Franklin Research Grants

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The Franklin program is particularly designed to help meet the costs of travel to libraries and archives for research purposes; the purchase of microfilm, photocopies, or equivalent research materials; the costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses.

Franklin grants are made for noncommercial research. They are not intended to meet the expenses of attending conferences or the costs of publication. The Society does not pay overhead or indirect costs to any institution, and grant funds are not to be used to pay income tax on the award. Grants will not be made to replace salary during a leave of absence or earnings from summer teaching; pay living expenses while working at home; cover the costs of consultants or research assistants; or purchase permanent equipment such as computers, cameras, tape recorders, or laboratory apparatus.


For applications and two letters of support:

October 1, 2024, for a January 2025 decision for work beginning February 2025 through January 2026

December 2, 2024, for a March 2025 decision for work beginning April 2025 through January 2026

Current and Past Franklin Research Grant Recipients


Agisheva, Dilyara, University of Toronto
British Footprints in Crimea: Navigating Legal Landscapes and Economic Frontiers

Almeida, Thamyris, Swarthmore College
Soul of a Modern Nation: Television in Cold War Brazil

Altizer, Kathleen, Independent scholar
Rediscovering a Forgotten Woman Artist: The Life and Art of Josina Margareta Weenix (1684–1724)

Badamo, Heather, University of California, Santa Barbara
Art and Religion in the Age of Arabization: Copts in the Medieval Islamic World

Bartera, Salvador, University of Tennessee
Bernardino Stefonio, S.J., Flavia Tragoedia: Critical Edition, English Translation, and Commentary

Bedford, Joseph, Virginia Tech
Architectural Knowledge and the Modern Research University, 1950–2000

Belgum, Kirsten, University of Texas at Austin
How the World Shrank: Geographical Curiosity and German Print Media in the Nineteenth Century

Bender, Jill C., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Assisted Emigrants: Irish Female Migration Projects and the British Empire

Berquist, Emily, California State University, Long Beach
From Africa to the Ocean Sea: The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Spanish Empire

Best, Jeremy, Iowa State University
Authentically Flawed: Historical Wargame Culture and the Holocaust Forgotten

Bevilacqua, Alexander, Williams College
The World's Triumph: Chivalry and Alterity in European History

Botkin, Frances R., Towson University
The Higgler's Legacy: Economies of Freedom in Jamaican Literary and Cultural Histories

Brand, Aaron Tylor, Trinity College Dublin
In the Embers of Calamity: Lebanon Between the Famine and the French

Brent, Liana, Bates College
Corporeal Connections in Roman Burial Practices

Brice, Lee L., Western Illinois University
Coin Hoards of Kerkyra and Corinthian Numismatic Chronology

Carroll, Christina, Kalamazoo College
Transportation, Exile, and Colonial Politics in France and Algeria, 1848–1880

Carson, Rob, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Marlowe's Material Remains

Cearns, Jennifer, University College London
Affective Algorithms

Ciolli, Matilde, Duke University
The Anti-Democratic Origins of Neoliberalism in Latin America: A Global Intellectual History, 1940–1980

Clark, Julia Kate, NOMAD Science Mongolia Inc.
Archaeological Salvage at Deed Tsakhir, Northern Mongolia

Corral Esteban, Avelino, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Scottish Gaelic: A Role and Reference Grammar Analysis

Coslett, Daniel E., Drexel University
Hearts, Minds, Bricks, and Stones: Constructing Catholic Churches in French Colonial Tunisia

Creamer, Petra M., Emory University
Rural Landscapes of Iron Age Imperial Mesopotamia

Culp, Robert, Bard College
Circuits of Meaning: Book Markets and Reading Communities in Modern China, 1900–1965

Curtis, Jessica, Westerville Public Library
German Library Services to Immigrant and Refugee Populations Study for Use and Application in American Public Libraries

Dalton, Jordan, American Museum of Natural History
Fertilizer and Political Economy on the Andean Coast, AD 1100–1400

de la Puente, José C., Texas State University, San Marcos
Títulos: Mapping and Digitizing Communal Archives in Modern Peru

Dimova, Polina, University of Denver
The Skriabin Century: Aleksandr Skriabin's Myth and Music in Twentieth-Century Russian Culture

Drexler, Michael J., Bucknell University
Exploring William Plumer's Biographical Sketches and Occasional Writing

Dubnov, Arie M., George Washington University
Between Metropole and Colony: Leon Roth, Richard Koebner, and the Circulation of Knowledge Between Britain and Mandatory Palestine

Dzokoto, Vivian, Virginia Commonwealth University
Money Matters in Ghana: Discourses of Cash, Cashlessness, and Foreign Currencies

Elder, Angela Esco, Converse College
The Dry Tortugas, a History of American Resilience

Farquhar, Jennifer M., University of Pittsburgh
Hunters and Herders of Mongolia's Taiga Region: Understanding the Development of Pastoralism Through the Organization of Lithic Technology

Flory, Andy, Carleton College
Images to Support Marvin Gaye: The Detroit Years

Forner, Sean, Michigan State University
The Political Imaginary of Europe's First New Left: Transnational Contexts and Exchanges During the 1950s

Franke, Daniel, Richard Bland College of William and Mary
The Iron Road: Jerusalem, the Crusades, and the Staufen Dynasty in History and Memory, 1147–1245

Franklin, Elise, University of Louisville
Abduction in the Archives

Fritsch, Stefan, Bowling Green State University
Autonomous Technology for the Greater Good? Assembling the European Union's Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Ganjavi, Mahdi, University of Toronto
Franklin Book Programs Through the Lens of Its Regular Translation Program

Germann, Jennifer, Independent scholar
Illuminating Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768–1826), a Revolutionary Woman Artist

Gill-Sadler, Randi, Davidson College
Diasporic Dissonance: The Archipelagic Circuit of the Black Women's Literary Renaissance and U.S. Empire

Gin, Matthew, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Paper Monuments: Making Ephemeral Festival Architecture in Enlightenment France

Gleeson-White, Sarah, University of Sydney
Wallace Thurman: A Critical Biography

Granshaw, Michelle, University of Pittsburgh
The Fight for Desegregation: Race, Freedom, and the Theatre After the Civil War

Greenlees, Janet, Glasgow Caledonian University
Poverty, Pregnancy, and Maternity Care in Urban America, c. 1890–1943

Guardiola, Maria Luisa, Swarthmore College
Remunerated Work Outside the Home: Representation of Female Work in Nineteenth- and Turn-of-the-Century Spanish Literature

Guarracino, Danielle, College of New Jersey
Peptides as Potential Therapeutics: Unique Inhibitors to a Protein-Protein Interaction Involved in Blood Clot Initiation

Hartenberger, Britt, Western Michigan University
Studying Pottery Production in the Assyrian Empire: A Ground-Up View Using Chemical Analysis

Hartley, Benjamin L., Seattle Pacific University
John R. Mott (1865–1955) and the Collaborative Crafting of a World Christian Movement

Heinz, Annelise, University of Oregon
Collective: How Lesbian Feminists Reimagined Society

Hensley, Nicholai M., Cornell University
Illuminating the Evolution of Synchronized Displays Using Bioluminescent Ostracods

Higgins, Padhraig, Mercer County Community College (New Jersey)
Merchants, Tobacco, and Empire in Georgian Ireland

Hunter, Raymond, Brown University
Towards a Material History of Industrial Wilderness in Algonquin Provincial Park

Jacobi, Leor, Bar-Ilan University (Israel)
Rediscovering Book Covering: Jewish Craft and Literature in Medieval Catalonia

Jacobowitz, Seth, Texas State University, San Marcos
The Forensic Turn in Modern Japan: Criminology, the Human Sciences, and Detective Fiction

Johnston, Michael R., Purdue University
The Popular Literature of Late Medieval England: The Production and Readership of The Prick of Conscience

Jordan, Erin C., North Carolina State University
Farming for Life: Agricultural Strategy in Climate Crisis

Kaercher, Kyra, Montana State University, Northern
Clay Sampling of the Erbil Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan

Kaffen, Philip, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
From the Made to the Making: Reflexive Life in Contemporary Japanese Cinema

Kassor, Constance, Lawrence University
Becoming Khenmos: Women's Monastic Education in the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism

Katz, Kimberly, Towson University
Between Jordanian and International Law: United Nations Relief and Works Agency's Involvement in Jordanian Legal Issues in the Papers of John B. Blandford

Kircher, Timothy, Guilford College
Writing Letters in the Renaissance: Humanist Care and Culture

Klein, Peter Taylor, Bard College
The Favela and the Sea: Examining the Intersection of Fishing, Urbanization, and Environmental (In)Justice in Rio De Janeiro

Krauel, Javier, University of Colorado, Boulder
The Aesthetics of Constitutions in Modern Spain, 1812–1978

Kucinskas, Jaime, Hamilton College
Rural Responses to Climate Change in Jämtland, Sweden: Livestock, Agriculture, and the (Im)Possible

Lamson, Lisa Rose, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
"Our Duty Is to Furnish Such Education": Black Childhood and Schooling in Baltimore City, 1828–1900

Leader, Anne, University of Virginia
Tomb Reuse in Renaissance Florence

Levison, Julie H., Harvard Medical School
From Institution to Clinic: Stigma, Illness Experiences, and Service Utilization for People with Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) in Puerto Rico

Liu, Juan, University of California, Berkeley
Exploring Post-Mass Extinction Evolution of Aquatic Vertebrates: Field Investigations of Paleogene Fish From Funing Formation

Long, Pamela O., Independent scholar
Roman Families Versus the Jesuits: A Dispute Over Property in Sixteenth-Century Rome

Malay, Jessica L., University of Huddersfield
A Biography of the Lady Anne Clifford, Queen of the North

Marker, Emily, Rutgers University, Camden
Leo and Gerti: Broken Lives and the Search for Repair in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

Marmon, Edward Brooks, Ohio State University
Decolonization and the Rhodesian Masquerade: A History of the Internal Settlement

McGuire, Valerie, University of Texas at Austin
Postwar Italy and the Mediterranean, 1945–1970: Culture, History, and Politics

McKelvey, Patrick, University of Pittsburgh
Supporting Actors: A Disability History of Theatrical Welfare in the United States

McLaughlin, Michael, University of Missouri
Between the Ballot and the Bullet: Religion and Revolution in Twentieth-Century Black America

Messenger, David A., University of South Alabama
Spain and Civil Defense, 1936–1939

Minnema, Anthony H., Samford University
The Algarve Questions: Kings, Military Orders, and Muslims in Conflict in Southwestern Iberia, 1230–1350

Moore, Andrew, Stony Brook University, State University of New York
When the Lung Invades: Using High-Resolution Computed-Tomography Scanning to Reveal the Functional Significance of Postcranial Skeletal Pneumaticity in Birds

Myers, Barton A., Washington and Lee University
Champions of the Union: Lincoln's Southern Commanders and the American Civil War Era

Nicosia, Marissa, Pennsylvania State University, Abington
Shakespeare in the Kitchen: Investigating British Library Add MS 28319

Norris, William R., Western New Mexico University
Digital Images of Seven Thousand Plant Specimens Collected in Story County, Iowa, Between 1859 and 2023 and Deposited in the Ada Hayden Herbarium at Iowa State University

Nourse, Erin K., Regis University
The Bones of Water Babies (Zaza Rano): Rituals for Instilling Bones in the Newly Born in Northern Madagascar

O'Connell, Monique, Wake Forest University
Communication and Political Culture in Venice's Early Modern Empire

Opoku, Darko K., Oberlin College
Ghana: The Promise of Democracy and Its Limits

Peace, Meghann M., St. Mary's University
Language, Identity, and the Meaning of "Tortilla": U.S. Heritage Speakers in Spain

Penry, Sarah Elizabeth, Fordham University
Decolonizing the Global Renaissance: Jesuit Education and Indigenous Modernities in the Viceroyalty of Peru in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries

Perchuk, Alison Locke, California State University, Channel Islands
Monumental Narrative Sequences of the Apocalypse in Western France, c. 1050–1200: Creation, Location, Structure, Function, Meaning

Perry, Ellen E., College of the Holy Cross
Plaster Casts and Polychromy Exhibits in the United States at the End of the Nineteenth Century

Peterson, Kaara, Miami University of Ohio
Portrait of a Museum: Early Modern England's Wunderkammern

Rastelli, Stefano, University of Pavia
Third-Way Linguistics: Exploring the Cohabitation of Cognition and the Faculty of Language

Rector, Amy, Virginia Commonwealth University
A New Discovery From South Luangwa, Zambia: A Rare Fossil Antelope That Elucidates the Recent Evolution and Biogeography of Large Mammal Communities in Central Africa

Rindisbacher, Hans J., Pomona College
Friedrich Dürrenmatt at 100: Swiss Writer, Global Prophet

Rivera Berruz, Stephanie, Marquette University
On the Border of Belonging: A Philosophical Dialogue Between Luisa Capetillo, Ofelia Rodríguez Acosta, and Evangelina Rodríguez Perozo

Ross, Jon M., Ariel University (Israel)
Profiling the People Behind the Pots: Judahite Fingerprints From an Iron Age Border Fortress at Tell en-Nasbeh

Rowley, Sarah B., DePauw University
"A New Breed of Woman on the Hill": Gender and Corporeality in 1970s Political Culture

Sanchez Saltveit, Olga, Middlebury College
Lifting the Widow's Veil: Illuminating Maria Irene Fornés's First Play, ”La Viuda”

Santamaria, Abigail, Independent scholar
I Am Meg: The Life of Madeleine L'Engle

Scales, Rebecca P., Rochester Institute of Technology
Polio and Its Afterlives: Disability and Epidemic Disease in Twentieth-Century France

Schirmer, Christy Q., Tulane University
A Socioeconomic History of River Exploitation in the Roman Empire

Schneider, Carolin, University of Duisburg-Essen
The Dinner Time Corpus: Establishing a Longitudinal Multilingual Conversational Corpus in Homebound Dementia Care

Schulten, Susan, University of Denver
The Graphic Legacy of Richard Edes Harrison

Seshagiri, Urmila S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Three Stories by Virginia Woolf: A Newly Discovered Typescript

Siegel, Nancy, Towson University
Feeding the Body Politic: British Satire in an Age of Revolution

Slonimsky, Nora Ann, Institute for Thomas Paine Studies at Iona College
Intellectual Properties and Properties of Ownership: Sybilla Masters, Frances Hargrave, and Minds as Machines in Atlantic World Archives

Smith, Brian, Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan)
Confronting Lockean Slavery

Starkey, Lindsay J., Kent State University
Reconstructing Women's Agency: A Social Network Analysis of the 1485 Innsbruck Inquisition

Sternhell, Yael, Tel Aviv University
Fiction in the Archive of Emancipation

Sutter, Richard C., Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Psychology of Submission, Social Control, and the Chimú Era (AD 1000–1450): Child Sacrifices from Huanchaquito and El Pollo, Perú

