Meet the 2021–2022 Research Grant Recipients

Category / Department

Photograph from Andrea Brock, 2018 Franklin Grant recipient, depicting a sediment core sample extraction next to the Theater of Marcellus in Rome.

Congratulations to the 167 awardees of Franklin Research Grants, grants from the Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research, and from the Phillips Fund for Native American Research, who have received over $800,000 in funding for their work for 2021–2022.

Franklin Research Grants

The Franklin program is particularly designed to help meet the costs of travel to libraries and archives for research purposes; the purchase of microfilm, photocopies, or equivalent research materials; the costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses.

  • Abell, Natalie, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Chronological and Environmental Assessment of Charcoal From Neolithic and Bronze Age Kea Cyclades, Greece
  • Albala Pelegrin, Marta, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Theater of Conquest: Performing Iberian Newspieces in Rome, 1450–1530
  • Amor, Monica M., Maryland Institute College of Art, Gego: Weaving the Space in Between Art, Architecture, Design, and Craft at the Edge of Modernity
  • Ansaldo, Paula Nora, University of Buenos Aires, Yiddish Theatre Between New York and Buenos Aires, 1930–1960
  • Araujo, Ana Lucia, Howard University, The Gift: How Objects of Prestige Shaped the Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonialism
  • Baldasso, Franco, Bard College, Against Redemption: Literature, Democracy, and Memory in Post-Fascist Italy
  • Berman, Patricia G., Wellesley College, Solar Modernism: Science, Race, and the Nordic Body, 1890–1920
  • Berquist Soule, Emily, California State University, Long Beach, The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire
  • Bottomore, Stephen, Independent scholar, The Magic Lantern: The World's First Lantern Journal
  • Boudreau, George W., University of Pennsylvania, Interpreting Historic Sites: Complicating the Stories of America's Past
  • Bravo, Monica, California College of the Arts, Silver Pacific: A Material History of Photography and Its Minerals, 1840–1890
  • Brisman, Shira, University of Pennsylvania, The Goldsmith's Debt: Property and Intellectual Property in the Hands of Christoph Jamnitzer and Kin
  • Broder, Dale, St. Ambrose University, Evolutionary Origins of Newly Discovered Drumming Crickets
  • Burgin, Say, Dickinson College, Organizing Your Own: The White Fight for Black Power in Detroit
  • Colburn, Adriane, Bard College, The Divining Forest
  • Cornelison, Sally J., Syracuse University, The Sacred Art of Giorgio Vasari
  • Daly, Kevin F., Bucknell University, Final Publication of the Ismenion Hill Excavations (2011–2016)
  • Delehanty, Ann T., Reed College, Disenchantment, Skepticism, and the Early Modern Novel in Spain and France
  • DeSouza, Wendy Noel, University of California, Davis, From One Came Many: African Concubinage, Escape, and Freedom in Qajar, Iran, 1800–1929
  • Devereux, Andrew, University of California, San Diego, Children of Adam: Gentiles, the Tropics, and Ethno-Religious Difference in the Early Modern Iberian World
  • Dixon, Dustin W., Grinnell College, Myth and the Craft of Comedy in Ancient Greece and Rome
  • Dunn, Rachel Heather, Des Moines University, Everything in Its Place: Collecting Small Mammals to Refine the Biostratigraphic Position of Fossil Faunas From the Sand Wash Basin, Colorado
  • Eastman, Carolyn, Virginia Commonwealth University, A Plague in New York City: How the City Confronted and Survived the Yellow Fever Epidemic in the Founding Era
  • Elias, Christopher, St. Olaf College, The Ballad of Joe Arridy: Murder, Eugenics, and Xenophobia in Depression-Era America
  • Ensor, Bradley E., Eastern Michigan University, The Social, Economic, and Cultural History of Prehispanic Coastal Communities of South Central Veracruz
  • Facos, Michelle, Indiana University, Bloomington, Denmark and the Invention of Modern Happiness
  • Favila, Cesar D., University of California, Los Angeles, Immaculate Sounds: The Musical Lives of Nuns in New Spain
