bodies; the various empires, kingdoms, states, republics, and islands, throughout the known world. By Samuel Dunn. London:
Robert Sayer: 1774.
Cartographer: Samuel Dunn. |
1774. | Size: 48 cm. | (912: D92 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A complete body of ancient geography. By Monsr. d'Anville . . . to which are added Britannia Romana by Mr. Horsley; Graeciae . . . by Mons. Charles de l'Isle;
Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the British Isles, in an intermediate state between ancient and modern geography; by Mons.
d'Anville. And the whole improved by inserting the modern names of places under the ancient. London: R. Sayer and J. Bennett:
Cartographer: D'Anville, Horsley, and de l'Isle. |
1775. | Size: 56.4 cm. | (912.3: An9c Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The American military pocket atlas; being an approved collection of correct maps, both general and particular, of the British colonies; especially those which
now are, or probably may be the theatre of war: taken principally from the actual survey and judicious observations of engineers
de Brahm and Romans, Cook, Jackson, and Collet: Major Holland, and other officers, employed in his Majesty's fleets and armies.
London: R. Sayer and J. Bennett: [1776].
Cartographer: De Brahm, Romans, Cook, Jackson, Collet, and Samuel Holland. |
[1776]. | Size: 21.5 cm. | (912.7: Am3) | ||||||||||||
Maps have been removed. See nos. 454, 627, 784, 1081, and 1536. Provenance: : Presented by John Wilson. |
Charts of the coast and harbours of New England. Composed and engraved by Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres, esq; in consequence of an application, of the right honourable
Lord Viscount Howe, Commander-in-Chief of his majesty's ships in North America. From the surveys taken under the direction
of the Lords of Trade by Samuel Holland, Esq. N.p.: [ca. 1776].
Cartographer: Samuel Holland and J. F. W. Des Barres. Engraver: J. F. W. Des Barres. |
[ca. 1776]. | Size: 58 cm. | (912.74: D45 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A maritime survey of Ireland and the west of Great Britain; taken by the order of the right honourable the Lords Commissioners of Admiralty; in two volumes: accompanied with a book
of nautical descriptions and directions to each volume: by Murdoch Mackenzie. London: Murdoch Mackenzie: 1776. 2 volumes.
Cartographer: Murdoch Mackenzie. |
1776. | Size: 56.7 cm. | (912.42: M19 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The sea coast of Nova Scotia; exhibiting the diversities of the coast, and face of the country near it; the banks, rocks, shoals, soundings, &c. together
with remarks and directions for the conveniency of navigation and pilotage. Surveyed by order of the right honourable the
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty by Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres esqr. [London: ca. 1777].
Cartographer: J. F. W. Des Barres. |
[ca. 1777] | Size: 58 cm. | (912.71: D45 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The Atlantic Neptune, published for the use of the Royal Navy of Great Britain, by Joseph F. W. Des Barres, Esq. under the directions of the Right
Hon[oura]ble the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. London: 1780. Reprinted by Barre Publishers: 1966.
1780 [reprint of 1966] | (912.7: D45a.r Extra-oversize) | |||||||||||||
Two of the original plates of the atlas were presented to the Society by the British Admiralty through Harold Braham, British
consul general in Philadelphia, 6 February 1948. They are: Series III, plates 39 [Delaware Bay] and 38 [Plan of the environs
of Philadelphia (1 of 2)]. |
A Bengal atlas: containing maps of the theatre of war and commerce on that side of Hindoostan. Compiled from the original surveys; and published
by order of the honourable the court of directors for the affairs of the East India Company. By James Rennell. N.p.: 1780.
Cartographer: James Rennell. |
1780 | Size: 49 cm. | (912.54: R29 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The English pilot. The fourth book. Describing the West-India navigation. From Hudson's Bay to the river Amazones. Particularly delineating
the coasts, capes, headlands, rivers, bays, roads, havens, harbours, streights, rocks, sands, shoals, banks, depths or water,
and anchorages, with all the islands therein; as Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, Barbadoes, Antigua, Bermudas, Porto Rico, and
the rest of the Caribbee and Bahama islands. Also, a new description of Newfoundland, New England, New York, East and West
New Jersey, Dellawar Bay, Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, &c . . . The whole being much enlarged and corrected, with the additions
of several new charts and descriptions. By the information of divers able navigators of our own and other nations. London:
J. Mount and T. Page, W. Mount and T. Page: 1780.
1780. | Size: 48.3 cm. | (912.6: En3) | ||||||||||||
Great-Britain's coasting pilot: being a new and exact survey of the sea-coast of England and Scotland from the river of the Thames to the westward and northward;
with the islands of Scilly, and from thence to Carlisle; likewise the islands of Orkney and Shetland, describing all the harbours,
rivers, bays, roads, rocks, sounds, buoys, beacons, sea-marks, depths of water, latitude, bearings and distances from place
to place the setting and flowing of the tides; with directions for the knowing of any place, and how to harbour a ship in
the same with safety. With directions for coming into the channel between England and France. By Captain Greenville Collins.
London: Mount and Page: 1781. 2 volumes.
Cartographer: Greenville Collins. |
1781. | Size: 53.2 cm. | (912.42: C69 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Neptune occidental. A compleat pilot for the West-Indies, including the British Channel, Bay of Biscay, & all the Atlantic Islands; with their
bays, harbours, keys, rocks, land-marks, depths of water, latitudes, longitudes, &c. &c. Done from actual surveys, by the
late Thomas Jefferys Geographer to the King. London: R. Sayer and J. Bennett: 1782.