Taylor, William, University of Colorado, Boulder
Understanding the Origins of Mongolia's First Herders: Excavations at Khoid Tsenkher Cave

Tobbell, Dominique, University of Virginia
Nursing in the Community: Nurse-Led Clinics and the Politics of Community Health in the United States, 1960–2010

Turner-Livermore, Bethany L., Georgia State University
Anti- and Ante?-suyu: Establishing a Deeper Chronology of Occupation at the Inka's Sacred Valley Gateway of Salapunqu, Peru

Tursi, Giancarlo, University of California, Santa Barbara
Dialectal Dante: The Politics of Translation in Risorgimento Italy

Underwood, Nick, College of Idaho
Jewish Migration, Yiddish Culture, and the Reconstruction of Post-Holocaust France, 1944–1965

Wacha, Heather, University of Wisconsin, Madison
No Map Is an Island: The Thirteenth-Century Vercelli Map and Its Archival Contexts

Walden, John P., Harvard University
The Role of Population Movement in Late Classic Maya Political Dynamics

Warnes, Andrew, University of Leeds
Instrumental Sweetness: Sugar, Shopping, and Modern U.S. Culture, 1945–1990

Watt, David Harrington, Haverford College
Liberal Quakerism in the United States, 1880–1949

Williamson, Jessie, Cornell University
Uncovering the Secrets of High-Altitude Performance in Giant Hummingbirds

Willson, Justin, Icon Museum and Study Center
Slavic Icons in North American Collections

Wlodarski, Amy Lynn, Dickinson College
Tracing the International Reception of Viktor Ullmann's Holocaust Opera, Der Kaiser Von Atlantis

Wormer, Matthew, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Imperial Addiction: British India and the Origins of the Opium War

Wunder, Amanda J., Lehman College, City University of New York
Disillusioned: A New Cultural History of Early Modern Spain


Ahmed, Sohair Said, Ain Shams University (Egypt)   
Grapes, Dates, and Figs in Late Antique Egypt

Almohsen, Adey, Grinnell College   
On Modernism's Edge: An Intellectual History of Palestinians

Applebaum, Rachel, Tufts University
The Language of Superpower: A Global History of Russian in the Cold War

Bardolph, Dana, Northern Illinois University
Under Pimiteoui: The Search for Illinois Country Before the American Era

Beach, Timothy, University of Texas at Austin
Volcanic and Climatic Influences on the Duration and Intensity of Wetland Agriculture in the Zuleta Valley

Beachy, Robert, Yonsei University
Prohibited Sex: The German War on Homosexuals, 1933–1969

Belisle, Rebecca, Wellesley College
Understanding Heterogeneity in Triple-Halide Perovskite Semiconductors and the Impacts on Optoelectronic and Structural Stability

Blasina, James, Swarthmore College
Musical Afterlives and Narratives of Resistance in Medieval Liturgies for St. Katherine of Alexandria

Boileau, Marie-Claude, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Earthenwares of the Middle Mekong: Connecting Ceramic Traditions and Riverscapes in Luang Prabang, Laos

Boles, Richard J., Oklahoma State University
Black and Indigenous Religious Interactions in Early America

Bongers, Jacob L., Boston University
Climate, Conflict, and Everyday Life in the Andes

Brescia, Michael M., University of Arizona
Ecological Contexts of Property Rights and Natural Resources in the Early Modern Spanish World

Buxton, Hilary, Kenyon College
Disabled Empire: Decolonizing Care and the First World War in Imperial Britain

Camargo, Alejandro, Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
Creating Land: From Reclamation to Dispossession

Canete-Quesada, Carmen Sara, Florida Atlantic University
Gitanos in Hollywood: The Contribution of Spanish Gypsies in the Film Industry During Francisco Franco’s Regime

Casper, Andrew, Miami University
The Artistic, Sacred, and Scientific Body of Christ in Late Renaissance Italy

Castillo, Cristina Cobo, University College London
Archaeobotanical Research of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Ban Chiang

Catlos, Brian, University of Colorado
James the Conqueror: A Crusader King in an Age of Faith and Reason

Chrissidis, Nikolaos, Southern Connecticut State University
Sophia Modestovna Bakunina: Balancing Journalism Between the Russian Empire, the Middle East, and the Balkans

Coffee, Alan M.S.J., King's College, London
Women and the History of Republican Political Philosophy in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century America

Cohn, Deborah N., Indiana University, Bloomington
American Studies, Modern Language Study, and the National Defense During the Cold War

Cohoon, William P., North Hills Preparatory School
Information Empire: Public Administration, Social Control, and Resistance in Colonial Peru

Coleman, Dawn D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Margaret's Ghosts: Inventing Secular Womanhood in American Literature

Conedera, Sam Z., Saint Louis University
Son of Ignatius: The Life and Times of Pedro De Ribadeneyra, S.J.

Cottingham, Marci, Kenyon College
Cracked Pedestals: Covid-19 and Collective Action in Nursing

Culcasi, Karen, West Virginia University
Al-Salt Museum of Textbooks: A Cartographic Analysis of World Regional Divisions

De Lorenzi, James, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
Imperial Andromeda: Italy, Ethiopia, and the Colonial Politics of Expertise

Derrick, Stephanie L., Independent scholar
Women Working in the American Christian Publishing Industry, 1880–2020

Dominguez, Freddy C., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Luisa De Carvajal y Mendoza: The Spiritual Politics of an Anglo-Spanish Life

Doonan, Owen P., California State University, Northridge
Archaeological Excavations at Sinope, Türkiye, Linchpin of Black Sea Communications

Dunkelman, Martha, Canisius College
Rescued: Recycling Historic Plaster Casts From the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Durham, Brooke, West Virginia University
Politics Aside: North Africans, Europeans, and the Fight to Transform Postwar Algeria, 1945–1975

Fillies Testa Muñoz, Juliana, Claremont McKenna College
Stories in Black and White: Afro-Latin Americans in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Photography

Friedman, Max Paul, American University
The Containment of the United States: Latin America and the Limits of Principle

Fripp, Jessica L., Texas Christian University
Aging and Old Women in Eighteenth-Century France

Garofalo, Leo J., Connecticut College
Afro-Andeans in a Black Pacific: Afro-Peruvian Sailors, Smugglers, and Shipbuilders Along the Coasts of Spanish America and in the Transpacific, 1530s–1690s

Geoga, Margaret, University of Pennsylvania
Receptions of a Middle Egyptian Poem: A Textual and Material Study of the Teaching of Amenemhat, Circa 1550–500 BCE

Gheorghe Marius, Diaconescu, University of Bucharest
The Impact of U.S. Policy in the Development of National Movements in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, a Comparative Analysis

Guerrini, Anita, Oregon State University
William Harvey (1578–1657): Anatomist, Physician, and Courtier

Guzski, Carolyn, Buffalo State College
African-American Operatic Artists on the Mediterranean Rim, 1925–1939: The Pioneering Continental Careers of Lillian Evanti, Florence Cole Talbert, and Caterina Jarboro

Hall, Brenda, University of Maine
Patterns of Climate Change During the Last Ice Age: Implications for Earth's Climate Behavior

Hazard, Sonia, Florida State University
Christianity and the Book in the Cherokee Diaspora, 1828–1861

Hineline, Mark L., University of California, San Diego
The Canon and the Trade: How Editors, Booksellers, Publishers, and Other Bookish Types Helped Craft the Environmental Movements of North America

Hyde, Elizabeth, Kean University
Of Monarchical Climates and Republican Soil: Nature, Nation, and Botanical Diplomacy in the Mission of Andre Michaux

Ifft Decker, Sarah, Rhodes College
Between Laws: Legal Culture, Gender, and Jewish Identity in the Medieval Mediterranean, 1250–1492

Jacob, Elizabeth, Providence College
Changing the Meaning of Motherhood: Gender, Family, and Politics in Côte D’Ivoire

Jacob, Margaret C., University of California, Los Angeles
The Erosion of Christian Hegemony

Jenkins, Jessica A., Flagler College
Cultural Revitalization Through River Stewardship: Sustainable Practices and Chronology at the Shelly Archaeological Site in Virginia

Katz, Dana, University of Hamburg
A Lost Mediterranean Landscape: The Parklands and Palaces of Medieval Sicily

Keller, Kathleen, Gustavus Adolphus College
A Magnificent Fraud: An African Life in Twentieth-Century France

Kelly, Tosha Ruth, Louisiana State University
Operation Brainstorm: Developing Molecular Biomarkers to Detect the Pathology of Cerebral Malaria in Wild Birds

Kim, Hanna Hea-Sun, Adelphi University
After the Earthquake: Disaster Discourses and Visions of Society in Kachchh, Gujarat

Kulic, Vladimir, Iowa State University
Planning Networks: The Internationalization of Urban and Regional Planning in Late Socialist Yugoslavia

Le, Anh Sy Huy, St. Norbert College
Entangled Histories: Chinese Migration, Empire Building, and the Making of French Colonial Vietnam, 1860–1940

Leis, Arlene Carol, Independent scholar
Belvedere of San Leucio: The Visual and Material Cultures of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Italian Silk in Local and Global Contexts

Linstrum, Erik, University of Virginia
Futurelands: Britain Between Empire and Europe in the Twentieth Century

Lobo-Guerrero, Luis E., University of Groningen
Material Analysis of the Portolan Chart of the Pacific Coast From Mexico to Northern Chile at the Library of Congress, Circa 1530

Looper, Matthew, California State University, Chico
Photographing Maya Texts in Museum Collections

Macy, Gary, Santa Clara University
Critical Online Edition of the Summa of Robert of Courson

Marston, John, Boston University
Plants in Everyday and Public Life in the Athenian Agora

Masterson-Algar, Araceli, University of Kansas
Demands for Land and the Right to Housing: Ecuadorian Migration in Transnational Social Movements

Matsumoto, Mallory E., University of Texas at Austin
Classic Maya Monumental Culture at the Archaeological Site of Lacanja-Tzeltal, Chiapas, Mexico

Maxson, Brian Jeffrey, East Tennessee State University
The United States Finds the Italian Renaissance

McAlister, Melani, George Washington University
The Art of Solidarity: The U.S. Embrace of Third-World Culture in the Late Cold War

Meyers, Todd, McGill University
The Sin Between Us: Hate and Madness in Rural America

Middleman, Rachel, California State University, Chico
Women Artists in the San Francisco Counterculture, 1950–1965

Neilson, Christina, Oberlin College
Living Devotion: Animating Sculpture in Early Modern Europe and Colonial Latin America

Nierobisz, Annette, Carleton College
American Idle: Late Career Job Loss in a Neoliberal Era

Onetto, Mauricio, University of Magallanes
Changing Ideas About Habitability in the Sixteenth Century as Reflected in the Cartography of Battista Agnese

Palmer, Jennifer, University of Georgia
Possession: Gender, Race, and Ownership in Atlantic France

Panaram, Sasha Ann, Fordham University
The Middle Passage: Black Feminist Revisions of Catastrophe

Patel, Alka, University of California, Irvine
Building the Indo-Persian World: The Shansabanis of Afghanistan, Circa 1190–1215 CE

Pearson, Matt, Reed College
Tense and Aspect in Malagasy: Tense-Marked Prepositions and Aspectual Effects on Voice Selection in Oral Narratives

Perkiss, Abigail, Kean University
"On the Move": Documenting Philadelphia's MOVE Bombing, From the Streets to the Cutting Room Floor

Pigott, Vincent C., University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Dating Prehistoric Non Pa Wai, Central Thailand: New Radiocarbon Dates for the Uppermost Deposit at This 5 Ha. Copper Smelting Settlement

Posner, Dassia N., Northwestern University
Geometry of the Soul: The Kamerny Theatre Revolution

Qualls, Karl, Dickinson College
Transforming Childhood in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Stalin’s USSR, and New Deal America

Quinsaat, Sharon M., Grinnell College
Crossing Borders, Moving Right: Social Origins of Conservatism Among Filipino Immigrants in the United States

Rich, Jeremy M., Marywood University
The Making of an African Humanitarian Organization: The Congolese Red Cross, 1960–2006

Richtarik, Marilynn J., Georgia State University
Archival Research on Playwright Brian Friel

Rowlands, Eliot W., Independent scholar
Acquiring Art for America: The Complicated Career of Harold Woodbury Parsons

Shore, Paul J., University of Manitoba
Bridging Two Worlds: Georgius Pray as Baroque Jesuit and Enlightenment Assembler of Knowledge

Shubert, Amanda, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Seeing Things: Virtual Aesthetics in Victorian Culture

Smith, Helmut Walser, Vanderbilt University
Our Towns: How Jews and Germans Created the Federal Republic's Post-Holocaust Memory

Smith, Jay M., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The People's Right to Know: Political Accountability in the Eighteenth-Century North Atlantic

Smith, Sarah-Neel, Maryland Institute College of Art
Envisioning the Middle East: The Lost History of America’s Cultural Exchanges, 1952–1979

Smyth, Bryan, University of Mississippi
On the Literary Use of Language: Translation of Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Lecture Notes, 1953

Spencer, Robyn Ceanne, Lehman College, City University of New York
Counseling Revolution: The Story of How Pat Robinson Transformed the Black Freedom Movement Through Radical Therapy

Sprigge, Martha A., University of California, Santa Barbara
Musical Widowhood and the Gendered Labor of Mourning in Postwar Germany

Stamatopoulou-Robbins, Sophia C., Bard College
Controlled Alienation: AirBnB and the Future of Home

Stanton, Andrea L., University of Denver
Crafting an Aural “Arab World”: Cultural, Entertainment, Educational, and Religious Programming on the BBC’s Arabic Service, 1938–1967

Stiles, Erin E., University of Nevada, Reno
Islamic Law, Inheritance, and Gender in Accra, Ghana

Stratigakos, Despina, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Ghost Town Culture: The Extraordinary Allure and Afterlives of Abandoned Places

Tcacenco, Andrei, St. Olaf College
Culture of Complaint: Morality, Nationalism, and the KGB in Soviet Moldova and Ukraine, 1953–1989

Tribble, Carrie Malina, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Towards a Complete Revision of Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae): A Charismatic Tropical American Plant Clade

Trollinger, Abigail, St. Norbert College
The Caseworker: A Biography

Ullinger, Jaime, Quinnipiac University
A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Cremation Burials at Bronze Age Békés 103, Southeastern Hungary

Upshaw, Abigail, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Performing Parnassus: Leonardo Da Vinci and Theater at the Sforza Court of Milan

Vause, Erika, St. John's University
Imagining Disaster: Insurance, Citizenship, and Financial Futures in Modern France

Wefferling, Keir, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
Bryophyte Community Assessment in Peatlands of the Western Great Lakes Region

Wells, Martin, Austin College
Photogrammetric Documentation of the Architecture of the Huqoq Synagogues

