Updated: American Philosophical Society Response to Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

Updated January 11, 2022

Dear APS Members, Friends, Researchers, and Visitors, 

In an effort to safeguard the health and safety of members of the APS community, the Society is undertaking strong social distancing measures to help slow the spread of novel coronavirus COVID-19. APS buildings are currently open to staff and invited guests until further notice. We continue to monitor the situation and any further updates will be posted to this page. 

Response from APS Members

During the extraordinary times of the COVID-19 pandemic, APS Council has passed a rare public resolution on behalf of the Membership calling on Congress to enact a National Defense Education Act for the 21st Century. Read the statement that has been sent to the bipartisan leadership of the House and Senate.

Events and Museum Exhibition

  • The APS Members Meeting scheduled for April 23-25, 2020 has been cancelled. APS Members will be contacted directly about remote business meeting procedures. 
  • The Autumn 2020 APS Members Meeting will be held virtually. The keynote address is open to the public. 
  • Most events and public programs are being held virtually, with some in person events being held on a case-by-case basis. 

APS Library Access

  • The APS Library reading room is open by appointment only. Call 215-440-3400 for more information. 
  • The APS Library lobby exhibition will be closed to visitors until further notice.

Sanitation and Safety

  • Please follow guidelines from the CDC and stay home if you are feeling ill. Call your doctor for further guidance. 
  • Practice recommended activities to avoid exposure to disease: wash your hands frequently, cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve,  avoiding touching your face, use antiseptic hand lotions, refrain from handshakes or hugs, and limit contact with frequently touched surfaces.
  • APS staff will increase antiseptic cleanings of high touch surfaces including door knobs, elevator buttons, and light switches. 

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Get Updates

We thank you for your patience as we navigate quickly changing circumstances and look forward to the time when we can resume regular activities. If you have questions, please call 215-440-3400 or email [email protected].