  • Few, Martha, Pennsylvania State University, The Rise and Spread of Postmortem Cesarean Operations for Fetal Baptism in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires
  • Gianoutsos, Jamie A., Mount St. Mary's University, The Propagation of Liberty: Marchamont Nedham and the Classical Republican Tradition
  • Gubser, Michael, James Madison University, Leaving the Past Behind: History and Ahistoricism in International Development
  • Hafner, Susanne, Fordham University, Otto Von Botenlauben and Beatrix De Courtenay: From Akko to Bad Kissingen
  • Hall, Simon, Leeds University, John Reed, Edgar Snow, Herbert Matthews, and the Revolutions That Changed the World
  • Hamlin, Francoise N., Brown University, Freedom's Cost: Children and Youth in the Black Freedom Struggle
  • Hanaoka, Mimi, University of Richmond, Views of the Asian Other: Educational Reform and Models of Modernity for Japan and Muslim Reformers, 1851–1925
  • Harper-Shipman, Takiyah, Davidson College, Suturing Reproduction and Racial Capitalism: The Political Economy of Family Planning in Ghana, the United States, and Senegal
  • Hartman, Joseph R., University of Missouri, Kansas City, Eye of the Hurricane: Politics of Art, Architecture, and Climate Change in the Modern Caribbean
  • Henry, Edward R., Colorado State University, The Micromorphology of Refilled Adena and Hopewell Ditches in Central Kentucky
  • Herrmann, Gina, University of Oregon, Rivesaltes: The French Concentration Camp and Laboratory of Twentieth-Century Internment
  • Hoffmann, George P., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Pacification Without Toleration: Montaigne and the Gallican Party During the French Wars of Religion
  • Hollister, Susannah L., Independent scholar, Kenneth Koch: A Biography
  • Holt, Edward, Grambling State University, Rituals of Leadership, Power, and Memory in Thirteenth-Century Iberia
  • Inglis, Patrick, Grinnell College, Paying It Forward: The Promise and Burden of a Good Education
  • Janssen, Marian, Radboud University (The Netherlands), Queen Bee: Carolyn Kizer and Her Cultural Orbit
  • Johnson, Ronald, Baylor University, Edward Stevens: A Checkered History in Black Freedom and Atlantic Slavery
  • Kamp-Whittaker, April, University of New Mexico, Archaeology of Children’s Play and Family Culture in Western American Towns
  • Kibler, Alison, Franklin and Marshall College, Media Rights: Feminist Television Activism in the 1970s
  • Kilbourne, Kelly Halimeda, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Calibrating Coral Skeletal Chemistry to Ocean Temperatures to Better Understand Earth's Climate Processes
  • Kindscher, Kelly, University of Kansas, Archived Ethnobotany in Historic Manuscripts of Great Plains and Southwest Native American Peoples
  • King, Adam, University of South Carolina, Exploring Large-Scale Granite Tool Production at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun
  • Krause, Kathy, University of Missouri, Kansas City, The Manuscript Context of the Thirteenth-Century Old French Translations of the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle
  • Kupiec, Catherine L., University of Notre Dame, Luca’s Invention: Making Glazed Terracotta Sculpture in Fifteenth-Century Florence
  • Lane, Michael F., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Minyeia: Comprehensive Assessment of the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Kopaic Basin, Viotia, Greece
  • Laver, Mark, Grinnell College, Nufsicisum (Music Is Fun): The Life and Music of Phil Nimmons
  • Lorenat, Jemma, Pitzer College, Charlotte Angas Scott, Women Mathematicians, and the American Mathematical Society
  • Lucas, Sarah Marie, Texas A & M University, Kingsville, Béla Bartók and Fritz Reiner: Contributions and Collaborations in Symphonic Music
  • Macias-Munoz, Aide, University of California, Santa Barbara, The Genome of the Box Jellyfish Tripedalia Cystophora and Opsin Gene Evolution
  • Manfredi, Carla Claire, University of Winnipeg, Shifting Seas: Victorians and Climate Change in the Pacific
  • Marten, James, Marquette University, A Social History of the Long Civil War: The Soldiers, Families, and Communities of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers
  • Massino, Jill M., University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Friends in Need: Romania's Engagement in the Global South, 1950–1989
  • McCarthy, Kerry, Independent scholar, The Lives of Singers in Tudor England
  • McKinley, Michelle A., University of Oregon School of Law, Bound Biographies: Transoceanic Itineraries and the Afro Iberian Diaspora in the Americas
  • Morrell, Erica, St. Lawrence University, First Food Justice: American Breastfeeding Activism and the Epistemology of Social Change
  • Mozina, David, Independent scholar, Death of a Ritual Master and the Roots of Modern Buddho-Daoist Practice
  • Muratov, Maya, Adelphi University, With Strings Attached: Puppet Theater in Antiquity and Popular Entertainment
  • Nelson, Adele Edelen, University of Texas at Austin, Joan Miró's Refusal: Transatlantic Artistic Diplomacy During the Cold War
  • Noone, Timothy B., Catholic University of America, A Renewed Search for the Manuscripts of Duns Scotus's Quodlibeta
  • Nykiel, Joanna, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, The Size of Fragments and Memory Retrieval
  • Ogunnaike, Oludamini, University of Virginia, The Sage of the Sokoto Caliphate: Shaykh Dan Tafa, Islamic Philosophy, and Philosophical Sufism in West Africa
  • Olszowy, Kathryn, New Mexico State University, Diabetes, Food Insecurity, and Mental Distress During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Applying Syndemic Theory to Understanding Biosocial Interactions and Outcomes in New Mexico Colonias
  • Ortiz Diaz, Jr., Alberto, University of Texas at Arlington, Raising the Living Dead: Rehabilitative Corrections in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
  • Prasad, Leela, Duke University, Being Human at the Margins: Gandhian Resonances in Prison and After
  • Rector, Amy, Virginia Commonwealth University, Zambia Rift Valley Research Project: Comparing Modern and Plio Pleistocene Faunal Communities in the Luangwa River Valley, Zambia
  • Reed, Charles V., Elizabeth City State University, An Empire of Justice: Britishness, Respectability, and Citizenship in Colonial South Africa, 1840–1923
  • Reno, Seth, Auburn University, Montgomery, British Industrial Writings, 1650–1900: A Critical Anthology
  • Robinson, Joshua R., Boston University, Development of Platyrrhine Primate Communities: Paleoenvironments of the Miocene Pinturas Formation, Argentina
  • Romm, James, Bard College, The Destruction of the Sacred Band: New Evidence From an Excavation Log
  • Samu, Margaret, New School University, Russian Realist Painters and the Female Nude, 1875–1900
  • Sederberg, Kathryn A., Kalamazoo College, Writing Home: Emigration Diaries of German and Austrian Jews, 1933–1945
  • Sharples, Jason, Florida Atlantic University, Tangled Roots: Florida's Revolving Empires and the Opportunities of Changing Borders, 1760–1830
  • Smirnova, Irina Yu., Russian Academy of Sciences, The Missionary Movement of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States in the Near East and in the Mediterranean, 1830–1870s
  • Spicer, Kevin P., Stonehill College, Catholics, Jews, and Antisemitism in Germany, 1918–1945
  • Stephens, Rachel, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Loyal Artists, Loyal Slaves: Civil War-Era Virginia Painters and the Origins of the Lost Cause
  • Sutaria, Sejal V., Grinnell College, Making Waves: Britain, India, and the Sounding of Postcolonial Resistance
  • Swamy, Vinay, Vassar College, Devenir Non-binaire: Beyond the Gender Binary in the French Republic
  • Taylor, William, University of Colorado, Boulder, Frozen Heritage and Pastoral Prehistory in Mongolia's Altai Mountains
  • Treat, John W., Yale University, Too Close to the Sun: Collaboration in Korea, Japan, and the World
  • Vatan, Florence, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Transfers of Knowledge: Gestalt Psychology and Its Repercussions in France
  • Wells, Martin, Austin College, The Huqoq Excavation Project
  • Womack, Andrew, Furman University, Mapping Proto-Silk Road Interactions in Present-Day Sweden
  • Yilmaz, Hale, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Secular State, Violent Rebellion, and Popular Memory in Western Anatolia, 1930–2013