Williams, Kimberly D., Temple University
Preliminary Analyses of Umm an-Nar Death Ritual Chronology

Zimring, Rishona, Lewis & Clark College
Olive and Al: A Story of Partnership in Life, Law, and Letters


Ault, Bradley A., University at Buffalo, State University of New York
The Olynthos Project: Pottery From a Classical Greek Household

Baltes, Elizabeth P., Coastal Carolina University
Portrait Statues in Hellenistic Greece: Spatial Practices and Identity Politics

Becker, Marc, Truman State University
Philip Agee and the CIA in Ecuador, 1960–1963

Bell, Sinclair, Northern Illinois University
Ethnicity in the Roman Empire: Archaeological Approaches

Bennette, Rebecca, Middlebury College
The Forced Sterilization and "Euthanasia" of World War I Soldiers Under Nazi Eugenics Policies

Blong, John C., Washington State University
Establishing the Age of the Western Stemmed Tradition and the Antiquity of Nimíipuu Traditional Subsistence Practices in Western North America

Botkin, Frances R., Towson University
The Higgler's Legacy: Economies of Freedom in Narratives About Slavery

Brice, Lee L., Western Illinois University
Rock Crystal Lenses From Archaic Period Ialysos in Ancient Rhodes

Bromley, Gordon, National University of Ireland, Galway
The “Mystery Interval” in Ireland: Taking the Temperature of Abrupt Climate Change in the North Atlantic Region

Caldwell, Mary Channen, University of Pennsylvania
Saintly Song: Musical Hagiography and the Medieval Cult of St. Nicholas

Champagne, Marie Therese, University of West Florida
A Twelfth-Century Roman Text in Medieval England: How and Why Six Institutions, Both Ecclesiastical and Secular, Collected a Version of "ad Incorrupta Pontificum Nomina Conservanda" Between Circa 1150 and 1274

Cheney, Patrick, Pennsylvania State University
Placing Elysium in Renaissance England: Poetry, Politics, Theology, Eros

Clark, Julia Kate, Utah State University
Mongolian Reindeer Herder: Endangered Archives Exchange Project

Corral Esteban, Avelino, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
A Study of the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface in Complex Sentences in Cheyenne

Cuenca, Esther Liberman, University of Houston, Victoria
The Making of Urban Customary Law in Medieval England

Daly, Tara Ann, Marquette University
Back to the Future: Bartolina Sisa and Living Indigenous Archives

Day, Jennifer, Skidmore College
From "Great Abominations" to "Political Offenses": Political Crimes, International Law, and Regime Changes in Modern China

DeRoo, Rebecca J., Rochester Institute of Technology
Mary Kelly: The Convergence of Activism and Art

Dunphy-Lelii, Sarah, Bard College
Stories Across Species: Public Writing From the Ngogo Chimpanzee Field Site, Uganda

Dursteler, Eric, Brigham Young University
Of Women Learned in the Tongues: Gender and Language in the Early Modern Mediterranean

Ewegen, Shane, Trinity College
Afra Geiger: An Intellectual Biography

Fornash, Katherine F., Ohio University
Neoproterozoic Lawsonite: Fact or Fiction?

Fusco, Katherine, University of Nevada, Reno
Anita Loos: A Life in Work

Gallman, Nancy O., Lewis & Clark College
A Cross-Cultural History of Law in the Florida Borderlands, 1784–1845

Garvin, Diana, University of Oregon
The Bean in the Machine:  Coffee Under Fascism

Ghosh, Nandita, Fairleigh Dickinson University
India Through Its Literary and Cultural Lenses: The Shift in National Discourse in the 1980s From Social Welfare to Neoliberalism

Goss, Jacqueline S., Bard College
Carpathian/Californian: A Speculative Essay on Ice

Goulet, Andrea, University of Pennsylvania
Quakers in Paris:  A Transnational Sect in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Popular Culture

Green, James N., Brown University
The Crossroads of Sin and the Collision of Cultures: Entertainment, Commerce, and Pleasure in Rio De Janeiro, 1860–1930

Hall, Joshua M., Tennessee Technological University
Integrating Multiple Environmental Stressors to Assess Developmental Tolerance Under Predictions of Climate Change

Hopkins, Stephen Chase Evans, University of Central Florida
The Role of Apocrypha in Early Old Norse Literature

Horn, Sally P., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Developing Fire Histories from Wetland Sediments in Tennessee to Improve Knowledge of Fire as an Ecological Disturbance and of Fire-Climate Linkages Across Millennia

Huneke, Samuel Clowes, George Mason University
The Democratization Dilemma: Everyday Life and the Politics of Occupied Germany

Ingalls, Monique M., Baylor University
Gospel Music Goes to Uni: Musical Navigations of Religious Affiliation and Racial Identity in British University Gospel Choirs

Jaramillo, Maria Alejandra, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia)
Deciphering the Understory Plant Diversity of Northwestern Amazon on the Footsteps of Ynés Mexia

Jensen, Robert Geoffrey, Virginia Military Institute
Spanish Ways of War and Occupation:  Conquest, Counterinsurgency, and the Guerilla Myth in Spain and Morocco, 1912–1956

Jones, Stephanie P., Grinnell College
Mapping Racialized Trauma: A Critical Race Spatial Analysis of Countercartographic Narratives of Race and Racism in Schools

Knowles, Helen J., State University of New York, Oswego
First Among Unequals: Lucile Lomen's Life in the Law

Kotsonas, Antonios, New York University
An Archaeology of a "Dark Age" (Circa 625–425 BCE): Excavations at Lyktos in Crete, Greece

Kuby, Emma K., Northern Illinois University
The Outsider Turned Ambassador: Jewish-American Journeys in Postwar France

Leader, Anne, University of Virginia
Documenting Florentine Memorials

Lee, Logan M., Grinnell College
The Impact of Correctional Officers on Prisoner Outcomes

Lelievre, Michelle A., College of William and Mary
Re-Animating the Mi'kmaw Cultural Landscape on Nova Scotia's Chignecto Peninsula

Lumbreras, Maria, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Facture of Evidence: Replication and the Past in Early Modern Spain

McCulloch, Kyle J., University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Understanding Visual System Evolution by Characterizing the Photoreceptor Cell Types in a Sea Anemone

Murano, Giovanna, Independent scholar
History Rewritten: Fiammetta Frescobaldi and Francesco Guicciardini

Myers, Helen, Independent scholar
The Survival of Bihari Wedding Songs in the Republic of Mauritius

Narayanan, Sandhya Krittika, University of Nevada, Reno
Massachusett Indigenous Language Reclamation Through Language Socialization

Natarajan, Radhika, Reed College
Empire and the Origins of Multiculturalism: Migrants, Welfare, and Citizenship in Britain

Nersessian, Anahid, University of California, Los Angeles
House on Fire: Scotland and the Roots of Multiracial Radicalism

Nielsen, Kim, University of Toledo
Dorothea Dix: Activism, Race, and the Transnational Asylum Movement

O'Brien, David J., University of Illinois
The Cult of Napoleon in Visual Culture, 1815–1848

Ogundiran, Akin O., University of North Carolina at Charlotte
A Cultural and Landscape History of the Osun-Osogbo World Heritage Site, Nigeria

Oliver, Liza, Wellesley College
Empire of Hunger: Representing Famine, Land, and Labor in Colonial India

Park, Hyun Suk, University of California, Los Angeles
The Government Courtesan: Status, Gender, and Performance in Chos'n Korea, 1392–1910

Penry, Sarah Elizabeth, Fordham University
The Italian Renaissance in Diaspora: Jesuit Education and Indigenous Modernities in the Viceroyalty of Peru

Pergher, Roberta, Indiana University
The Fascist Citizen: Remaking Italian Citizenship at Home and Abroad, 1922–1945

Petkov, Kiril, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
War, Memory, and History in a Gunner's Memoirs: Emanuelle Mormori and the War of Candia, 1644–1669

Pippenger, Randall Todd, American Academy in Rome
Left Behind: Veterans, Widows, and Orphans in the Era of the Crusades

Qian, Tony Dahao, Seoul National University
Law's Moral Arbiters and Confucian Jurisprudence in Late Imperial China and Chos'n Korea, 1600–1900

Quinn, Colin P., Hamilton College
Forging Community in Early Towns: Integration, Interaction, and Inequality in Bronze Age Transylvania

Rafiq, Mohamed Yunus, New York University
Different Garbs, Same Shehes: The Histories of Changing Roles of Muslim Religious Leaders in Public Health Programs in Socialist Tanzania

Rapoport, Michael A., Florida Atlantic University
Postclassical Philosophy in Islam: Fakhr Al-din Al-razi's Compendium on Philosophy and Logic

Rider, Jeff, Wesleyan University
An Edition of Andreas of Marchiennes's Historia Succincta De Gestis Et Successione Regum Francorum

Romaniello, Matthew P., Weber State University
Unplanned Obsolescence: Modernity and the Loss of the Natural World

Romano, Irene Bald, University of Arizona
Hildebrand Gurlitt's Antiquities: Twice-Looted or Legitimately Acquired?

Schechter, Patricia Ann, Portland State University
El Terrible: Life and Labor in Pueblonuevo, 1887–1939

Schermerhorn, Seth, Hamilton College
O'odham Songways: Indigenous Songs, Translations, and the Academic Study of Indigenous Religious Traditions

Schmitz, Johanna, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Building the Rose Theatre Archive, 1989 to the Present

Scholz, Maximilian Miguel, Florida State University
Fruitful Migrants: Refugees and the Construction of the Prussian State, 1530–1700

Schorsch, Deborah, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Material Transfer: The Sources of Ancient Egyptian Turquoise

Schroder, Whittaker, University of Florida
Risk, Resilience, and Political Cycling in the Archaeological Landscape of the Lower Lacantún River

Setina, Emily, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
The Circus: Kenneth Koch's Life and Art

Spenard, Jon, California State University, San Marcos
Archaeological Analysis of the Mason Collection From the Rio Frio Caves, Belize, National Museum of the American Indian

Sugandhi, Namita, Hartwick College
Transformative Technologies and the Institution of the Temple in South India: Investigating the Long-Term Ritual Histories of Northern Karnataka

Sumner-Lott, Marie, Georgia State University
Post-Romantic Literature in the Library of Composer Johannes Brahms (1833–1897)

Taplin-Kaguru, Nora E., Earlham College
Who Are Bike Paths For? New Urbanism, Community, and Politics of Urban Space in the Midwest

Tasar, Eren Murat, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Muslim Atheism in Central Asia

Threlkeld, Megan, Denison University
The Draft, the Law, and the Vietnam War

Tieleman, Matthijs Tobias, Arizona State University
The Patriot Atlantic: The Dawn of the Age of Revolution

Trocchio, Rachel, University of Minnesota
Twin Cities, So, Now, Awaken: The Spiritual Travels of Nathan Cole

Van Duzer, Chet, University of Rochester
Eighteenth-Century French Composite Atlases in California and Cape Town

Walker-Said, Charlotte, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
Non-State Militaries in the Organization of Forced Labor in Northern French Equatorial Africa, 1925–1945

Westmont, Camille, Sewanee: The University of the South
Life and Death at Coal Creek: Uncovering the Experiences of Postbellum African-American Convict Leasing in Tennessee

Wing, Susanna, Haverford College
Women and Benin's Courts of First Instance: Access to Justice

Wolf, Tom, Bard College
Global Connections: Four Artists in New York in the 1920s

Young, Allison, Louisiana State University
The Work and the World: Gavin Jantjes, Anti-Apartheid, and the Postwar Avant Garde

Zhang, Xing, Peking University
Nature and Supernature in South Asian Purana Literature


Abell, Natalie, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Chronological and Environmental Assessment of Charcoal From Neolithic and Bronze Age Kea Cyclades, Greece

Albala Pelegrin, Marta, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Theater of Conquest: Performing Iberian Newspieces in Rome, 1450–1530

Amor, Monica M., Maryland Institute College of Art
Gego: Weaving the Space in Between Art, Architecture, Design, and Craft at the Edge of Modernity

Ansaldo, Paula Nora, University of Buenos Aires
Yiddish Theatre Between New York and Buenos Aires, 1930–1960

Araujo, Ana Lucia, Howard University
The Gift: How Objects of Prestige Shaped the Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonialism

Baldasso, Franco, Bard College
Against Redemption: Literature, Democracy, and Memory in Post-Fascist Italy

Berman, Patricia G., Wellesley College
Solar Modernism: Science, Race, and the Nordic Body, 1890–1920

Berquist Soule, Emily, California State University, Long Beach
The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire

Bottomore, Stephen, Independent scholar
The Magic Lantern: The World's First Lantern Journal

Boudreau, George W., University of Pennsylvania
Interpreting Historic Sites: Complicating the Stories of America's Past

Bravo, Monica, California College of the Arts
Silver Pacific: A Material History of Photography and Its Minerals, 1840–1890

Brisman, Shira, University of Pennsylvania
The Goldsmith's Debt: Property and Intellectual Property in the Hands of Christoph Jamnitzer and Kin

Broder, Dale, St. Ambrose University
Evolutionary Origins of Newly Discovered Drumming Crickets

Burgin, Say, Dickinson College
Organizing Your Own: The White Fight for Black Power in Detroit

Colburn, Adriane, Bard College
The Divining Forest

Cornelison, Sally J., Syracuse University
The Sacred Art of Giorgio Vasari

Daly, Kevin F., Bucknell University
Final Publication of the Ismenion Hill Excavations (2011–2016)

Delehanty, Ann T., Reed College
Disenchantment, Skepticism, and the Early Modern Novel in Spain and France

DeSouza, Wendy Noel, University of California, Davis,
From One Came Many: African Concubinage, Escape, and Freedom in Qajar, Iran, 1800–1929

Devereux, Andrew, University of California, San Diego
Children of Adam: Gentiles, the Tropics, and Ethno-Religious Difference in the Early Modern Iberian World

Dixon, Dustin W., Grinnell College
Myth and the Craft of Comedy in Ancient Greece and Rome

Dunn, Rachel Heather, Des Moines University
Everything in Its Place: Collecting Small Mammals to Refine the Biostratigraphic Position of Fossil Faunas From the Sand Wash Basin, Colorado

Eastman, Carolyn, Virginia Commonwealth University
A Plague in New York City: How the City Confronted and Survived the Yellow Fever Epidemic in the Founding Era

Elias, Christopher, St. Olaf College
The Ballad of Joe Arridy: Murder, Eugenics, and Xenophobia in Depression-Era America

Ensor, Bradley E., Eastern Michigan University
The Social, Economic, and Cultural History of Prehispanic Coastal Communities of South Central Veracruz

Facos, Michelle, Indiana University, Bloomington
Denmark and the Invention of Modern Happiness

Favila, Cesar D., University of California, Los Angeles
Immaculate Sounds: The Musical Lives of Nuns in New Spain