Cartographer: Thomas Jefferys. |
1782. | Size: 54 cm. | (912.729: J36n Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The West-India atlas; or, a compendious description of the West Indies: illustrated with forty-one correct charts and maps, taken from actual
surveys. Together with an historical account of the several countries and islands which compose that part of the world. Their
discovery, situation, extent, boundaries, product, trade, inhabitants, strength, government, religion, &c. By the late Thomas
Jefferys, geographer to the King. London: Robert Sayer and John Bennett: 1783.
Cartographer: Thomas Jefferys. |
1783. | Size: 54.5 cm. | (919.729: J36w Oversize) | ||||||||||||
An engraved title page reads: The West Indian atlas; or, a compendious description of the West Indies; taken from actual surveys
and observations, by Thomas Jefferys, geographer to the King. London: Robert Sayer and John Bennett: 1783. Provenance: : Presented by Jacob Snider from the library of John Vaughan, 17 March 1842. |
Atlas antiquus, Danvillianus, conspectus tabularum geographicarum. Nürnberg: Chr. Weigelio-Schneideriana: 1784.
Cartographer: J. B. Bourguignon d'Anville. |
1784. | Size: 56 cm. | (912.3: An9a Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas encyclopédique, contenant la géographie ancienne, et quelques cartes sur la géographie du moyen âge, la géographie moderne, et les cartes
relatives à la géographie physique. Rigobert Bonne. Paris: 1787-1788. 2 volumes.
Cartographer: Rigobert Bonne. |
1787-1788. | Size: 31.5 cm. | (912: B64 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
[Atlante geografico del regno di Napoli. G. A. R. Zannoni. Naples: Guerra: 1788-1812].
Cartographer: G. A. R. Zannoni. |
[1788-1812] | Size: 83.5 cm. | (912.45: Z13 Extra-oversize) | ||||||||||||
Title page wanting. Provenance: : Presented by Chevalier Morelli, 21 August 1835. |
An hydrographical collection of forty accurate plans on a large scale, of the principal ports, bays, roads, and harbours in
the West Indies, viz. On the Spanish Main and Florida, the islands of Jamaica, Hispaniola or St. Domingo, Cuba and Porto Rico; wherein the
anchoring and watering-places, soundings, rocks, shoals, &c. are minutely laid down: accompanied with a general chart of the
West-Indies. London: Robert Sayer: [1788-1789].
[1788-1789]. | Size: 52.3 cm. | (912.729: Sa9 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
D'Anville's atlas, containing a map of the world, the world in twelve maps; & twelve maps of the most interesting parts of the world upon a
large scale. Also eleven maps of ancient geography for the study of ancient history. London: Engraved and printed for John
Harrison: 1792.
Cartographer: Bourguignon d'Anville. |
1792. | Size: 53.8 cm. | (912: An9 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas national et général de la France, divisée en ses quatre-vingt-trois départemens et en cinq cens quarante-trois districts, conformément aux décrets de l'Assemblée
Nationale, sanctionés par le Roi, dressé sur les meilleurs cartes qui ont paru jusqu' à présent, et sur la carte des triangles
levée géométriquement par ordre du Roi, et mis au jour par M. Cassini de Thury . . . revu, vérifié au Comité de Constitution,
par Sr. Desnos. [Paris]: Veuve Hérissont: 1792 [16 Juin l792].
Cartographer: Cassini de Thury and Sr. Desnos. |
1792 | Size: 56 cm. | (912.44: C27 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The general atlas for Carey's edition of Guthrie's geography improved. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey: 1795.
1795. | Size: 42.6 cm. | (912: G98c Oversize) | ||||||||||||
New atlas of the mundane system; or of geography and cosmography: describing the heavens and the earth, the distances motions and magnitudes, of the celestial
bodies; the various empires, kingdoms, states and republics throughout the known world. By Samuel Dunn. London: Robert Laurie
& James Whittle: 1796.
Cartographer: Samuel Dunn. |
1796. | Size: 48 cm. | (912: D923) | ||||||||||||
Chart atlas. A voyage around the world, performed in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788 by the Boussole and Astrolabe, under the command of J. F. G. de La Perouse: published by order of the National Assembly under the superintendence of L.
A. Milet-Mureau. 2nd ed. London: G. G. and J. Robinson: 1798.
Cartographer: J. F. G. de La Perouse and L. A. Milet-Mureau. |
1798. | Size: 58 cm. | (910.4: L31.2 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A compleat pilot for the West-Indies, including the British Channel, Bay of Biscay, and all the Atlantic islands: done from actual surveys and observations of
the most experienced navigators in his majesty's and the merchant's service. By the late Thomas Jefferys. A new edition, corrected
to the present time. London: Robert Laurie and James Whittle: [ca. 1800?].
Cartographer: Thomas Jefferys. |
[ca. 1800?]. | Size: 54.1 cm. | (912.729: J361n Oversize) | ||||||||||||
[Maps of the coast of Africa]. By Aaron Arrowsmith. N.p.: [ca. 1802?]. 5 maps.
Cartographer: Aaron Arrowsmith. |
[ca. 1802?]. | Size: 31 cm. | (912.6: Ar6 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Title page wanting. |
[Atlas historique, généalogique, chronologique, et géographique. Par E. A. D. Las Casas]. N.p.: [1803].
Cartographer: E. A. D. Las Casas. |
[1803]. | Size: 56 cm. | (911: L33 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Title page wanting. Stamped on the cover is the name: A. Le Sage. |
Allgemeiner Hand-Atlas der ganzen Erde nach den besten astronomischen Bestimmungen neuesten Entdeckungen und kritischen Untersuchungen entworfen und zu A. C. Gaspari. Weimar: [ca. 1804].