Phillips Fund for Native American Research

The Phillips Fund of the American Philosophical Society provides grants for research in Native American linguistics, ethnohistory, and the history of studies of Native Americans, in the continental United States and Canada.

  • Archer, Seth, Utah State University, Sovereign Immunity: Smallpox and Public Health in Native North America
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, A Study of Complex Constructions in Cheyenne Within the Role and Reference Grammar Framework
  • Cruz, Carlos, University of California, Riverside, The Lasting Effects of Mass Incarceration at Sherman Indian Boarding School
  • Dietrich, Joseph John, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Differential Access to Voting by Mail: How the Structural Racism of the Past Is Still Affecting Native and Non-Native Voters in Three Arizona Counties
  • Frey, Alyssa M., Kansas State University, Intergenerational Drama Therapy with Native Americans
  • Hall, Karelle, Rutgers University, Distributed Sovereignties: Nanticoke and Lenape Traditional Futures
  • Halter, Ian L., University of Oregon, Surviving the Sale, Protesting the Purchase: Indigenous Alaska and the Exchange of Empire, 1850–1884
  • Kraemer, Michael W., Ohio State University, Reclaiming Sheet'ká: The History of Novo-Arkhangel'sk From 1799–1900
  • Mueller, Max Perry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Wakara’s America: A Native and American History of the West
  • Parker, Jewel Carrie, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, The Intercultural Origins of Health Care in the Antebellum South
  • Pauliot, Molli A., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Ho-Chunk Black Ash Basketry a Portrayal of Persistence
  • Radocay, Jonathan, University of California, Davis, Allotment Geographies in the Cherokee Nation
  • Schmidt, Hannah J., University of Maine, Captive Positions: Spatial Dimensions of Forced Migration in the Colonial Northeast
  • Simpson, Michael J., Brown University, The Indigenous Influence on the British Atlantic World Medical Complex
  • Sobotta, Angel K., University of Idaho, Investigating the Nez Perce People’s Way of Thinking and Knowing
  • Stoop, Michael, University of Florida, Continuity and Innovation in Mississippi Choctaw Orthographic Development
  • Tate, Sarah E., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Indian Lace Missions, and American Indian Women's Economic Autonomy
  • Woodsum, Antonina Griecci, Columbia University, Fiesta Immemorial: Southern California Political Economy and Native Nationhood, 1891–1953

Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research

The Lewis and Clark Fund encourages exploratory field studies for the collection of specimens and data and to provide the imaginative stimulus that accompanies direct observation.