Few, Martha, Pennsylvania State University
The Rise and Spread of Postmortem Cesarean Operations for Fetal Baptism in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires

Gianoutsos, Jamie A., Mount St. Mary's University
The Propagation of Liberty: Marchamont Nedham and the Classical Republican Tradition

Gubser, Michael, James Madison University
Leaving the Past Behind: History and Ahistoricism in International Development

Hafner, Susanne, Fordham University
Otto Von Botenlauben and Beatrix De Courtenay: From Akko to Bad Kissingen

Hall, Simon, Leeds University
John Reed, Edgar Snow, Herbert Matthews, and the Revolutions That Changed the World

Hamlin, Francoise N., Brown University
Freedom's Cost: Children and Youth in the Black Freedom Struggle

Hanaoka, Mimi, University of Richmond
Views of the Asian Other: Educational Reform and Models of Modernity for Japan and Muslim Reformers, 1851–1925

Harper-Shipman, Takiyah, Davidson College
Suturing Reproduction and Racial Capitalism: The Political Economy of Family Planning in Ghana, the United States, and Senegal

Hartman, Joseph R., University of Missouri, Kansas City
Eye of the Hurricane: Politics of Art, Architecture, and Climate Change in the Modern Caribbean

Henry, Edward R., Colorado State University
The Micromorphology of Refilled Adena and Hopewell Ditches in Central Kentucky

Herrmann, Gina, University of Oregon
Rivesaltes: The French Concentration Camp and Laboratory of Twentieth-Century Internment

Hoffmann, George P., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Pacification Without Toleration: Montaigne and the Gallican Party During the French Wars of Religion

Hollister, Susannah L., Independent scholar
Kenneth Koch: A Biography

Holt, Edward, Grambling State University
Rituals of Leadership, Power, and Memory in Thirteenth-Century Iberia

Inglis, Patrick, Grinnell College
Paying It Forward: The Promise and Burden of a Good Education

Janssen, Marian, Radboud University (The Netherlands)
Queen Bee: Carolyn Kizer and Her Cultural Orbit

Johnson, Ronald, Baylor University
Edward Stevens: A Checkered History in Black Freedom and Atlantic Slavery

Kamp-Whittaker, April, University of New Mexico
Archaeology of Children’s Play and Family Culture in Western American Towns

Kibler, Alison, Franklin and Marshall College
Media Rights: Feminist Television Activism in the 1970s

Kilbourne, Kelly Halimeda, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Calibrating Coral Skeletal Chemistry to Ocean Temperatures to Better Understand Earth's Climate Processes

Kindscher, Kelly, University of Kansas
Archived Ethnobotany in Historic Manuscripts of Great Plains and Southwest Native American Peoples

King, Adam, University of South Carolina
Exploring Large-Scale Granite Tool Production at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun

Krause, Kathy, University of Missouri, Kansas City
The Manuscript Context of the Thirteenth-Century Old French Translations of the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle

Kupiec, Catherine L., University of Notre Dame
Luca’s Invention: Making Glazed Terracotta Sculpture in Fifteenth-Century Florence

Lane, Michael F., University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Minyeia: Comprehensive Assessment of the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Kopaic Basin, Viotia, Greece

Laver, Mark, Grinnell College
Nufsicisum (Music Is Fun): The Life and Music of Phil Nimmons

Lorenat, Jemma, Pitzer College
Charlotte Angas Scott, Women Mathematicians, and the American Mathematical Society

Lucas, Sarah Marie, Texas A & M University, Kingsville
Béla Bartók and Fritz Reiner: Contributions and Collaborations in Symphonic Music

Macias-Munoz, Aide, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Genome of the Box Jellyfish Tripedalia Cystophora and Opsin Gene Evolution

Manfredi, Carla Claire, University of Winnipeg
Shifting Seas: Victorians and Climate Change in the Pacific

Marten, James, Marquette University
A Social History of the Long Civil War: The Soldiers, Families, and Communities of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers

Massino, Jill M., University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Friends in Need: Romania's Engagement in the Global South, 1950–1989

McCarthy, Kerry, Independent scholar
The Lives of Singers in Tudor England

McKinley, Michelle A., University of Oregon School of Law
Bound Biographies: Transoceanic Itineraries and the Afro-Iberian Diaspora in the Americas

Morrell, Erica, St. Lawrence University
First Food Justice: American Breastfeeding Activism and the Epistemology of Social Change

Mozina, David, Independent scholar
Death of a Ritual Master and the Roots of Modern Buddho-Daoist Practice

Muratov, Maya, Adelphi University
With Strings Attached: Puppet Theater in Antiquity and Popular Entertainment

Nelson, Adele Edelen, University of Texas at Austin
Joan Miró's Refusal: Transatlantic Artistic Diplomacy During the Cold War

Noone, Timothy B., Catholic University of America
A Renewed Search for the Manuscripts of Duns Scotus's Quodlibeta

Nykiel, Joanna, Kyung Hee University, Seoul
The Size of Fragments and Memory Retrieval

Ogunnaike, Oludamini, University of Virginia
The Sage of the Sokoto Caliphate: Shaykh Dan Tafa, Islamic Philosophy, and Philosophical Sufism in West Africa

Olszowy, Kathryn, New Mexico State University
Diabetes, Food Insecurity, and Mental Distress During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Applying Syndemic Theory to Understanding Biosocial Interactions and Outcomes in New Mexico Colonias

Ortiz Diaz, Jr., Alberto, University of Texas at Arlington
Raising the Living Dead: Rehabilitative Corrections in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean

Prasad, Leela, Duke University
Being Human at the Margins: Gandhian Resonances in Prison and After

Rector, Amy, Virginia Commonwealth University
Zambia Rift Valley Research Project: Comparing Modern and Plio Pleistocene Faunal Communities in the Luangwa River Valley, Zambia

Reed, Charles V., Elizabeth City State University
An Empire of Justice: Britishness, Respectability, and Citizenship in Colonial South Africa, 1840–1923

Reno, Seth, Auburn University, Montgomery
British Industrial Writings, 1650–1900: A Critical Anthology

Robinson, Joshua R., Boston University
Development of Platyrrhine Primate Communities: Paleoenvironments of the Miocene Pinturas Formation, Argentina

Romm, James, Bard College
The Destruction of the Sacred Band: New Evidence From an Excavation Log

Samu, Margaret, New School University
Russian Realist Painters and the Female Nude, 1875–1900

Sederberg, Kathryn A., Kalamazoo College
Writing Home: Emigration Diaries of German and Austrian Jews, 1933–1945

Sharples, Jason, Florida Atlantic University
Tangled Roots: Florida's Revolving Empires and the Opportunities of Changing Borders, 1760–1830

Smirnova, Irina Yu., Russian Academy of Sciences
The Missionary Movement of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States in the Near East and in the Mediterranean, 1830–1870s

Spicer, Kevin P., Stonehill College
Catholics, Jews, and Antisemitism in Germany, 1918–1945

Stephens, Rachel, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Loyal Artists, Loyal Slaves: Civil War-Era Virginia Painters and the Origins of the Lost Cause

Sutaria, Sejal V., Grinnell College
Making Waves: Britain, India, and the Sounding of Postcolonial Resistance

Swamy, Vinay, Vassar College
Devenir Non-binaire: Beyond the Gender Binary in the French Republic

Taylor, William, University of Colorado, Boulder
Frozen Heritage and Pastoral Prehistory in Mongolia's Altai Mountains

Treat, John W., Yale University
Too Close to the Sun: Collaboration in Korea, Japan, and the World

Vatan, Florence, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Transfers of Knowledge: Gestalt Psychology and Its Repercussions in France

Wells, Martin, Austin College
The Huqoq Excavation Project

Womack, Andrew, Furman University
Mapping Proto-Silk Road Interactions in Present-Day Sweden

Yilmaz, Hale, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Secular State, Violent Rebellion, and Popular Memory in Western Anatolia, 1930–2013


Ahmed, Sohair Said, Ain Shams University (Egypt)
Coptic Contracts on Ostraca From Brooklyn Museum

Akin, Yigit, Tulane University
After the Empire, Before the Nation: Post-War Peace, Sectarian Conflict, and the End of the Ottoman Empire

Asaka, Ikuko, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
The Evolution of U.S. Imperial Engagements with Overseas Islands, From the Antebellum Era to the Spanish-American War

Barber, Llana, State University of New York College at Old Westbury
No Refuge From Empire: Haitian Migration, Militarized Exclusion, and the Formation of the Nativist State

Bardolph, Dana, Northern Illinois University
The Archaeology of Religion, Culture Contact, and Mississippian Origins in Cahokia's Hinterlands

Barker, Hannah, Arizona State University
Race, Slavery, and Law in Medieval Italy

Barnes, Nicholas, Grinnell College
Monopolies of Violence: Gang Governance in Rio de Janeiro

Barry, Peter, Saginaw Valley State University
The Ethics of George Orwell

Beeston, Alix, Cardiff University
Kathleen Collins, Posthumously: The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film

Berger, Elizabeth, University of California, Riverside
Origins of Violence in the Chinese Bronze Age: The Mogou Bioarchaeology Project

Bertellini, Giorgio, University of Michigan
The Commerce of Poverty: Italian Neorealism as America's Secularized Art Cinema

Boileau, Marie-Claude, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Analytical Study of Archaeological Earthenware From Luang Prapang, Laos

Bojesen, Emile, University of Winchester (United Kingdom)
Educational Philosophy at Black Mountain College (1933–1957)

Bol, Marsha, Museum of International Folk Art
Lakota Women's Arts of Quillwork and Beadwork

Bollók, Ádám, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The Northern Cemetery of Scythopolis/Bet She'an in Roman and Late Antique Times

Canete-Quesada, Carmen Sara, Florida Atlantic University
The Gypsy Community During the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) and Under Francisco Franco's Dictatorship (1939–1975): Recovering Spain's Historical Memory

Celli, Andrea, University of Connecticut
Hagar the Outcast: Reappraisals of a Biblical Theme in the Context of Counter-Reformation

Cerveny, Kara L., Reed College
From Optic Vesicle to Eye: Examining How Interplay Between Extracellular Matrix and BMP Proteins Controls Proliferation and Differentiation

Chronopoulos, Tina, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Marbod of Rennes, the Shorter Poems: Hymns, Love lyrics, and Moral-Satirical Verse

Clure, Graham, University of Lausanne
Enlightenment Agrarian Republics: From the Vaud to Poland and America

Coenen Snyder, Saskia, University of South Carolina
Diasporic Gems: Diamonds, Jews, and Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Trade

Coyle, Christopher, Queen's Management School (United Kingdom)
The New York Cotton Exchange and the Role of Private Order Institutions in Market Development

Crosby, Emilye, State University of New York, Geneseo
"Anything I Was Big Enough to Do": Women and Gender in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

DeBlasio, Alyssa, Dickinson College
Vladimir Petrushevsky at the Volcanological Survey in Java, 1921–1950

D'Emic, Michael, Adelphi University
Investigating Extinction Through Excavation of a Rare and Extensive Dinosaur Bonebed

Dominguez, Freddy C., University of Arkansas
Robert Persons Writes the Counter-Reformation: Polemics and Ideas During the Wars of Religion

Du, Dan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
This World in a Teacup: Chinese-American Tea Trade in the Nineteenth Century

Dunkelman, Martha, Canisius College
Rescued: Recycling of Historic Plaster Casts from the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Edwards, Sam, Manchester Metropolitan University
The First Friendly Invasion: The Impact and Legacy of the American Expeditionary Force in Britain, 1917–1919

Eisner, Martin, Duke University
Boccaccio: A Life in Books

Emmery, Laura, Emory University
Between the Wars: Music and Cold-War Politics in Yugoslavia's Avant-Garde Movement, 1950–1990

Formanack, Allison, Amherst College
Manufacturing Ruin: An Ethnographic Analysis of Trailers and Tiny Homes as an Object of Urban Governance

Gilbert, Claire, Saint Louis University
Converting Texts: The Mediterranean Legacies of Arabic Catechisms in Early Modern Spain

Gordo Pelaez, Luis, California State University, Fresno
Urban Space and Architecture in Bourbon Guanajuato and the Bajío Region

Grant, Jonathan, Florida State University
The War Business: Private Armament Firms During the First World War

Grey, Sarah, Fordham University
Understanding Individual Differences in the Neurocognition of a Less Commonly Taught Language

Hamed-Troyansky, Vladimir, Furman University
An Empire of Refugees: Muslim Migration and the Late Ottoman State

Hernandez, David, University of Notre Dame
In Search of Titus Pomponius Atticus: Archaeological Excavations in the Roman Forum at Butrint

Hillyer, Reiko M., Lewis & Clark College
Windows in the Walls: The Permeability of the Prison in the Twentieth-Century United States

Ho, Angela, George Mason University
Commercial Exchanges and Artistic Innovations: The Dutch East India Company's Encounters with China, 1602–1740

Hristova, Maria, Lewis & Clark College
In Search of Post-Secular Feminism: Contemporary Post-Socialist Literature

Hubbard-Hall, Claire M., Bishop Grosseteste University (United Kingdom)
Sworn to Secrecy: Veteran Recollections of the Secret War

Jackson, Margaret, National University of Ireland, Galway
Determining Cosmogenic Nuclide Production-Rate Variability Through High-Precision Measurement of Helium-3 in Peruvian Volcanics

Jacobs, Jonathan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
Bridging the Rule of Law and Civil Society: The Role of Police

Johnson, Leslie Main, Athabasca University (Canada)
Walking the Winter World: Drivers of Indigenous Snowshoe Design in Northwestern North America

Keiter, Lindsay, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona
Uniting Interests: Money, Love, and the Law in American Marriage, 1750–1860

Kimble, Sara, DePaul University
Defending the "Sacred Laws of Humanity": Internationalist Women's Protest of Nazi Wartime Genocide in Occupied Europe, 1939–1948

Koegel, John, California State University, Fullerton
Immigrant Musical Theater in America, 1840–1940

Krotscheck, Ulrike, Evergreen State College
Investigating the Archaic and Classical Settlement at Sinope

Lee, Jacob F., Indiana University
Empire Without Bounds: How the United States Conquered the Louisiana Purchase

Leveen, Lois, Independent scholar
The Whole of History: Mary Bowser Richards Denman, a Biography of Race in Nineteenth-Century America

Little, William, Ohio State University
Fragments of Classical and Patristic Authors in the Biblioteca Manfrediana (Faenza, Italy)

Malone, Shawn, Ball State University
An Investigation Into the Relationship Between the Middle Mountain Granite and Host Migmatitic Gneiss, Torrey Creek Area of the Wind River Mountains, Western Wyoming

Mattusch, Carol C., George Mason University
Ancient Bronzes Lost and Found: From Workshop to Statue and Beyond