Cartographer: A. C. Gaspari. |
[ca. 1804]. | Size: 56.5 x 67.6 cm. | (912: G21 Extra-oversize) | ||||||||||||
A new and elegant general atlas, comprising all the new discoveries, to the present time, containing sixty-three maps drawn by Arrowsmith and Lewis. Philadelphia:
John Conrad & Co.: 1804.
Cartographer: Arrowsmith and Lewis. |
1804. | Size: 28.4 cm. | (912: Ar6) | ||||||||||||
Wallis's new pocket edition of the English counties, or travellers companion in which are carefully laid down all the direct & cross-roads, cities, townes, villages, parks,
seats and rivers. With a general map of England & Wales. London: James Wallis: [ca. 1810].
[ca. 1810]. | Size: 15 cm. | (912.42: W15) | ||||||||||||
A new and elegant general atlas. Comprising all the new discoveries, to the present time. Containing sixty three maps, drawn by Arrowsmith and Lewis. Intended
to accompany the new improved edition of Morse's geography, but equally well calculated to be used with his gazetteer, or
any other geographical work. Boston: Thomas & Andrews: 1812.
Cartographer: Arrowsmith and Lewis. |
1812. | Size: 27.5 cm. | (Paine 71: Ar6n) | ||||||||||||
A map of Wayne & Pike counties, Pennsylvania; shewing the situations & forms of the warrantee tracts with the numbers by which the respective tracts are designated on
the maps & books in the office of the Commissioners of Rates for Wayne county, the townships, boundaries, roads, waters and
principal places. By Jason Torrey. Philadelphia: 1814 [7 April 1814].
Cartographer: Jason Torrey. Engraver: H. S. Tanner. |
[7 April 1814]. | Scale: 1 cm. = 1 mi. Size: 65.5 x 47.4 cm. | (912.748: T63) | ||||||||||||
Bound with: Jason Torrey. An index to the map of Wayne and Pike counties, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Joseph Rakestraw: 1814. Provenance: : Presented by John Melish, 16 April 1819. |
[Grand atlas universel, ou collection des cartes encyprotypes, générales et détaillés des cinq parties du monde. Paris: Desray: 1816.]
Cartographer: H. Brué. |
[1816]. | Size: 62.6 cm. | (912: B83 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Title page lacking. Provenance: : Presented by Peter S. Du Ponceau, 15 May 1818. |
A modern atlas, from the latest and best authorities, exhibiting the various divisions of the world, with its chief empires, kingdoms, and states; in sixty maps, carefully reduced from the largest and most authentic sources.
Directed and superintended by John Pinkerton. Philadelphia: Thomas Dobson & Son: 1818.
Cartographer: John Pinkerton. |
1818. | Size: 58.8 cm. | (912: P65 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
See: John Pinkerton, General collection of voyages and travels. Provenance: : Presented by Thomas Astley, 5 April 1816-17 July 1818. As the maps were pulled, Astley presented copies which were bound into the present volume. |
A complete genealogical, historical, chronological, and geographical atlas; being a general guide to history, both ancient and modern . . . the whole forming a complete system of history and geography.
By Lavoisne. From the last London edition, improved by C. Gros, of the University of Paris, and J. Aspin. 2nd American ed.
Philadelphia: M. Carey & Son: 1820.
Cartographer: Lavoisne, C. Gros, and J. Aspin. |
1820. | Size: 45.3 cm. | (911: L39 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A complete historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America, and the West Indies . . . to the year 1822. Philadelphia: H. C.
Carey and I. Lea: 1822.
1822. | Size: 45.5 cm. | (911: C18 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas des Marais Pontins. Paris: Firmin Didot: 1823.
1823. | Size: 42.3 cm. | (912.45: Ar6m Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A new American atlas containing maps of the several states of the North American Union. Projected and drawn on a uniform scale from documents found in the public offices of the United States and state governments,
and other original and authentic information. By Henry S. Tanner. Philadelphia: H. S. Tanner: 1823.
Cartographer: Henry S. Tanner. |
1823. | Size: 60.2 cm. | (912.73: T15n Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas de l'Océan Pacifique dressé par M. de Krusenstern commandant de la Marine Impériale de Russie. St. Petersburg: 1824.
Cartographer: M. de Krusenstern. |
1824. | Size: 66.5 cm. | (656: K94 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas of the state of South Carolina made under the authority of the legislature, prefaced with a geographical, statistical and historical map of the state. By
Robert Mills. N.p.: [1825].
Cartographer: Robert Mills. |
[1825]. | Size: 54 cm. | (912.757: M62 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
S. F. DuPont understood that only one library, Cambridge, had a copy and he thought the atlas to possess some interest as giving an idea of the inland waters, where we have been in part operating, with their remarkable interconnection. The Map of the Beaufort District very striking in this particular, should be mended [Archives. S. F. Du Pont to B. Gerhard, 13 November 1861]. There is also a facsimile copy, published in 1938: "This edition is limited to 350 copies of which this is book No. 66." Provenance: : Presented by Robert Mills, 6 October 1826. Later, a copy was presented by Samuel Francis DuPont on 13 November 1861, which had been "captured in Nov. 61 in Beaufort the Head Quarters of the Rebel Commanding General." |
[General atlas.] New edition. Philadelphia: H. S. Tanner: 1827-1828. 11 maps.
Cartographer: Henry S. Tanner. |
1827-1828. | Size: 53.8 cm. | (912: T16g Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlante corografico storico e statistico del regno delle Due Sicilie eseguito litograficamente, compilato, e dedicato a S. M. il Re Ferdinando II. Dal suo umilissimo e fidelissimo suddito Benedetto
Marzolla. Naples: Reale Litografia Milint[ ]e: 1832.