  • Afolayan, Eniola, University of Virginia, Navigating Religious Pluralism in a West African Landscape: The Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove
  • Aguado, William, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, The Role of Plant Chemistry in the Foraging Behavior and Health of Bornean Orangutans
  • Alvarez, Valentina, University of Hawaii, Manoa, A Native Hawaiian Squamate? Timing the Invasion of the Oceania Snake-Eyed Skink to Hawaii
  • Appiah-Adu, Siaw, Syracuse University, Finding the Gonja Kingdom: Precolonial State Formation in Northern Ghana
  • Becker, Anna, University of Florida, The Evolution of Hawaiian Blueberries (Vaccinium)
  • Becker, Naomi, Johns Hopkins University, Plagiogranite Petrogenesis in the Leka Ophiolite Complex, Norway
  • Couper, Lisa, Stanford University, Will Mosquitoes Adapt to Climate Change? Investigating Adaptation in Tree Hole Mosquitoes in Western North America
  • Cummings, Brittany M., University of Florida, Coloring Outside the Lines: Reconstructing the Bizarre Evolution of Corophioid Amphipods
  • Depenthal, Johanna, University of Florida, Roots of Communities' Adaptations in Forest-Based Livelihoods in the Selva Maya: Values, Perceptions, and Identities in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
  • Diewald, Noah, Ohio State University, Anaphoric Properties of Ecuadoran Wao Tededo Classifiers
  • Drummond, Emily, University of California, Berkeley, Investigating the Loss of Ergativity in Micronesian Nukuoro
  • Ellis, Mike, Tulane University, Shades of Green: Impacts of Time, Climate, and Fragmentation Gradients on Understory Bird Communities in Northwest Ecuador
  • Flores-Blanco, Luis A., University of California, Davis, The Roots of Social Complexity in the Lake Titicaca Basin in Peru Four Thousand Years Ago
  • Gaetano, Madison Q., University of Cincinnati, Forage and Soil Mineral Concentrations as Drivers of Variation in Antler Growth and Consumption by Female Caribou in Newfoundland, Canada
  • Gamez, Siria, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Cats in the Canopy: Investigating the Arboreal Ecology of Elusive Carnivores of Chiapas, Mexico
  • Gartner, Samantha M., University of Chicago, Phylogenetic Analyses of Biomechanical Novelties and the Mechanical Properties of Cranial Ligaments in the Wrasses and Parrotfishes (Family Labridae) in Moorea-Maiao, French Polynesia
  • Geisse, Alissa R., Ohio State University, Panamanian Fungus-Growing Ant Species Network Shaped by Volatile Chemicals
  • Gijsman Kelemu, Finote A., Princeton University, Disentangling Ecological Cascades: How the Loss of Megafauna Affects Dung Beetle Food Webs and Ecosystem Services in African Savannas
  • Guerrero, Leslie, University of California, Davis, Evolution of Thermal Tolerance in Reef Building Corals in Moorea, French Ploynesia
  • Guisneuf, Nicole Catherine, University of Michigan, The Ontogeny of "Twitter" Calls in Liberian White-Faced Capuchins (Cebus capucinus): Usage and Context
  • Haberkern, Andrea, University of British Columbia, Trade-Offs of Prey Capture Success, Predation Risk, and Energetic Investment as a Function of Spider Web Architecture in Tropical Ecuador
  • Hernandez, Adriana I., Cornell University, Identifying Drivers of Diversity and Ecologically Functional Traits in the Hypervariable California Endemic Lily, Calochortus venustus
  • Holguin, Brian, University of California, Santa Barbara, Reorganization of Mobility and Foraging Behavior During a Period of Intense Environmental Volatility: Adaptations to the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (AD 900–1300) by the Chumash of the Northern Channel Islands
  • Hoover, Hannah Grace, University of Michigan, Negotiating Difference: Yamasee Coalescence in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century South Carolina
  • Jones, John Anthony, Tulane University, Determining the Behavioral Underpinnings of Diverse Female Ornamentation Among Seven Closely Related Malurus Fairywrens in Papua New Guinea
  • Jurado, Alexander Bernard, Tulane University, Lifeways at the Onset of Urbanization in Formative Central Mexico: A View From Tlalancaleca
  • Kamanzi Shimwa, Axelle, George Washington University, Variation in the Acquisition of Dietary Independence in Wild Virunga Mountain Gorillas, Rwanda
  • Kaya, Ziya, University of Arizona, Digital Data Farming: The Remaking of Agriculture, Tradition, and Livelihoods in Western Turkey
  • Kullberg, Alyssa, University of Miami, A Window Into Tree Acclimation to Climate Change in the Amazon at the Boiling River, Peru
  • Lowe, Alex, University of Washington, Variation in Morphology-Based Leaf Functional Traits Across Forest Succession in North Carolina: Recognizing Ecological Disturbance in the Geologic Past
  • Martin, Kelly, University of Idaho, What Governs Population Structure in Land Snails Across the Galapagos Islands Ecosystems?
  • Mashburn, Brock, Washington University in St. Louis, Leis and Bouquets: Biogeography and Conservation Genetics of the Iconic and Critically Endangered Indian and Pacific Ocean Island Hibiscus
  • McDaniel, Kevin, University of Florida, Aquatic Resources and the Culinary Landscape of Pre-Columbian Amazon at Baia De Caxiuana, Pará, Brazil