Mauldin, Erin, University of South Florida
The First White Flight: Industrial Pollution and Racial Segregation in New South Cities

McAlister, Victoria, Southeast Missouri State University
What Lies Beneath: Defining a Best Practice Model for Multidisciplinary Study of "Lost" Medieval Vernacular Settlement and Land Use

McArdle Stephens, Michele, West Virginia University
Domestic Violence, Alcoholism, and Law in Yucatán and Campeche, 1872–1915

Mielke, Laura L., University of Kansas
A Well-Lit House: The Reversal of Spectatorship in African American Oratory and Memoir, 1831–1877

Morgan, William, Lone Star College, Montgomery
Tobacco as Freedom: Cuban Slavery and Self-Purchase in the Nineteenth Century

Mueller, Alex, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Assembling an Absent Ars poetica: Making English Poetry from Bolognese Prose

Murano, Giovanna, Independent scholar
History Rewritten: Fiammetta Frescobaldi and Francesco Guicciardini

Peters, Rebecca, State University of New York, Oswego
Transportation Infrastructure and Autonomy in a Contested African Borderland

Phillips-Cunningham, Danielle T., Texas Woman's University
"A Tower of Strength in the Labor World": The History of Educator Nannie Helen Burroughs's Labor Organizing and Domestic Service Curriculum

Qian, Tony, Tufts University
Law's Expressions: Narrative and Rhetorical Strategies in Ming and Chos'n Legal Judgments

Ramirez, Matthew David, University of Rhode Island
Trophic Response of Marine Top Predators to Historic Shifts in Food Web Structure

Reeder, Tyson, University of Virginia
Foreign Intrigues: Party Politics and Foreign Intervention in Early America

Rico, Monica, Lawrence University
Greenhouse to Table: Horticulture and Enslaved Labor in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake

Rioux, Anne Boyd, University of New Orleans
A Writer's War on Fascism: Kay Boyle in Europe and America, 1933–1953

Rispoli, Fiorella, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Study of the Archaeological Ceramics and Shell Manufacturing Debris From the Prehistoric Site of Khok Puthsa, Central Thailand

Sackett, Robert, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Why Some West Germans Promoted a Compassionate Culture Remembering Jewish Victims and Acknowledging Nazi Crimes, 1950s and 1960s

Salvadore, Matteo, American University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)
Tesfa Seyon (1508–1550): An Ethiopian Scholar in Tridentine Rome

Saugera, Valérie, University of Connecticut
Documenting Louchébem, the Still-Living Argot of Parisian Butchers

Seshagiri, Urmila, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Virginia Woolf's "Sketch of the Past": The First Scholarly Edition

Siekmeier, James, West Virginia University
Before the Opioid Epidemic: Historical Origins of the War on Drugs in the Andes

Sienkewicz, Julia, Roanoke College
Form in Transit and Translation: Sculptural Embodiments of Union, Disunion, and White Empire, 1836–1865

Sitz, Anna M., Heidelberg University
Democratization and Religious Change at a Rural Sanctuary: An Archaeological Project at Labraunda

Slonimsky, Nora Ann, Institute for Thomas Paine Studies at Iona College
The Engine of Free Expression: Copyrighting the State in Early America

Smith, Alexander, University of North Texas
Kelabit-English Dictionary Completion

Smith, Kathryn A., New York University
Scripture Transformed in Late Medieval England: The Religious, Artistic, and Social Worlds of the Welles-Ros Bible

Snead, James E., California State University, Northridge
Frederick Catherwood's Network: Connecting European and American Archaeology in the Antebellum United States

Spenard, Jon, California State University, San Marcos
Initial Archaeological Investigations of a Newly Discovered, Unnamed Pre-Hispanic Maya City in the Rio Frio Valley, Cayo, Belize

Stein, Jordan, Fordham University
Pequod on the Seine: Translating Melville in War and Peace

Stimson, Shannon, Georgetown University
Heterodoxy and Political Economy in the Writings of Sir William Petty, 1623–1687

Storch, Randi, State University of New York, Cortland
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and the Promise of America

Swamy, Varun, San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research
A Basin-Scale Assessment of the Long-Term Impact of Hunting on Tropical Forests in the Amazon

Szymanowski, Dawid, Princeton University
Tracking Secular Changes of the Magmatic System During the Last Full Cycle of Activity at Valles Caldera, New Mexico

Szymanska, Agnieszka, University of Richmond
Sacred Spectating: Monastic Architecture and Spirituality in Late Antique Egypt

Thompson, Michael, Pittsburg State University
Capital Importance: Gladstone's Relationship With Edinburgh

Trahey, Erin Malone, Yale University
Free Women and the Making of Colonial Jamaican Economy and Society, 1760–1834

VanValkenburgh, Nathaniel P., Brown University
Imperial Transitions in the Upper Amazon Basin: Forced Resettlement, Diet, and Political Subjectivity at Purun Llaqta del Maino, Peru

Waligora-Davis, Nicole A., Rice University
The Murder Book: Race, Forensics and the Value of Black Life

Walker, Peter W., University of Wyoming
The Cause of Loyalty: The Revolutionary Worlds of Myles Cooper

Warner, Ding Xiang, Cornell University
Lost Narratives of the Great War: Trench Art of the Chinese Labor Corps

Wearing, Catherine, Wellesley College
Allegory and Metaphor

Webb, Jacqueline, University of Rhode Island
Adaptive Evolution of an Ancient Vertebrate Sensory System

Weeks, Emily M., Independent scholar
The New Gérôme: Revision of the Catalogue Raisonné for the Artist Jean-Léon Gérôme

Wheeler, Leigh Ann, Binghamton University
Anne Moody (1940–2015): A Life

White, Chantel, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Early Plant Use by Anatomically Modern Humans: The Archaeobotany of Mughr el-Hamamah, Jordan


Applebaum, Rachel, Tufts University
The Language of Superpower: The Rise of Russian in the Cold War

Appold, Martin S., University of Missouri
Role of Ore Fluid Composition and Temperature in the Formation of the Rare Earth Element and Thorium Deposits in the Lemhi Pass District of Idaho and Montana

Barbas, Samantha, University of Buffalo Law School
A Biography of Morris Ernst, Civil Liberties Pioneer

Barrett, Caitlín E., Cornell University
The Materiality of Ancient Greek Household Religion: New Perspectives on Domestic Figurines

Batza, Catherine P., University of Kansas
AIDS in the Heartland

Becker, Marc, Truman State University
Communism and Anti-Communism in Early Cold War Ecuador

Bell, Sinclair, Northern Illinois University
Race and Representation in the Roman Empire: Black Africans in Imperial Visual Culture

Bennett, Elizabeth A., Lewis & Clark College
What Factors Shape the Implementation of Voluntary Sustainability Certifications? The Role of Auditors, Coalitions, and Brands in Living Wage Standards

Bevilacqua, Alexander, Williams College
Other People's History: The Study of the Past in the First Global Age

Blu Wakpa, Tria, University of California, Los Angeles
Native American Embodiment in Educational and Carceral Contexts: Fixing, Eclipsing, and Liberating

Boyadjiev, Yavet, Mahidol University College of Music (Thailand)
Joseph White (1835–1918): Life and Works

Brock, Michelle, Washington and Lee University
From Covenant and Community: Religious Life in Seventeenth-Century Scotland

Bucking, Scott, DePaul University
Excavation of a Byzantine Monastic Compound at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Avdat in Southern Israel

Buxton, Hilary, University of London
Disabled Empire: Race and Rehabilitation in First World War Britain

Cameron, Christopher, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Liberal Religion and Race in America

Castiglione, Caroline, Brown University
Why Political Theory Is Women's Work: Freedom and Justice in Moderata Fonte's The Worth of Women (1600)

Catanzariti, Antonietta, Smithsonian Institution
Highland Communities in Ancient Mesopotamia: A Case Study From Ban Qala in Iraqi Kurdistan

Caughie, Pamela L., Loyola University, Chicago
A Modernist Archives Project: A Scholarly Edition and Digital Archive in Three Languages

Chou, Catherine L., Grinnell College
Parliament in the European Political Imagination, 1550–1600

Clark, Julia Kate, American Center for Mongolian Studies
Salvaging Looted Mongol Burials in Northern Mongolia

Dalzell, Victoria, Independent scholar
A Faith of Their Own: Religion, Belonging, and Musical Practice Amongst Christians in Nepal

Das Acevedo, Deepa, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Technocratic Juristocracy: Legal Think Tanks as a "Fourth Branch" of Indian Democracy

Dial, Andrew, Louisiana State University
The "Lavalette Affair:" A Jesuit Financial Scandal in the French Caribbean

Doonan, Owen P., California State University, Northridge
The Hospitable Sea: Connection and Conflict at the Nexus of Eurasia

Earley, Caitlin, University of Nevada, Reno
Bound in Rope, Bound in Stone: The Captive Body in Classic Maya Art   

Effros, Bonnie, University of Liverpool
Ancient Relics and Christian History: A Jesuit Archaeologist in Late Nineteenth-Century Poitiers

Fabian, Lara, University of Freiburg
Lerik in Antiquity Archaeological Project

Feldman, Heidi, Independent scholar
The International Legacy of Victoria Santa Cruz

Fontaine, Darcie, University of South Florida
Solidarity of Presence: Cimade, Christian Humanitarianism, and State Power in Modern France

Fretwell, Erica, University at Albany, State University of New York
Sensitive Subjects: The Psychophysics of Feeling in Nineteenth-Century America

Gathagan, Laura L., State University of New York, Cortland
Embodying Conquest: The Queenship of Mathilda of Flanders

Gharala, Norah, Georgian Court University
"A Black Man from India": Between Slavery and Freedom in the Early Modern Iberian World

Goethals, Jessica, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Margherita Costa (1600–1657), Diva of the Baroque Court

Gouwens, Kenneth, University of Connecticut
Paolo Giovio’s Elogia: Rare Materials, Criteria of Organization, and Current Scholarly Contexts

Grieve, Victoria, Utah State University
Women of the Federated Press: American Labor Feminism and Working-Class Journalism at Mid-Century

Griffiths, Jennifer S., University of Georgia
Marisa Mori (1900–-1985) and Interwar Italian Futurism

Haldipur, Parthiv, Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute
Analysis of Early Cerebellar Development in Humans

Halperin, Christina, University of Montreal
Ancient Maya Human Bone Tool Production

Hatcher, Brian A., Tufts University
The Rise and Fall of a Hindu Monastic Network in Modern Bengal

Herman, Nicholas, University of Pennsylvania
The "Errant Alchemist": Jean Perreal and the Court Artist in Early Modern Europe

Hicks, David, Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Independent at Last: The Santa Cruz Massacre of East Timor

Hoak, William David, Independent scholar
The Complete Correspondence of Elizabeth Bishop (1911–1979) and May Swenson (1913–1989)

Huppert, Ann C., University of Washington
Jesuit Building Construction in Late Sixteenth-Century Rome

Jasper, Kathryn, Illinois State University
Bounded Wilderness: Landscape and Land Management Within the Congregation of Fonte Avellana, 1035–1393

Jumet, Kira, Hamilton College
Amazigh Perspectives: Identity, Ethnicity, and Nation-Building

Key, Marcus M., Dickinson College
Sourcing Black "Marble" Tombstones From Seventeenth-Century Colonial Chesapeake Bay

Kwa, Shiamin, Bryn Mawr College
Thinking in Perspective: Adaptations of Chinese Theater on the Eighteenth-Century Stage

Landsman, Ned C., Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Taxation With Representation? The Scottish Malt Tax, the American Stamp Act, and Resistance to Arbitrary Taxation in Provincial Britain in the Eighteenth Century

Larson, Atria A., Saint Louis University
Edition of the Glossa ordinaria on the Gospel of Matthew

Lelievre, Michelle A., College of William and Mary
Re-Animating an Indigenous Landscape Through Collaborative Research on Nova Scotia's Chignecto Peninsula

Mackenzie, Jennifer Kathleen, Franklin & Marshall College
Renaissance of Signs: Humanist Philologies of the Image and the Coat of Arms of the Este House

Marculescu, Andreea, University of Oklahoma
Regimes of Happiness in Late Medieval France

Markou, Georgios E., Princeton University
Giorgione and His Circle

Martens, Brian A., Metropolitan Museum of Art
Provenance Identification of White Marbles Used for Athenian Statuette Production During the Roman Period

Mednick, Thor J., University of Toledo
Modernist Self-Fashioning in the Peripheral North: Negotiations of Identity in the Fin-de-Siècle Art Market

Meyer, Jennifer, Franklin and Marshall College
Barriers to Sustained Use and Collective Action of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cookstoves in Rural India

Miles, William F., Northeastern University
Partition Redux: Local Consequences to Contemporary Readjustment of a West African Boundary

Mitchell, Kristine, Dickinson College
Culture Shift: Immigration and Transformation in Southall, London, Since the Second World War

Montalbano, Alessandra, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Kidnapping in Modern Italy (1969–1998): Violence, Memory, and Media

Mumtaz, Murad Khan, Williams College
"Neither Am I Hindu, nor Muslim": The Legacy of Poet-Saint Kabir in the Visual and Literary Culture of Early Modern Muslim South Asia

Murillo, Dana Velasco, University of California, San Diego
The War Against Indigenous Women and Children in New Spain's Northern Frontier, 1550–1600

Ossi, Massimo, Indiana University, Bloomington
Musicians Among Venetians: Kinship Networks (1600–1650)

Parisot, Eric, Flinders University
Suicide and the British Stage, 1750–1800

Parmenter, Jon W., Cornell University
Lives on the Line: The Mohawk Community of Akwesasne and the International Boundary Across Four Centuries

Parussa, Sergio, Wellesley College
The Rediscovered Garden: Towards a Critical Edition of Giorgio Bassani's "The Garden of the Finzi-Contini"

Perreira, Christopher M., University of Kansas
Manufacturing Prisoner-Patient Consent: Race, Memory, and Violence in the Medical Archive

Petkov, Kiril, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
The Diary of a Gunner: Emanuelle Mormori, the Cretan War (1645–1655)

Phillis, Bradley, Gardner-Webb University
Crusade and Comital Government in Twelfth-Century Flanders

Piekut, Benjamin, Cornell University
With the Hand and the Ear: Improvising the Arts After 1960

Premo, Bianca, Florida International University
The Smallest Subject: Peru's Youngest Mother in the World and the Transnational Rise of Modern Medical Ethics

Principato, Sarah M., Gettysburg College
Analysis of Cirques on the Faroe Islands: Implications for Paleoclimate

Quinn, Colin P., Hamilton College
The Archaeology of Tomb Cemeteries in the Contested Mining Landscapes of Bronze Age Transylvania

Quinsaat, Sharon M., Grinnell College
Movements in Movement: Filipino Migration, Mobilization, and Diaspora Formation