Cartographer: Benedetto Marzolla. |
1832. | Size: 47.5 x 63 cm. | (912.45: M36a Oversize) | ||||||||||||
"Presented by Chevalier Morrelli to Daniel J. Desmond esq." is stamped on the cover. |
Atlas de l'Europe. Établissement géographique de Bruxelles. 165 feuilles; Échelle 1:600,000; projection modifiée de Flamsteed, d'après les
meilleurs matériaux. Dessinè par Henry Perkin, Gravè sur pierre . . . P. Doms, F. Charles, L. Bulens. Brussels: 1833. 2 volumes.
Cartographer: Henry Perkin. Engraver: P. Doms, F. Charles, and L. Bulens. |
1833. | Size: 57.5 cm. | (912.4: Etl2 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Tanner's universal atlas. No. 2. Philadelphia: Tanner: 1833. 5 maps.
Cartographer: Henry S. Tanner. |
1833. | Size: 40 cm. | (912: T16u Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas Classica. Philadelphia: H. S. Tanner: 1834-1838. Nos. 1-9.
1834-1838. | Size: 40 cm. | (911: Tl5 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A comprehensive atlas: geographic, historical & commercial. By T. G. Bradford. Boston: William D. Tichnor: New York: Wiley & Long: 1835.
Cartographer: T. C. Bradford. |
1835. | Size: 32.8 cm. | (911: B73 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
[Histoire et description des voies de communication aux Etats-Unis et des travaux d'art qui en dépendent. Par Michel Chevalier]. N.p.: [1840?].
Cartographer: Michel Chevalier. |
[1840?]. | Size: 55 cm. | (912.73: C42 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
This is the atlas volume. Provenance: : Presented by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chauncey. |
Wind, current and thermal charts by M. F. Maury. Sen A-F. Washington: 1849-1860.
Cartographer: M. F. Maury. |
1849-1860. | Size: 33.7 cm. | (551.47: M44 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The atlas of physical geography: constructed by Augustus Petermann, F. R. G. S. . . . with descriptive letter-press, embracing a general view of the physical
phenomena of the globe. By Thomas Milner. London: Wm. S. Orr & Co.: 1850.
Cartographer: Thomas Milner. |
1850. | Size: 37.7 cm. | (551: P44 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas von Land- und Seekarten vom Japanischen Reiche Dai-Nip-Pon und dessen neben- und Schutzländern Jezo mit den Südlichen Kurilen, Krafto, Kôrai und den Liu-Kiu-Inseln nach
Originalkarten und astronomischen Beobachtungen der Japaner mit Hinweisung auf die Entdeckungen in älterer und neuerer Zeit.
Nebst einer Seekarte von der Küste von China und der Insel Formosa nach unausgegebenen Holländischen Seekarten vom 17 Jahrhundert
bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Philipp Franz von Siebold. Berlin: Simon Schropp & Co.: 1851.
Cartographer: Philipp Franz von Siebold. |
1851. | Size: 71 cm. | (912.52: Sil5 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Report of explorations and surveys . . . for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. U.S. Army. [Washington]: 1855-1860.
1855-1860. | Size: 27 x 48 cm. | (508.73: Un3 Extra-oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas of the oil region of Pennsylvania from actual surveys under the direction of F. W. Beers. Assisted by Beach Nichols, J. M. Beers, A. Leavenworth, C. S. Peck,
C. A. Curtis & Geo. Stewart. With a few facts relating to petroleum, historically, scientifically, and commercially, reviewed
by Ivan C. Michels, Editor of the Philadelphia Coal Oil Circular and Petroleum Price Current. New York: F. W. Beers, A. D.
Ellis and G. G. Soule: 1865. 34 maps.
Cartographer: F. W. Beers, Beach Nichols, J. M. Beers, A. Leavenworth, C. S. Peck, C. A. Curtis, and Geo. Stewart. Engraver: Ferd. Mayer & Co. |
1865. | Size: 40 cm. | (553.28: B391a) | ||||||||||||
Mitchell's new general atlas, containing maps of the various countries of the world, plans of cities, etc., embraced in sixty-three quarto maps, forming
a series of one hundred maps and plans, together with valuable statistical tables. Philadelphia: S. Augustus Mitchell, Jr.:
1869. | Size: 40 cm. | (912: M69 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Rand, McNally & Co.'s railway guide. The travelers' hand book to all railway and steamboat lines of North America. By Robert A. Bower. Chicago: Rand, McNally
& Co.: 1872.
Cartographer: Robert A. Bower. |
1872. | Size: 16.5 x 12.7 cm. | (656.6: R15r) | ||||||||||||
Statistical atlas of the United States based on the results of the ninth census 1870, with contributions from many eminent men of science and several departments
of the government. U.S. Census Office. 9th census, 1870. Compiled under the authority of Congress by Francis A. Walker. New
York: J. Bien, lith.: 1874.
Cartographer: Francis A. Walker. Engraver: Julius Bien. |
1874. | Size: 55.7 cm. | (917.3: W15 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Detail map of the Upper Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio River to Minneapolis, Minnesota. In eighty-nine sheets. Published by the Mississippi River Commission. N.p.: [ca. 1876- ].
[ca. 1876- ]. | Size: 63.5 cm. | (912.73: Un3m Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Geological and topographical atlas accompanying the report of the geological exploration of the fortieth parallel, made by authority of the honorable Secretary of War under the direction of Brig. and Brvt. Major General A. A. Humphreys,
chief of Engineers U.S. By Clarence King, U. S. Geologist in charge. 1876. [New York]: Julius Bien, lith.: 1876.