  • McNichol, Bailey Holland, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Quantifying Fine-Scale Patterns of Herbaceous Plant Diversity at a Biogeographic Crossroads in an Era of Global Change, Niobrara River Valley, Nebraska
  • Micheletti, George Justin, University of Central Florida, Exploring the Classic Period Agency of Rural Settlement at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize
  • Morris, Rebecca M., University of Texas at San Antonio, Experiencing Political Authority: Investigations of a Classic Maya Palace at Las Ruinas De Arenal, Belize
  • Moutouama, Jacob Koudouonon, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Using Thunbergia atacorensis Populations in West Africa as a Natural Evolutionary Laboratory to Understand Range Limitation
  • Mueller, Taryn, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Untangling the Influence of Host Phenotypic Variation, Genotype, and Environment on Microbial Community Assembly of Foliar Endophytes in Clarkia xantiana, California
  • Nash, Brendan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Tracking Ancient Caribou Hunters in the Early Holocene: Exploring a Submerged Landscape Below Lake Huron
  • Psimogiannou, Aikaterini, University of Illinois at Chicago, Pace(s) of Change: Temporality, Archaeological Chronologies, and Political Centralization From the End of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age II (Fourth to Third Millennium B.C.E.) on the Greek Mainland
  • Reid-Shaw, Indiana, University of California, Santa Cruz, Assessing a New Governance Strategy Intended to Combat Climate-Induced Fishery Impacts in Kiribati
  • Russell, Imani, University of California, Santa Barbara, Genetic Drivers of Host Susceptibility and Pathogen Virulence in the Chytrid Frog System Across the Sierra Nevada
  • Satterfield, Darien, University of California, Davis, Does Morphology Constrain Diversity in Hawaiian Damselfish Behavior
  • Sedaghatpour, Maryam, University of California, Berkeley, Spatial Phylogenetics of the Mediterranean Ecoregion of the Al-Sham Flora in Lebanon
  • Sinha, Sinjini, University of Texas at Austin, Assessing the Paleoecological Changes of Marine Communities Through Extinction Events in the Early Jurassic (Late Pliensbachian-Toarcian) Period in Morocco
  • Soza, Danielle Renae, University of Arizona, The Mobile Household of the Ancestral Blackfoot (1300–1650 C.E.): Archaeological Investigations of Stone Ring Sites, Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana
  • Stemle, Leyna, $4,600, University of Miami, Estimating Population Synchrony Among Pond-Breeding Amphibians With Application to Two Endangered Salamander Species in California
  • Suarez Calderon, Amanda, University of Pittsburgh, The Emergence of Social Complexity in the Pre-Columbian Site Java in Southern Costa Rica
  • Tenorio, Elkin A., American Museum of Natural History, Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Bird Communities Along Elevational Gradients of the Tropical Andes in Colombia and the Temperate Sierra Nevada Mountains in California
  • Tobias, Zachary J. C., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Rapid Adaptation During Range Expansion of the Invasive Golden Star Tunicate (Botryllus schlosseri) in the Pacific Northwest
  • Torres Cruz, Terry Jarianna, Pennsylvania State University, Fungus (Fusarium) Inducing Flower-Like Structures on Yellow-Eyed Grasses (Xyris) in Western Guyana and Its Potential Influence on Insect Attraction
  • Turner, Madison, Johns Hopkins University, Explorations of the Quaternary Peoria Loess in Nebraska: A Terrestrial Analogue for Martian Aeolian Dust Deposition
  • Urquhart-Cronish, Mackenzie J., University of British Columbia, Investigating Contemporary and Historical Drivers of Range-Wide Mating System Evolution in Mimulus lewisii Across the Western United States
  • Varillas, Rosa M., University of Illinois at Chicago, Mapping Puerto Inka: Understanding a Coastal Waystation Connecting the Pacific Ocean With the Highland City of Cuzco, Peru
  • Vasquez, Syon S., $1,600, University of California, Los Angeles, Archaeological Survey of Enigmatic Anthropomorphic Geoglyphs in the Palpa Valley, Peru (circa AD 200–700)
  • Wilcots, Megan E., University of Minnesota, Assessing the Effects of Increasing Nutrient Availability on Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in the Alaskan Arctic
  • Winans, John, Stony Brook University, State University of New York, Individual Heterogeneity in Social Responsiveness Among Savannah Baboons of the Amboseli Basin, Kenya
  • Winikoff, Jason, University of British Columbia, The Music of the Masks: Zambian Luvale Percussion, Makishi Performance, and Timbral Aesthetics
  • Winitsky, Sophia Elizabeth, Montana State University, A Search for Rare Beans: Phylogenomic Investigations Into the Evolution of the Legume Genus Marina in California, Arizona, and Mexico
  • Zimmt, Joshua B., University of California, Berkeley, Determining How Climate Change Caused the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction: Applying New Approaches to the Fossil and Stratigraphic Records on Anticosti Island, Canada



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