Ramos, Frances Lourdes, University of South Florida
The Rebirth of the Spanish Empire: Rumor, Propaganda, and the Crisis Over Monarchical Succession in Early Eighteenth-Century Mexico

Rindfleisch, Bryan, Marquette University
From Creek (Mvskoke) to Cherokee (Tsalagi): The Entangled Histories of Native America, 1600–1800

Roberts, Meghan K., Bowdoin College
Enlightened Experts: Making Medical Authority in the French Atlantic World

Roffman, Karin, Yale University
The Story of Next Week: John Ashbery's (1927–-2017) Middle and Later Years

Romano, Irene Bald, University of Arizona
The Fate of Antiquities in the Nazi Era

Scheck, Raffael, Colby College
Community, Gender, and Justice in Wartime Nazi Germany: Forbidden Relations Between Western Prisoners of War and German Women

Schweighofer, Katherine, Lawrence University
"Dear Dr. Kinsey": Sexuality, Bodies, and Desires in Mid-Twentieth-Century America

Shrage, Laurie J., Florida International University
Ernest Nagel and Abraham Kaplan, and the Battle Against Dogmatic Philosophy

Skran, Claudena, Lawrence University
Private, Voluntary Organizations and the First Modern Refugee Crisis (1921–1922)

Sperrazza, Whitney, University of Kansas
Perverse Intimacies: Poetry, Anatomy, and the Early Modern Female Form

Stewart, Zachary, Texas A & M University
Collaborative Gothic: Architecture, Identity, and Community in the English Parish Church, 1350–1550

Suttmeier, Bruce, Lewis & Clark College
When Japan Won the War: Historical Contingency and the Counterfactual Imagination

Tasar, Eren Murat, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Islam and Law in the Soviet Union

Thai, Philip, Northeastern University
Cold War Commerce: Economic Connections in Greater China, 1945–1991

Thorsheim, Peter, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Chemical Weapons, Human Experimentation, and Articulations of Power in the British Empire

Tinghitella, Robin, University of Denver
Purring Crickets of Hawaii: The Evolution of a Novel Animal Signal

Troch, Juliana, ETH Zurich
Investigating the Role of Water as a Control for the Effusive-Explosive Transition in Yellowstone Rhyolites

Tsu, Cecilia M., University of California, Davis
Starting Over: Refugee Resettlement in the Reagan Era

Wander, Katherine, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Trade-Offs in Milk Immunity

Ward, Max, Middlebury College
Police Power in Postwar Japan

Way, John T., Georgia State University
The Scorpion Is Near: Lynching, Security, and the Intimacy of Violence in Guatemala

Weiner, Benno, Carnegie Mellon University
Liberation Postponed: Conflict and Accommodation on the Ethnic Margins of Early Maoist China

Whitford, Kelly, Wheaton College (Massachusetts)
Sacred Paths Through Urban Spaces in Bernini's Rome: Crossing the Ponte Sant’Angelo

Wilburn, Andrew T., Oberlin College
Architectural Magic and Social Space in the Roman Mediterranean

Williams, Kimberly D., Temple University
The Iron Age Mortuary Complex at Shokur, Dhank, Sultanate of Oman

Wolfe, Jessica L., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Absolute Poet: The Life of George Chapman (1559–1634)

Woods, Michael E., Marshall University
The Business of Bigotry: John Van Evrie and the Rise of a Racist Publishing Empire

Xiao, Hui Faye, University of Kansas
Feminisms With Chinese Characteristics, 1995–2018

Young, Elliott, Lewis & Clark College
Indefinite Detention and Rightlessness for Immigrants in the United States From the Nineteenth Century to the Present

Zolli, Daniel M., Pennsylvania State University
Donatello's Promiscuous Technique: Experimentation and Collaboration in an Italian Renaissance Workshop

Zonno, Sabina, University of Southern California
Investigating a Gem of Gothic Manuscript Painting: Technical Analysis and Comparative Research


Amaral, Adela, College of William and Mary
The Archaeology of a Maroon Reduccion: Constructing Civil Subjects in Colonial Mexico

Andersen, Margaret M., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Motherhood for the Nation: Reproduction, Family Policy, and Social Welfare in France and North Africa, 1920–1965

Bauer, Kenneth M., Dartmouth College
Exploring the Wise Collection for Historical and Cultural Insights Into Tibetan Mapmaking

Baum, Emily, University of California, Irvine
Mantic Medicine: Healing, Divination, and Popular Religion in Contemporary China and Taiwan

Berquist, Emily, California State University, Long Beach
The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire

Bode, Robert, Saint Martin's University
Natural Selection on Flower Pigments in Invasive Cytisus scoparius

Booker, Courtney M., University of British Columbia
Database of Early Modern Author-Copy ("Handexemplar") History Books

Braun-Strumfels, Lauren H., Raritan Valley Community College
Italy in America: Sending State Activism in the Era of Mass Transatlantic Migration

Brite, Elizabeth Baker, Purdue University
The Khorezm Ancient Agriculture Project: Impacts of Agricultural Globalization Along Central Eurasia’s Silk Road

Brock, Andrea L., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Geoarchaeological Survey of Rome's Archaic River Harbor and the Tiber Island

Bromley, Gordon, National University of Ireland, Galway
The High Paramo: Assessing Impacts of Abrupt Climate Change on Earth's Most Irreplaceable Habitat

Bruno, Maria C., Dickinson College
Knowledgeable Landscapes: An Ontological Study of Indigenous Engagements With the Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia

Cakmak, Gulru, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Materiality, Process, and Facture in English and French Sculpture at the End of the Nineteenth Century

Chakravarty, Urvashi, George Mason University
Fictions of Consent: Slavery, Servitude, and Free Service in Early Modern England

Chopra, Ruma, San Jose State University
Another Tale of Two Cities: Diasporic Claims on the Post-Slavery Caribbean

Cramsey, Sarah, Tulane University
The Other Diaspora: Writing and Counting a Collective Biography of Postwar Polish Jewry

Cypess, Rebecca, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Resounding Enlightenment: Music as an Instrument of Tolerance in the World of Sara Levy

Dandona, Jessica M., Minneapolis College of Art and Design
The Transparent Woman: Medical Visualities in Fin-de-Siecle Europe and the United States, 1890–1900

Davies, Surekha, Western Connecticut State University
European Collecting of Overseas Artifacts in the Age of Empire

Denning, Andrew S., University of Kansas
Civilization Through Circulation: Roads and Vehicles in Fascist Italy's African Colonies, 1922–1940

Fairley, Jerry P., University of Idaho
Linking Safe Water Supply and Fault Hydraulics in a Nepalese Village

Farmer, J. Michael, University of Texas at Dallas
South of Mount Hua: An Annotated Translation and Study of Huayang guo zhi

Frank, Matthew J., University of Leeds
Ami Don't Go: Czechs, Germans, and the U.S. Occupation of Western Bohemia, 1945

Fusi, Francesco, University of Pisa
From Enemy Aliens to Fighting Americans: The Case of Italian Americans in the U.S. Armed Forces and Intelligence in World War II

Gabara, Rachel, University of Georgia
Postcolonial Realism: African Documentary Film

Garnai, Amy B., Tel Aviv University
Thomas Holcroft and the Revolutionary Drama: Radicalism, Reception, Afterlives

Germann, Jennifer, Ithaca College
British Visual Culture Before and After the Somerset Trial (1772)

Giesberg, Judith A., Villanova University
One Hundred Days Count: Civil Rights and the 1870 Census

Giovannetti, Jorge L., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Rural Life and Postwar Anthropology in the Hispanic Caribbean

Gleeson-White, Sarah, University of Sydney
First Encounters: American Literary and Screen Cultures, 1895–1927

Hanna, Mark G., University of California, San Diego
The Discourse of Piracy, Slavery, and Empire in the Early Modern Anglophone World, 1600-1900

Hart, Thomas C., Franklin & Marshall College
Feeding the Gods: Exploring Macrobotanical and Entomological Evidence for Crop Failure During the Maya Late Classic at La Milpa, Belize

Heefner, Gretchen, Northeastern University
From the Red Desert to the Red Planet: Engineering Knowledge, Environmental Realities, and the Infrastructure of U.S. Power

Herron, Erik, West Virginia University
The Foundations of Contamination in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems

Hershenzon, Daniel Bernardo, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Jewish Manuscripts in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Between Piracy, Redemption, and the Inquisition

Heston, Tyler M., Payap University (Thailand)
Documenting Regional Variation in Fataluku, an Indigenous Language of Timor Leste

Hisano, Ai, Kyoto University
Capitalism and the Senses: Creating the New Sensory World of Business

Hodge, Joseph Morgan, West Virginia University
The Aftermath of Empire: Colonial Experts, Postcolonial Careering, and the Decolonization of Development

Horn, Sally P., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Lake Sediments as Archives of Fire and Environmental History in a Belizean Pine Savanna

Hornstein, Katie, Dartmouth College
Leonine Encounters in Nineteenth-Century France

Ikeda, Asato, Fordham University
Japan-Canada Exchange Through the Arts and Visual Culture of the Twentieth Century

Johnston, Susan, George Washington University
Dating Dun Ailinne, County Kildare, Ireland, a Royal Site of the Irish Iron Age

Keith, Charles P., Michigan State University
Indochina in France: Colonial Subjects, Metropolitan Lives

King, Alexander D., Franklin & Marshall College
Koryak Ethnopoetics: Poetic Patterning of Oral Narratives in Kamchatka, Russia

Kucinskas, Jaime, Hamilton College
Federal Employee Responsiveness and Resistance During Unsettled Times

Lauer, Rena Nechama, Oregon State University
Life After Manumission: Freed Slaves in the Late Medieval Eastern Mediterranean

Luyster, Amanda R., College of the Holy Cross
English Visions of the East: Henry III, the Crusades, and the Cosmopolitan Culture of Display in Thirteenth-Century England

Luyster, Rhiannon J., Emerson College
Transcription and Analysis of Unconventional Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Madole, Sarah, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York A Case Study of Roman Sarcophagi From the Catacombs of Praetextatus: A Contextual Approach

Marinari, Maddalena, Gustavus Adolphus College
White Illegals: Undocumented Italian Migrants From the 1880s to 1965

Martinez, Victor M., Arkansas State University
Feeding Rome, ca. 50–550 CE: Scales of Production and Consumption From the Imperial Roman Capital

McLean, Eden Knudsen, Auburn University
An Education in Italianità: Dictating Identity in Italy's South Tyrol, 1919–1939

McNamee, Megan C., National Gallery of Art
Picturing Number in the Central Middle Ages

Moore, Kathryn B., Texas State University, San Marcos
The Other Space of the Arabesque: Italian Renaissance Art at the Limits of Representation

Morford, Jennifer L., Franklin & Marshall College
Characterization of Iron Sulfide Phases After Reaction With Molybdenum

Morrison, Kevin A., Syracuse University
The People's Palace Moment: A Cultural History of a Transnational Institution, 1882–1913

Murphy, Sharon Ann, Providence College
Banking on Slavery in the Antebellum South

Nevett, Lisa C., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Household Archaeology in a Classical Greek City: House B ix 6 at Olynthos, Greece

Nykiel, Joanna, University of Silesia
Identity Constraints on Remnants

O'Brien, David J., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
The Cult of Napoleon and French Visual Culture, 1815–1848

Odell, Dawn Virginia, Lewis & Clark College
Chinese Art in Eighteenth-Century Europe and America

Ogundiran, Akin O., University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Archaeology of the Urban Mosaic in the Metropolitan Area of Oyo Empire (West Africa)

Pomplun, Robert Trent, Loyola University Maryland
The Education of Ippolito Desideri, 1700–1712

Poska, Allyson M., University of Mary Washington
Contested Equality: Smallpox Vaccination in the Spanish Empire, 1803–1810

Powers, Melinda, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
Greek Drama for Social Activism: Multicultural Adaptations of Greek Drama on the Contemporary U.S. Stage

Rigolio, Alberto, Princeton University
The Syriac Tradition of Isidore of Pelusium

Robins, Jonathan E., Michigan Technological University
Oil Palm: A Global History of an African Tree

Romm, James, Bard College
The Sacred Band and the Rise of Thebes: Innovation and Upheaval in Fourth-Century B.C.E. Greece

Sala, Gemma, Grinnell College
The Right (Time) to Secede: Why Regional Nationalist Parties Ask for Independence When They Do

Salvadore, Matteo, American University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)
The Diasporic Life and Works of Tesfa Seyon (1508-1550): Migration, Transculturation, and Knowledge Production in Sixteenth-Century Rome

Schmidt, Amanda H., Oberlin College
Quantifying Basin Average Erosion Rates in Dominica, Lesser Antilles

Schwalbe, Daria M., University of Aarhus (Denmark)
In Dire Straits: Yupik Language Economies Across the Bering Strait

Sisson, Barbara, Ripon College
Elucidating the Role of Frizzled 7a and 7b in Craniofacial Cartilage Morphogenesis

Skotheim, Mali Annika, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Pantomime Becomes Modern: Lucian's "On the Dance" in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries

Sloutsky, Lana, Independent scholar
Quasi Alterum Byzantium: The Preservation of Identity Through Memory and Culture by Aristocratic Byzantine Women, 1440–1600

Smith, Alexander D., University of Hawaii at Manoa
A Documentation of the Segai and Modang Languages of East Kalimantan

Smith, Kathryn A., New York University
Found in Translation: Artists, Patrons, and Readers in the Welles-Ros Bible

Spencer, Robyn Ceanne, Lehman College, City University of New York
To Build the World Anew: Black Liberation Politics and the Movement Against the Vietnam War, 1950–1975

Terry-Roisin, Elizabeth A., Austin College
Morisco Knights in Renaissance Spain

Thompson, Lauren M., Kennesaw State University
Battle for Birth Control: Mary Dennett, Margaret Sanger, and the Rivalry That Shaped a Movement

Thurston, Alexander, Georgetown University
Text and Context: Islamic Law and Colonialism in Mauritania

Townsend, Kathryn E., Midwestern University
The Other Non-Renewable Resource: Salvaging the Middle Eocene Mammalian Fossil Record in the Wake of Oil and Gas Exploration

Tsouvala, Georgia, Illinois State University
Women Athletes in the Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial Periods in Greece

Tuominen, L. K., John Carroll University
Potential Adaptation to High-Sulfur Soils Via Repurposing of Plant Chemical Defenses

Van Duzer, Chet, Library of Congress
The Use of Stamps in the Decoration of Renaissance Nautical Charts

Walker-Said, Charlotte, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
Rebel Evangelists: African and American Presbyterians in the Struggle for Justice

Weise, Julie M., University of Oregon
Citizenship Displaced: Migrant Political Cultures in the Era of State Control

Willkens, Danielle Shea, Auburn University
The Transatlantic Design Network: Jefferson, Soane, and Agents of Architectural Exchange, 1768–1838