Cartographer: Clarence King and A. A. Humphreys. Engraver: Julius Bien. |
1876. | Size: 83.9 cm. | (620: Un3pr and 620: Un3py Oversize) | ||||||||||||
[Atlas to accompany] Annual report upon the geographical survey west of the 100th meridian. New York: Graphic Co. photo-lith.: [1877].
Cartographer: Geo. M. Wheeler; Weyss, Herman, Maulo, Louis Nell, and Lang. Engraver: Graphic Co. photo-lith. |
[1877]. | Size: 19¼ in. | (557.3: Un15ra Oversize) | ||||||||||||
To accompany the copies of Appendix N N. |
Topographical and geological atlas of the district of the High Plateau of Utah, to accompany the report of Cap. C. E. Dutton. U. S. Dept. of the Interior. U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the
Rocky Mountain region. J. W. Powell in charge. New York: Julius Bien: 1879.
Cartographer: J. W. Powell and C. E. Dutton. |
1879. | Size: 31½ in. | (557.3: Un2ro Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, containing nineteen maps exhibiting the early grants & patents, compiled from official records; together with a history
of the land titles in the county. By Benjamin H. Smith. Philadelphia: Henry B. Ashmead: 1880.
Cartographer: Benjamin H. Smith. |
1880. | Size: 39.9 cm. | (912.748: Sm5 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Detail map of the Lower Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio River to Head of the Passes. Published by the Mississippi River Commission. N.p.: [ca. 1880- ]. 83 sheets.
[ca. 1880- ]. | Size: 63.5 cm. | (912.73: Un3m, vol. 5. Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Map of the Lower Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio River to the Head of the Passes. Scale, one inch to one mile. Published in 1881-1897 by the Mississippi River Commission. N.p.: 1881-1897. 32 sheets.
1881-1897. | Scale: 1 in. = 1 mi. Size: 38.4 cm. | (912.73: Un3m, vol. 3 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Grand atlas. Divisions 1-5. Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. J. P. Lesley, state geologist. Harrisburg: Lane S. Hart, state
printer: 1884-1885.
Cartographer: J. P. Lesley. |
1884-1885. | Size: 32½ in. | (557.48: P38r Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Incomplete. |
The royal atlas of modern geography exhibiting, in a series of entirely original and authentic maps the present condition of geographical discovery and research
in the several countries, empires, and states of the world. By the late Alexander Keith Johnston. With additions and corrections
to the present date by T. B. Johnston. A new edition. Edinburgh and London: W. & A. K. Johnston: 1887.
Cartographer: Alexander Keith Johnston and T. B. Johnston. |
1887. | Size: 51 cm. | (912: J64 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Bradley's atlas of the world for commercial and library reference. A complete American and foreign atlas, compiled from official state, national and international surveys, supplemented by
information furnished by the postal and interior departments of the United States, and from many reliable private sources.
Officially approved and adopted by the departments of the United States government. With isometric index to each map. Philadelphia:
Wm. M. Bradley & Bro.: 1888.
1888. | Size: 48.7 cm. | (912: B72 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Handy reference atlas of the world. By John Bartholomew. With complete index and geographical statistics. New York: George Routledge: 1888.
Cartographer: John Bartholomew. |
1888. | Size: 19 cm. | (912: B28) | ||||||||||||
Facsimile-atlas to the early history of cartography with reproductions of the most important maps printed in the XV & XVI
centuries. Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld. Translated from the Swedish original by J. A. Ekelöf and Clements R. Markham. Stockholm: 1889.
Cartographer: Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld. |
1889. | Size: 51.9 cm. | (912: N75 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Rand, McNally & Company's neuer Familien-Atlas der Welt. Chicago: Rand-McNally: 1891.
1891. | Size: 36.6 cm. | (912: R15n Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Map of the Missouri River from its mouth to Three Forks, Montana. In eighty-four sheets. Scale, one inch to one mile [1:63,360], and nine index sheets. Published in 1892-95 by the Missouri
River Commission, N.p.: 1892-1895.
1892-1895. | Scale: 1 in. = 1 mi. Size: 38.4 cm. | (912.73: Un3mi Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The Century atlas of the world. Prepared under the superintendence of Benjamin E. Smith. New York: The Century Co.: 1897.
Cartographer: Benjamin E. Smith. |
1897. | Size: 33.5 cm. | (912: C33) | ||||||||||||
Adolf Steiler's Handatlas über alle Theile Erde und über das Weltgebäude. Gotha: Justus Perthes: [1898].
Cartographer: Adolf Karl Stieler. |
[1898]. | Size: 39.4 cm. | (912: St5h.n Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Contains inscription: Simon Flexner, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1899. From Dr. W. H. Welch. Provenance: : Presented by William Welch Flexner, James Thomas Flexner, and the Rockefeller University, January 1964. |
Atlas of ports, cities, and localities of the island of Cuba. Containing reproductions of maps, charts, and plans obtained from the United States Congressional Library, Coast and Geodetic
Survey, Hydrographic Office, Engineer Department U.S. Army; also Pichardo's map of the island of Cuba, and other sources.
Washington, D.C.: 1898.
Cartographer: Pichardo. |
1898. | Size: 55.5 x 70.8 cm. | (912.7291: Un3 Extra-oversize) | ||||||||||||
Physical atlas. J. G. Bartholomew, editor. Edinburgh: John Bartholomew & Co.: 1899-1911. Vol. 3. Meteorology. By J. G. Bartholomew, A. J. Herbertson and Alexander Buchan. Vol. 5. Zoogeography. By J. G. Bartholomew, W. Eagle Clarke and Percy H. Grimshaw.