Wunder, Amanda J., Lehman College, City University of New York
The Spanish Style: Fashion at the Court of Philip IV, 1621–1665

Zalman, Sandra, University of Houston
Monuments to Modernism: Museums and the Contest for Cultural Space at Midcentury

Zeller, Jessica, Texas Christian University
Dancers as Choreographic Archives: Preserving the Legacy of Antony Tudor Through the Embodied Experiences of His Dancers


Adler, Gillian, St. Peter's University
Chaucerian Temporality: The Ethics of Time and Perspective in the Dream Visions

Alexander, Ryan, State University of New York, Plattsburgh
Disease Epidemics and Public Health in the Mexican Revolution, 1910–1920

Barrier, Casey, Bryn Mawr College
Frontier Towns and Their Role in the Origins of Urban Life, a Native North American Perspective

Bauer, Doron, Florida State University
Medieval Art in the Balearic Islands: Topologies and Modalities of Artistic Interactions in the Mediterranean

Biers, Kelly, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Documenting Walloon in Northeastern Wisconsin

Bok, Michael John, Lund University (Sweden)
Looking With Gills: The Evolution and Development of Fan Worm Compound Eyes

Bravo III, Jorge J., University of Maryland, College Park
An Examination of Artifacts From the Cave of Pan Near Marathon, Greece

Brice, Lee L., Western Illinois University
Wealthy Corinth Revisited: Minting and Economy in Fourth- to Second-Century BCE Corinthia

Burt, Nicole, Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Reconstructing Changing Patterns of Breastfeeding and Weaning in Vanuatu

Cage, Claire E., University of South Alabama
The Science of Proof: Forensics in France, 1789–1900

Callaghan, Michael G., University of Central Florida
The Glow That Illuminates and the Glare That Obscures: Digital Documentation of an Ancient Maya Shrine

Carey, Jr., David R., Loyola University
Practicing Medicine in Twentieth-Century Latin America: Native Healers, Scientific Doctors, and Hybrid Health Care in Guatemala and Ecuador

Catalan, Ana, University of California, Irvine
Regulatory Sequence Divergence of Vision Genes in Heliconius Butterflies

Childers, Jeff W., Abilene Christian University
Unsanctioned Interpretations: Soothsaying in a Late Antique Bible Codex

Crawford, Sharika D., United States Naval Academy
The Last Turtlemen: Labor, Mobility, and Boundary Crossing in the Maritime Caribbean, 1834–1975

DeNapoli, Antoinette E., University of Wyoming
Religion at the Crossroads: Experimental Hinduism and the Theologizing of the Modern in Contemporary India

Drew, Joshua A., Columbia University
Frozen Horizons: Using Logs from Voyages of Discovery to Understand Past Climate Change in Antarctic Waters

Fortenberry, Brent, Clemson University
Streets of Sugar: Documenting the Early Modern Urban Landscape of Bridgetown, Barbados

Fratantuono, Ella, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Migration Administration in the Making of the Late Ottoman Empire

Gerard, William Blake, Auburn University, Montgomery
Laurence Sterne in America: An Admired Presence

Giddens, Eugene, Anglia Ruskin University (United Kingdom)
Visualizing Childhood: Children's Book Illustration, 1850–1910

Gilburd, Eleonora, University of Chicago
Weary Sun: Tango in Soviet Russia

Giudici, Giacomo, Independent scholar
Renaissance Milan at New York’s Public Library and Pierpont Morgan Library

Glover, Jeffrey, Georgia State University
Ground Penetrating Radar Investigations of the Anthropogenic Modifications of the Ancient Maya Port Site of Vista Alegre, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Gregoricka, Lesley, University of South Alabama
Identity and Place of Burial in Early Bronze Age Jordan: A Biogeochemical Comparison of Charnel House Human Remains

Hamill, Sarah B.H., Sarah Lawrence College
"The Skin of the Earth": Mary Miss, Social Sculpture, and Feminism in the 1970s

Hammond, Kelly Anne, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
China's Muslims and Japan's Empire

Hanukai, Maksim, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Post.doc: The Documentary Turn in Post-Soviet Russian Culture

Harrison, Jill, University of Colorado, Boulder
Regulatory Culture and the Failure of Government Agencies’ Environmental Justice Programs

Harvey, David Allen, New College of Florida
Enlightened Colonialism? France and the World, 1763–1789

Hicks, Cheryl D., University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Black Enchantress: Hannah Elias, Interracial Sex, Murder, and Civil Rights in Jim Crow New York

Jackson, Sarah E., University of Cincinnati
Envisioning Classic Maya Say Kah, Belize: Cartography of Archaeological Spaces Using Indigenous Material Categories

Keller, Kathleen, Gustavus Adolphus
Prince, Wizard, and Marabout: An African in Twentieth-Century France

Kim, Joo Ok, University of Kansas
Chollima's “International Knowledge": Transregional Formations in 1960s-1970s North Korean Print Culture

Klestinec, Cynthia J., Miami University (Ohio)
The Solid Body: Artisans and the Art of Medicine in Early Modern Italy

Knowles, Helen J., State University of New York, Oswego
The Real West Coast Hotel v. Parrish: A Case of Many Stories

Knox, Lezlie, Marquette University
Mariano of Florence and Religious Life in Cinquecento Italy

Kyle, Sarah R., University of Central Oklahoma
The Mirror and the Key: The Roccabonella Herbal and Pharmacology in Renaissance Venice

LaPolla, John S., Towson University
Fossil Ants of the Canyon Ferry, Montana, Reservoir

Liu, Xiao, Pennsylvania State University
Information Fantasies: Precarious Mediation and Postsocialist Imaginations in China 1978-1989

Manfredi, Carla Claire, University of Winnipeg
Pacific Imprints: Robert Louis Stevenson’s Travel Literature and Photography

McAlister, Victoria, Southeast Missouri State University
Social, Economic, and Environmental Contexts for the Medieval Irish Tower House

McCall, Timothy, Villanova University
Matters of Renaissance Fashion

McGee, Reece J., Texas State University, San Marcos
Franz Boas and William J. McGee and the Establishment of the American Anthropological Association

McMahon, Timothy G., Marquette University
Beyond the Boundary Commission: Partitioned Identities in Modern Ireland

Merjian, Ara H., New York University
Against the Avant-Garde: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Art, and Politics, 1960–1975

Metzger, Stephen, University of Notre Dame
The Quodlibetal Disputations of Gerard of Abbeville (d. 1272)

Miki, Yuko, Fordham University
Emancipation's Shadow: Illegal Slavery in the Atlantic World

Miller, Jamie, University of Pittsburgh
In the Factory: Labor, Capital, and Conflict in Apartheid South Africa

Mizelle, Richard, University of Houston
Diabetes: Medical Entitlement and Civil Rights in America

Moser, Claudia, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Via Tiburtina at Settecamini

Moulton, Aaron Coy, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Caribbean Blood Pact: Dictators, Exiles, and the CIA in the Caribbean Basin, 1944–1955

Najafizadeh, Mehrangiz, University of Kansas
The Azeri Enlightenment Movement, the Emergence of Azeri-Language Printed Media and the Social Construction of Women’s “Place" in Czarist-Era Azerbaijan

O'Mahoney, Joseph, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Impact of India's 1974 Nuclear Explosion on the Global Nonproliferation Regime

Osborne, Myles, University of Colorado, Boulder
The World of Mau Mau: Pan-Africanism and Rural Society in the Caribbean

Peri, Alexis, Boston University
Sexual Revolution: The Women Who Rebuilt the USSR

Pollok, Konstantin, University of South Carolina
Academy Edition of Immanuel Kant’s “Motion and Rest” (1758)

Pongdee, Rongson, Sewanee: The University of the South
Development of New Medicinal Agents Using Natural Product Scaffolds

Presciutti, Diana Bullen, University of Essex
The Saint as Social Worker: Visual Hagiography and Social Problems in Renaissance Italy

Pucci, Molly, Trinity College Dublin
Building the Secret Police in Communist Eastern Europe, 1945–1968

Rodriguez Ramos, Reniel, University of Puerto Rico
Historical Engagements with the “Library of the Indians" of Puerto Rico

Rottman, Joshua, Franklin & Marshall College
The Desirability of Naturalness: Can Pro-Environmental Attitudes Be Augmented by Targeting Cognitive Biases?

Roust, Colin, University of Kansas
The Music and Politics of Georges Auric (1899–1983)

Rubin, Ashley T., University of Toronto
Organizational Legitimacy, Identity, and Eastern State Penitentiary, 1829–1913

Sabee, Olivia, Swarthmore College
French Enlightenment Dance Writing in Italy

Samu, Margaret, New School University
Russian Artistic Rivalries in Rome 1815–1848

Schrader, Sarah, University of Notre Dame
Moving to the City: An Examination of Migration, Urbanization, and State Formation in Ancient Nubia

Scott, Erik R., University of Kansas
Soviet Defectors and the Borders of the Cold War World

Scotton, Paul D., California State University, Long Beach
Lechaion Harbor Settlement and Land Project

Seo, Sarah, University of Iowa College of Law
How Cars Transformed American Freedom

Seshagiri, Urmila S., University of Tennessee
The First Scholarly Edition of Virginia Woolf's "A Sketch of the Past"

Silva, Sonia, Skidmore College
Art and Fetish in the Museum

Siver, Peter Allan, Connecticut College
Elucidating the Evolutionary History of the Synurophyceae Over the Cenozoic

Spence, Martin, Cornerstone University
British Evangelicalism in the Age of Mass Democracy

Stokes, James D., University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
The Conflict Between the Culture of Performance and Authority as Illustrated in the Archival Records of the Church Courts in Reformation Norfolk

Stones, Alison, University of Pittsburgh
The Illustration of the Roman d'Alexandre in French Verse

Strobel, Heidi A., University of Evansville
Stitching the Stage: Mary Linwood and the Art of Installation Embroidery

Sutherland, Bobbi S., University of Dayton
The Menagier de Paris and the Formation of Bourgeois Identity in Late Medieval Europe

Swamy, Varun, San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research
Using DNA Barcoding to Elucidate the Taxonomy, Phylogenetics, and Conservation Status of Amazon Rainforest Trees

Taylor, Rabun M., University of Texas at Austin
The Aqua Traiana in Context

Tran, Nhung, University of Toronto
Catechism, Faith, and Practice: A Cultural History of Vietnamese Catholicism

Vanita, Ruth, University of Montana, Missoula
Translation and Scholarly Edition of Selected Poems of Rangin and Insha

Ward, Megan E., Oregon State University
Archiving Imperial History: Scottish Missionaries' African Collections, 1870–1930

Warren, Kim C., University of Kansas
"Lift as We Climb": Mary McLeod Bethune's Campaigns for Gender, Civil, and Human Rights

Weinryb, Ittai, Bard Graduate Center
Starry Images: Art and Experience in the Age of the Astrolabe

Weiss, Andrew D., University of Pennsylvania Museum
Developing a New AMS-Based Radiocarbon Chronology in the Khao Wong Prachan Valley, Central Thailand

Wrenn, Chase, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
The True and the Good: Understanding the Value of True Belief

Wyman-McCarthy, Matthew, Columbia University
Negotiating Imperial Identities: Slave Owners in Britain, 1733–1838

Zilberstein, Anya, Concordia University
Fodder for Empire: Feeding People Like Other Animals


Abdelaaty, Lamis, Syracuse University
The United Nations and the Politics of Asylum in Egypt, Kenya, and Turkey

Anderson, Barbara C., Museum of International Folk Art
Language of Color in and Origins of Three Late Sixteenth-Century Sets of Drawings Illustrating Colonized Cultures for Spanish Eyes

Anreus, Alejandro, William Paterson University
Havana, Cuba and Its Cultural Renaissance During the Nation's Democratic Years, 1940-1952

Becker, Hilary, University of Mississippi
Pigment Shops, Pigmentarii, and the Concerns of Supplying the Roman Empire With Pigments

Bennett, William G., Rhodes University (South Africa)
The Geometry of Cross-Linguistic Consonant Patterns

Bottinelli, Silvia, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The Representation of the Domestic in Italian Art and Visual Culture, 1942–1972

Browne Ribeiro, Anna T., John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress
Amazonian Terra Preta: Soil Technology for the Future

Bucking, Scott, DePaul University
An Archival Perspective on Beni Hassan in Late Antiquity

Cameron-Smith, Alexander, University of Sydney
International Medical and Scientific Organizations in the Twentieth Century Asia-Pacific

Carmody, Todd, Harvard University
Racial Handicap: Uplift and Rehabilitation in Postbellum America

Celli, Andrea, University of Connecticut
Abraham Dismissing Hagar. Baroque Reappraisals of a Biblical Theme in the Context of Interreligious Polemics

Cheta, Omar Y., Bard College
Law and Capitalism in the Late Ottoman Empire, 1838–1876

Chikanda, Abel, University of Kansas
Urbanization, Informality, and Food Insecurity in Harare, Zimbabwe

Chrissidis, Nikolaos, Southern Connecticut State University
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land from the Russian Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century, 1790s–1914

Clark, Julia Kate, American Center for Mongolian Studies
Late Prehistoric Pastoral Adaptations and Land Use Practices in Northern Mongolia's Darkhad Depression

Clewell, Tammy, Kent State University
Drawing Out Lines of Contention: British Cartoons of the First World War

Cooley, Arielle M., Whitman College
The Role of Protein-Coding Versus Gene Regulatory Changes in the Evolution of Biological Diversity

Cox, Jessica G., Franklin & Marshall College
Individual Differences in Language Experience: Bilingual Effects in Cognition

Cramsey, Sarah, Tulane University
Quantifying How Warsaw Jews Survived Soviet Exile and Return, 1939–1946

Crisostomo, Jay, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Lexical Texts From Nippur (Ancient Iraq) From the Early Second Millennium BCE in the Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection

Crouch, Christian, Bard College
Queen Victoria's Captives: A Story of Ambition, Empire, and a Stolen Ethiopian Prince

Durbach, Nadja, University of Utah
State-Feeding in Britain From the Workhouse to the Welfare State

Elena, Eduardo, University of Miami
Argentina and the Frontiers of Steam-Age Globalization, 1870–1920

Ellenbogen, Josh, University of Pittsburgh
Curatorial History of Photography in the United States, 1937–1991

Farrell, Michelle L., Fairfield University
Cuban Digital Independent Filmmakers at the Crossroads

Firpo, Christina Elizabeth, California Polytechnic State University
Black Market Prostitution in Late Colonial Northern Vietnam

French, Brigittine M., Grinnell College
Discourse, Conflict, and Belonging in Post-War Ireland, 1922–1937

Frost, Ginger S., Samford University
Crossed Lines and Crossed Hearts: Mixed Marriages in Britain, 1840–1940

Garofalo, Leo J., Connecticut College
Asian Slaves in the Americas and Spain, 1540–1690