Cartographer: J. G. Bartholomew, W. Eagle Clarke, Percy H. Grimshaw, A. J. Herbertson, and Alexander Buchan. |
1899-1911. | Size: 46.3 cm. | (500: B28 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas of the Philippine Islands. U.S. Treasury Department. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Henry S. Prichett, Superintendent. Special publication no. 3. Washington:
Government Printing Office: 1900. 30 maps.
Cartographer: Henry S. Prichett. |
1900. | Size: 38 x 33.4 cm. | (526: Un3sp: no. 3 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
There is another title page: Atlas de Filipinas. Colección de 30 mapas. . . . 1899. |
Atlas of Canada, prepared under the direction of James White. Department of the Interior of Canada. [Toronto]: Toronto Lithographic Co.,
Ltd.: 1906.
Cartographer: James White. |
1906. | Size: 45 cm. | (912.71: C16 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Research in China. 1903-1904. Geographical and geological maps. Bailey Willis, geologist in charge. Carnegie Institution of Washington. [Washington,
D.C.: ca. 1906?].
Cartographer: Bailey Willis. |
[ca. 1906?]. | Size: 55.1 x 46.7 cm. | (506.73: C21p Oversize) | ||||||||||||
In: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication, no. 54. |
Cram's modern new census atlas of the United States and world. Thirteenth census edition. A complete series of maps, of the United States and possessions, foreign countries, world, polar
regions and hemispheres . . . Carefully edited, compiled and published by George F. Cram. New York, Chicago: G. F. Cram: 1911.
Cartographer: George F. Cram. |
1911. | Size: 39.4 cm. | (912: C84 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Rand McNally & Co.'s unrivaled atlas of the world, containing colored maps of every country and civil division upon the face of the globe. With marginal index to maps of foreign
countries together with historical, descriptive, and statistical matter pertaining to each, and city maps. A new complete
ready reference index to the United States showing full returns from the census of 1910. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co.: 1912.
1912. | Size: 36.5 cm. | (Paine 71: R15u) | ||||||||||||
Statistical atlas of the United States. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. Wm. J. Harris, director. 13th census. Prepared under the supervision
of Charles S. Sloane, geographer of the census. Washington: Government Printing Office: 1914.
Cartographer: Wm. J. Harris and Charles S. Sloane. |
1914. | Size: 29.5 cm. | (317.3: Un3ms) | ||||||||||||
Johnston's royal atlas of modern geographyexhibiting, in a series of sixty entirely original and authentic maps the present condition of geographical discovery and
research in the several countries, empires and states of the world. With a special index to each map. Edinburgh and London:
W. & A. K. Johnston: 1915.
Cartographer: Alexander Keith Johnston. |
1915. | Size: 50.8 cm. | (912: J64r Oversize) | ||||||||||||
World atlas of commercial geology. U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey. George Otis Smith, director. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey: 1921.
Part I. Distribution of mineral production. Part II. Water power of the world.
Cartographer: George Otis Smith. |
1921. | Size: 35 cm. | (553: Un3w Oversize) | ||||||||||||
An historical atlas of modern Europe from 1789 to 1922 with an historical and explanatory text by C. Grant Robertson . . . and J. C. Bartholomew. 2nd ed., revised and enlarged.
London: Oxford University Press: 1924.
1924. | Size: 35.8 cm. | (912.4: R542h.2 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Statistical atlas of the United States. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. W. M. Steuart, director. [14th census.] Prepared under the supervision
of Charles S. Sloane, geographer of the census. Washington: Government Printing Office: 1925.
Cartographer: W. M. Steuart and Charles S. Sloane. |
1925. | Size: 30 cm. | (317.3: Un3ns) | ||||||||||||
Stielers Hand-atlas. 254 Haupt- und Nebenkarten in Kupferstich. Zehnte Auflage, Hundertjahr-Ausgabe. Von grund auf neubearbeitet unter Leitung
von Prof. Dr. H. Haack. Gotha: Justus Perthes: 1925-1926.
Cartographer: H. Haack and Adolf Karl Steiler. |
1925-1926. | Size: 40 cm. | (912: St5h.10 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A book of old maps delineating American history, from the earliest days down to the close of the Revolutionary War. Compiled and edited by Emerson D. Fite & Archibald Freeman. Cambridge: Harvard University Press: 1926.
1926. | Size: 42 cm. | (912: F55 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas of the historical geography of the United States. By Charles Oscar Paullin. Edited by John K. Wright. Washington, New York: Carnegie Institution of Washington and the American
Geographical Society of New York: 1932. 688 maps (partly colored) on 166 plates.
Cartographer: Charles Oscar Paullin and John K. Wright. |
1932. | Size: 36.5 cm. | (506.73: C21p Oversize) | ||||||||||||
In: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication, no. 401. |
The George Washington atlas. A collection of eighty-five maps, including twenty-eight made by George Washington; seven used and annotated by him; eight
made under his direction, or for his use or otherwise associated with him; and forty-two new maps concerning his activities
in peace and war and his place in history. Edited by Lawrence Martin. U.S. George Washington Bicentennial Commission. Washington,
D.C.: 1932.
1932. | Size: 46.2 cm. | (912.73: M36g Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlante internazionale del touring club Italiano centosettantasei tavoli principali centotrentanove carte parziali di sviluppo. Opera redatta ed eseguita nell' ufficio cartografico
del T.C.I. sotto la direzione di L. V. Bertarelli, O. Marinelli, P. Corbellini. Quarta edizione. Milan: Touring Club Italiano:
Cartographer: L. V. Bertarelli, O. Marinelli, and P. Corbellini. |
1933-1939. | Size: 49.5 cm. | (035: Enl.a) | ||||||||||||
Piri Reis Haritasi [Piri Reis's map]. Istanbul: 1933.
Cartographer: Piri Reis. |
1933. | Size: 38 cm. | (912: P66h.f Oversize) | ||||||||||||
With this is a pamphlet describing the map. Also Piri Reis Kitabi Bahriye. Istanbul: Devlet Basimevi: 1935. This facsimile is supposed to be based on Christopher Columbus's map of 1498. Provenance: : Presented by Halet Çambel, 1981. |
Steiler's atlas of modern geography. 263 maps on 114 sheets. Engraved on copper. 10th ed. International edition: Published by Prof. Dr. Hermann Haack with the
cooperation of Dr. Berthold Carlberg & Rudolf Schleifer. Gotha: Justus Perthes: 1934-1938.
Cartographer: Adolf Karl Stieler, Hermann Haack, Berthold Carlberg, and Rudolf Schleifer. |
1934-1938. | Size: 40.1 cm. | (912: St5a.l0i Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Historical and commercial atlas of China. By Albert Herrmann. Harvard Yenching Institute. Monograph series. Vol. 1. Cambridge: Harvard University Press: 1935.
Cartographer: Albert Herrmann. |
1935. | Size: 33.4 cm. | (912.51: H433 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The march of man; a chronological record of peoples and events from prehistoric times to the present day: comprising a comparative time chart
of universal history in seven sections, an historical atlas of 96 pages and 64 plates of illustration. General editor: L.
H. Dawson. Historical atlas prepared by George Philip and Ramsay Muir with the collaboration in the American section of Robert
McElroy. [London]: The Encyclopaedia Britannica Co., Ltd.: 1935.
Cartographer: L. H. Dawson, George Philip, Ramsay Muir, and Robert McElroy. |
1935. | Size: 30.2 cm. | (902: M33 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
New revised atlas of the world, latest maps, new indexes, up-to-date gazetteer. Cleveland: World Syndicate Publishing Company: 1935.
1935. | Size: 33.7 cm. | (912: W89) | ||||||||||||
Commercial atlas of the world. New census by L. E. Smith . . . edited by Frederick K. Branom. Chicago: Geographical Publishing Co.: 1936.
Cartographer: Lloyd Edwin Smith and Frederick K. Branom. |
1936. | Size: 55.9 cm. | (912: Sm5c Oversize) | ||||||||||||
At head of title: The Geographical Publishing Company's Commercial Atlas. |
Encyclopaedia Britannica world atlas; with physical and political maps, geographical comparisons, a glossary of geographical terms, a gazetteer index, and with
geographical summaries, world spheres of influence, prepared by G. Donald Hudson under the editorial direction of Walter Yust.
Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.: 1942.
Cartographer: C. Donald Hudson and Walter Yust. |
1942. | Size: 42.2 cm. | (912: En12 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Laid in is "Your post-World War II supplement." |
The Times atlas of the world. Edited by John Bartholomew. Mid-century edition. London: Times Publishing Co.: 1955-
Cartographer: John Bartholomew. |
1955-. | Size: 50 cm. | (912: T485) | ||||||||||||
Each volume includes index-gazetteer. |
World atlas and gazetteer, presenting the world in its geographical, physical, and commercial aspects. New York: P. F. Collier & Son Corp.: [1955].
[1955]. | Size: 36.8 cm. | (912: C69w) | ||||||||||||
Photographic lunar atlas based on photographs taken at the Mount Wilson, Lick, Pic du Midi, McDonald and Yerkes Observatories. Edited by G. P. Kuiper
with the collaboration of D. W. G. Arthur, E. Moore, J. W. Tapscot, and E. A. Whitaker. Chicago: The University of Chicago
Press: 1960. Photographs.
1960. | Size: 54 cm. | (523.39: K95p Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Early maps of North America. Robert M. Lunny. Newark, New Jersey: The New Jersey Historical Society: 1961.
1961. | Size: 24.8 cm. | (912.7: L97e) | ||||||||||||
A collection of charts of the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador, &c. . . Drawn from original surveys taken by James Cook and Michael Lane, surveyors, Joseph Gilbert, and other officers in the
king's service. London. San Francisco: 1965.
Cartographer: James Cook, Michael Lane, and Joseph Gilbert. Engraver: Thomas Jefferys. |
1965. | Size: 46 x 31 cm. | (917.18: C77c.s Oversize) | ||||||||||||
A map of the inhabited part of Virginia containing the whole province of Maryland with part of Pennsilvania, New Jersey and
North Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1751. London: Robert Sayer: [1794]. Charlottesville, Virginia: University of Virginia
Press: 1966.
Cartographer: Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson. Engraver: Thos. Jefferys. |
1966. | Size of each sheet: 40.5 x 63.3 cm. | (912.75: F94f.2) | ||||||||||||
There is an index with this map. Facsimile. |
Atlas géographique et physique du royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne vom verfasser auch kurz Benannt: Mexico-Atlas. By Alexander von Humboldt. Paris: 1811. Stuttgart: 1969.
Cartographer: Alexander von Humboldt. |
1969 | Size: 47 cm. | (917.2: Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Benjamin Franklin's campaign on the Lehigh. 1756. N.p.: [ca. 1969].
[ca. 1969]. | Size: 44.3 cm. | (912.748: F85 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The national atlas of the United States of America. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior. Geological Survey: 1970.
1970. | Size: 49 cm. | (912.73: Un4n) | ||||||||||||
The water masses of the North Atlantic Ocean. A volumetric census of temperature and salinity. W. R. Wright and L. V. Worthington. Serial atlas of the marine environment,
fol. 19. New York: American Geographical Society: 1970.
Cartographer: W. R. Wright and L. V. Worthington. |
1970. | Size: 41 cm. | 912.7: W93w Oversize. | ||||||||||||
[World ocean atlas]. Sergei G. Gorshkov, ed. vol. 1. Pacific Ocean. New York: Pergamon Press: 1974.
Cartographer: Sergei G. Gorshkov. |
1974. | Size: 46.8 cm. | (912: G68w Oversize) | ||||||||||||
In Russian, with an introduction and index in English. |
America in maps, dating from 1500 to 1856. Compiled and edited by Egon Klemp. New York & London: Holmes & Meier publishers: 1976.
1976. | Size: 51.7 cm. | (912: K67a Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas of early American history. The Revolutionary era. 1760-1790. Lester J. Cappon, editor-in-chief. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press: 1976.
1976. | Size: 37.5 cm. | (911.7: C17a) | ||||||||||||
Hydrographical basin of the Upper Mississippi River from astronomical and barometrical observations, surveys and information by J. N. Nicollet. In the years 1836, 37, 38, 39
and 40; assisted in 1838, 39, & 40, by Lieut. J. C. Fremont, of the Corps of Topographical Engineers under the supervision
of the Bureau of the Corps of Topographical Engineers and authorized by the War Department. Reduced and compiled under the
direction of Col. J. J. Abert and W. H. Emory. N.p.: 1843. Printed from an original copy, 1976.
Cartographer: J. N. Nicollet, J. C. Fremont, J. J. Abert, and W. H. Emory. Engraver: E. F. Woodward. |
1976. | Size: 24 cm. | (912.77: N54h) | ||||||||||||
Topografiske atlas Danmark 82 Kortudsmit med beskrivelse. Atlas over Danmark. Ser. II, Bd. 1-2. Det. K. Danske Geografiske Selskab. Copenhagen: C. A.
Reitzels Forlag: 1976.
Cartographer: N. Kingo Jacobsen, Ruth Helkiaer Jensen, and Kr. Marius Jensen. |
1976. | Size: 34 cm. | (910.6489: C79a Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas of the oceans. New York: Rand McNally & Co.: [ca. 1977].
[ca. 1977]. | Size: 38 cm. | (551.46: R15a) | ||||||||||||
A historical atlas of colonial Virginia. John S. Hale, cartographer. Verona, Virginia: Old Dominion Publications: 1978.
Cartographer: John S. Hale. |
1978. | Size: 40.7 cm. | (912.755: H13h Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The Rand McNally new concise atlas of the universe. New York: Rand McNally & Co.: [ca. 1978].
[ca. 1978]. | Size: 38 cm. | (523.1: M78r.rev) | ||||||||||||
The Rand McNally new concise atlas of the universe. New York: Rand McNally & Co.: [ca. 1978].
[ca. 1978]. | Size: 38 cm. | (523.1: M78r.rev) | ||||||||||||
Early maps. By Tony Campbell. New York: Abbeville Press: 1981.
1981. | Size: 38.6 cm. | (912: C14e Oversize) | ||||||||||||
The Hammond-Harwood House atlas of historical maps of Maryland, 1608-1908. By Edward C. Papenfuse and Joseph M. Cole III. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Press: 1982.
1982. | Size: 28.5 x 36.4 cm. | (911.7: P19h Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Gary E. Moulton, editor. Lincoln, Nebraska, and London: University of Nebraska Press: 1983.
Cartographer: Lewis and Clark. |
1983. | Size: 40.5 cm. | (917.3: L58j.m) | ||||||||||||
This is volume 1 of The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Gary E. Moulton, editor. Provenance: : Presented by the University of Nebraska Press, September 1983. |
Early sea charts by Robert Putnam. New York: Abbeville Press Publishers: 1983.
1983. | Size: 38.8 cm. | (912: P98e Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Washington College presents: On the Map. An exhibit and catalogue of maps relating to Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay honoring George Washington at the beginning
of the third century of Washington College at Chestertown, Maryland. February 21-March 6, 1983. By Russell Morrison, Edward
C. Papenfuse, Nancy M. Bramucci and Robert J. H. Janson-La Palme. Chestertown, Maryland: Washington College: 1983.
1983. | Size: 28.5 cm. | (912.73: M83o) | ||||||||||||
United States coastal charts 1783-1861. By Peter J. Guthorn. Exton, Pa.: Schiffer Publishing Co.: 1984.
1984. | Size: 31 cm. | (912.73: G98u) | ||||||||||||
Atlas accompanying volume III on mining industry. U.S. Geological Expedition of the Fortieth Parallel. Clarence King, geologist in charge. New York: Julius Bien engraver
and printer: n.d.
Cartographer: Clarence King, R. H. Stretch, I. E. James, Marlette, Hunt, and T. D. Parkinson. Engraver: Julius Bien. |
n.d. | Size: 19½ in. | (557.31: Un3k, vol. 3 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Atlas of magnetic declination of Europe for epoch, 1944-5. Washington: Army Map Service: n.d.
n.d. | Size: 66.2 cm. | (538.7: B62 Oversize) | ||||||||||||
Sectional maps, showing 2,500,000 acres farm and wood lands, of the Illinois Central Rail Road Company, in all parts of the state of Illinois, with the line of their rail road, and other interesting rail roads. The shaded sections
show the lands of the company. N.p.: n.d.
n.d. | Size: 23.5 cm. | (912.773: I16) |