Getz, Christine Suzanne, University of Iowa
Economic Partnerships, Marketing Strategies, and International Relations in the Music Prints of Filippo Lomazzo, 1602–1630

Ghosh, Pika, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Before Women Wrote: Embroidered Kanthas and European Prints in Colonial Bengal

Grendler, Paul F., University of Toronto
Jesuit Schools in Italy, 1548–1773

Griffith, Karlyn, University of North Texas
Personalizing the Apocalypse: The First French Gothic Apocalypse Manuscripts

Guengerich, Anna, Vanderbilt University
Understanding Alternative Forms of Urbanism in the Peruvian Eastern Andes, AD 1000–1500

Hele, Karl S., Concordia University
Indian Pageants in the Borderlands of Sault Ste. Marie

Heneghan, Dorota, Louisiana State University
Gender Relations and Nation in Sofia Casanova's Writings From Poland, 1913–1933

Hershenzon, Daniel Bernardo, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Early Modern Spain and the Mediterranean: Captivity, Commerce, and Communication

Hockenos, Matthew D., Skidmore College
Then They Came For Me: Martin Niemoeller and America, 1930s–1960s

Horak, Laura, Carleton University
Cinema's Oscar Wilde: Mauritz Stiller and the Production of Modern Sexuality

Jolles, Adam, Florida State University
The Curatorial History of Photography in the United States, 1937–1991

Keller, Renata Nicole, Boston University
The Cuban Missile Crisis in Latin America

Kim, Marie S., St. Cloud State University
The Politics of Custom in Early Modern France, 1450–1650

Klingle, Matthew, Bowdoin College
Environmental History of Diabetes and Chronic Disease in America

Kupfer, Marcia, Independent scholar
Contemporary Appropriations of Medieval World Maps in the Work of Gulammohammed Sheikh, Grayson Perry, and Joyce Kozloff

Larson, Stephanie L., Bucknell University
Ancient and Medieval Archaeology, Thebes, Greece

Leader, Anne, Independent scholar
The Tombs of Renaissance Florence, 1250–1550

Leibman, Laura Arnold, Reed College
From Slave to Merchant Princess: How Early American Jews Used Religion to Shift Their Race

Mac Suibhne, Breandan Aodh, Centenary College
A Whispered History of Ireland's Great Famine, 1845–1851

Madry, Scott, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Changing Patterns of Settlement and Land Use in Rural Burgundy, France, 1750 to the Present

Margocsy, Daniel, Hunter College, City University of New York
The Reception History of Vesalius's De humani corporis fabrica

Marston, John M., Boston University
Empire and Environment in Late Bronze and Iron Age Turkey

Merchant, Emily R., Dartmouth College
Demography and the Politics of Overpopulation in the Twentieth Century

Montcher, Fabien, Saint Louis University
Scholarship and the Making of Politics in Early Modern Empires: The Iberian Routes of the Republic of Letters, c. 1580–c.1660

Moore, Brenna, Fordham University
The Poetics and Politics of Catholic Orientalism in Europe, 1920–1960

Moreno, James, University of Kansas
Mid-Century Moves: The Dances of Jose Lima and Erick Hawkins

Mourad, Suleiman Ali, Smith College
Jerusalem and Its Religious Symbolism in Early Islam

Newman, William, Indiana University
Isaac Newton's Alchemical Co-Workers in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries

O'Keeffe, Brigid, Brooklyn College
Esperanto, Citizen Diplomacy, and Internationalism in Russia, 1887–1939

Oleson, Kathryn C., Reed College
Creating and Managing Productive Discomfort in the College Classroom

Oleson, John Peter, University of Victoria
Final Publication Volume of Excavations at the Roman Auxiliary Fort at al- Humayma (Jordan)

Parisot, Eric, Flinders University (Australia)
Emotions and Self-Destruction in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Pearlman, Michael D., Independent scholar
Government Activities of Frederick Henry Osborn, 1940–1950

Pearson, Matt, Reed College
Voice Selection and Aspectual Focus in Malagasy

Petkov, Kiril, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Edition of Gian Pietro Contarini, Historia Delle Cose Successe dal Principio Della Guerra Mossa da Selim Ottomano a' Veneziani ... (1572) With Atlas, Elegantissima Totius Europae ac Partis Asiae ... Descriptio (1564)

Pinto, Karen C., Boise State University
Medieval Islamic Maps: Norman, Ilkhanid, and Ottoman Connections

Razafindratsima, Onja H., Rice University
Impacts of Forest Fragmentation on Plant-Frugivore Interactions and Plant Community Structure in Madagascar's Rainforests

Rashkin, Elissa J., Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Juliet Barrett Rublee and Flame of Mexico (1932): Transnational Feminisms and Film History

Romano, Irene Bald, University of Arizona
The Marble Head of "Alexander the Great" in the Context of Hellenistic and Roman Beth Shean and Modern Israel

Rowe, Nina, Fordham University
The World in a Book: Weltchroniken and Society at the End of the Middle Ages

Sachs, Honor, Western Carolina University
Freedom by a Judgment: The Legal History of an Afro-Indian Family

Saylor, Joel Edward, University of Houston
Identifying Paleozoic Sediment Source-to-Sink Systems Through Bedrock and Detrital Thermochronology of the Paradox Basin and Uncompahgre Uplift

Scales, Rebecca P., Rochester Institute of Technology
The Hidden History of Polio in France

Schreier, Lise, Fordham University
The Playthings of Empire: Child-Gifting and the Politics of French Femininity in Nineteenth-Century France

Serchuk, Camille, Southern Connecticut State University
Art, Cartography, and Visual Culture in France, 1450–1615

Sheffy, Yigal, Tel Hai College (Israel)
Naval Blockade and Amphibious Operations in the Eastern Mediterranean (Levant), 1914–1918

Siemens, Mark, University of Denver
Twisted Light-Matter Interactions in Single Semiconductor Quantum Rings

Singleton, Theresa A., Syracuse University
Archaeological Survey of Slave Runaway Sites in Hispaniola, 1550–1800

Smith, Garrett R., University of Notre Dame
Petrus Thomae's Theory of Distinctions (Barcelona, Spain, ca. 1325)

Spence, Taylor, Monash University (Australia)
A New Interpretation of the Treaty of Buffalo Creek of 1839 and the Seneca Revolution of 1848

Starling, Jessica, Lewis & Clark College
Buddhist Women's Associations and the Production of Religious Literature for Women in Modern Japan From the 1890s to the 1930s

Stratigakos, Despina, University at Buffalo State University of New York
Hitler's Northern Dream: Building an Empire in Occupied Norway

Tasar, Eren Murat, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Soviet and Muslim: The Institutionalization of Islam in Central Asia

Tiffany, Tanya J., University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Visual Culture and Feminine Devotion in the Early Modern Spanish Empire

Tong, Christopher K., Washington University in St. Louis
Environmental Disasters as Political Allegories in Modern China, 1931–1949

Tubau Moreu, Xavier, Hamilton College
The Politics of Ghibellinism During the Empire of Charles V, 1519–1556

Vanderkluysen, Loyc, Drexel University
Monitoring Passive and Active Degassing Sources at Yellowstone Volcano, Wyoming

Walthall, Denton Alex, University of Texas at Austin
The Contrada Agnese Project: Life on the Margins of Hellenistic and Roman Morgantina, Sicily

Warden, Leslie Anne, Roanoke College
Understanding the Egyptian Provinces in the Third Millennium BC

Way, John T., Georgia State University
Agrotropolis: Urban Space and Youth Culture in Contemporary Guatemala

Weinstein, David P., Wake Forest University
Classical Utilitarianism and the Anxiety of Influence

Woeste, Victoria Saker, American Bar Foundation
Religion, Hate Speakers, and the Law in Modern America

Zavitz, Erin E., University of Montana, Western
Celebrating and Commemorating the Haitian Revolution, 1804–2004

Zborover, Dan A., Brown University
Returning Forgotten Voices: Mexican Chontal Records at the American Philosophical Society Library


Abell, Natalie, University of California, Berkeley
Contextual and Analytical Study of Metals and Metallurgical Equipment From the Bronze Age Island Settlement of Ayia Irini, Kea, Greece

Agmon, Danna, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The Nayiniyappa Affair: Commerce, Conversion, and a Colonial Scandal in Eighteenth-Century French India

Alexander, Marion W., Houston Community College, Central Campus
Rittenhouse's Use of the Newtonian Calculus

Alexander, Robert J., Point Park University
Dramatic Records in Percy Documents Before 1642

Anguissola, Anna, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Utility and Bravura: Supports in Roman Marble Statues

Baer, Friederike, Pennsylvania State University, Abington
German Auxiliary Troops in the War of American Independence

Barnes, Sonia, Marquette University
An Acoustic Analysis of Asturian Vowel Metaphony

Bauman, Robert, Washington State University, Tri-Cities,
Religion, Community Organizations, and the Long War on U.S. Poverty, 1964 to the Present

Booton, Diane E., Independent scholar
Paris and the Book Market in Early Modern Brittany, c. 1450–1550

Braun, Lindsay, University of Oregon
Survey, Mapping, and Colonial Encounters on the Zimbabwe Plateau, 1890–1923

Brodsky, Adriana, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Navigating Multiple Diasporas: Argentine Sephardi Youth at Home and in Israel, 1948–1976

Byrd, Brandon R., Mississippi State University
An Experiment in Self-Government: Haiti in the African-American Political Imagination, 1863–1915

Caniglia, Guido, Arizona State University
W.D. Hamilton's Work on Social Wasps and the Origins of Sociobiology, 1963–1968

Catterson, Lynn, Columbia University
The Nineteenth-Century Dealer Stefano Bardini and His Sculptor From Philadelphia: The Florentine Career of A. E. Harnisch

Chazkel, Amy, City University of New York, Queens College and the Graduate Center
Urban Chiaroscuro: Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro and the Politics of Nightfall

Cheney, Patrick, Pennsylvania State University
English Authorship and the Early Modern Sublime: Spenser, Marlowe, Jonson, Shakespeare

Chopra, Ruma, San Jose State University,
Dangerous Enemies: Jamaican Maroons in the British Atlantic

Cohn, Edward, Grinnell College
Prophylactic Policing and the KGB's Struggle With Dissent in the Baltic States

Crnković, Denis, Gustavus Adolphus College
The Use of Rhythmical Prose in the Croatian Glagolitic Literary Tradition From the Twelfth to the Seventeenth Centuries

deJong-Lambert, William, Bronx Community College
J. B. S. Haldane Papers, National Library of Scotland

Del Soldato, Eva, University of Pennsylvania
Vernacular Philosophy in Sixteenth Century Italy: The Printer, the Duke, and the Physician

Dohoney, Ryan, Northwestern University
Abstraction and Ecumenism: Morton Feldman's Music for the Rothko Chapel

Eastman, Carolyn, Virginia Commonwealth University
The Strange Genius of Mr. O: Oratory and Transatlantic Fame in Early America

Eisendrath, Rachel, Barnard College
Renaissance Ekphrasis: Art and Artifact

Eska, Charlene, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Edition and Translation of Anfuigell "Wrong Judgment," an Early Irish Legal Text

Etheridge, Kay, Gettysburg College
The Flowering of Ecology: Maria Sibylla Merian's 1679 Book on European Insects and Their Plant Hosts

Farmer, J. Michael, University of Texas at Dallas
South of Mount Hua: An Annotated Translation and Study of Huayang guo zhi (China, ca. 300 BCE to 350 CE)

Fea, John, Messiah College
Presbyterian Rebellion: The Coming of the American Revolution in the Mid-Atlantic

Fortenberry, Brent, Clemson University
Framing the Low Country: South Carolina and Georgia's Timber-Framing Vernacular Tradition

French, Jan, University of Richmond
Criminal Responsibility of Indigenous People in Brazil: Reconciling Judicial Action and Anthropological Knowledge

Garnai, Amy B., Tel Aviv University
Thomas Holcroft and the Revolutionary Drama: Radicalism, Reception, Afterlives, 1792–1913

Giersch, C. Patterson, Wellesley College
Transnational Business and the Modern Transformation of China's Southwest Borderlands, 1800–1956

Gilbert, Claire, Saint Louis University
The Use of Arabic in the Spanish Monarchy from the Catholic Kings to the Enlightenment

Goode, Michael J., Utah Valley University
Peace, Violence, and the Quaker Colonization of Pennsylvania, 1681–1763

Gouwens, Kenneth, University of Connecticut
Toward a Critical Edition and Translation of Paolo Giovio's Elogia

Green, Denise N., Cornell University
An Investigation of Drawings Produced in 1914 by Douglas Thomas of the Tseshaht First Nation and Their Impact on Cultural and Ceremonial Life in 2015

Gumm, Jennifer, Stephen F. Austin State University
The Evolution of Color Signals in Stomatopod Crustaceans

Hafez, Melis, Virginia Commonwealth University
The Lazy, the Idle, and the Industrious: Culture of Productivity in Late Ottoman Society, 1830–1922

Hager, Christopher, Trinity College
The Epistolary Culture of the U.S. Civil War

Hanukai, Maksim, University of Notre Dame
Between Stage and Street: Teatr.doc and the Russian Theater of the Real

Hodson, Christopher, Brigham Young University
Rumford's Progress: A Revolutionary Life in the Age of Enlightenment

Hoffman, Jennifer, University of Denver
The 3-D View of Potential Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitors

Hofmann, Amy E., Franklin & Marshall College
Tracing Physical and Chemical Processes in Geologic Systems Through an Experimental Investigation Into Jarosite Synthesis With Applications to Martian Mineralogy

Hower, Joseph E., University of Texas at Austin
A Revolution in Government: Jerry Wurf, the Rise of AFSCME, and the Fate of American Liberalism, 1919–1981

Janz, Lisa, University of Arizona
Post-Glacial Hunter-Gatherers and the Origins of Herding in Mongolia, 3000–1000 B.C.

Jones, Tanja L., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Pisanello's Medals: Politics, Dynasty, and Crusade in Fifteenth-Century Northern Italy

Kim, Hanna Hea-Sun, Adelphi University
The BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha and the Formation of a Global Hindu Community

Kurnick, Sarah, Lehigh University
In the Aftermath of Collapse: Political Authority at the Postclassic Maya Site of Punta Laguna, Mexico

Lassen, Robert, Texas State University
San Marcos, Radiocarbon Chronology of the Area 15 Excavation at the Gault Site, Central Texas

Lattanzio, Matthew S., Christopher Newport University
Changes in Diet Breadth and Body Size in Lizards as Viable Responses to Climate Warming in Arizona, 1952 to the Present

Lattin, Christine, Yale University Medical School
Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for Dynamic in Vivo Visualization of the Metabolic Endocrinology of Wild Birds

Leary, Christopher, University of Mississippi
Effects of Male Courtship Signals on the Endocrine Physiology of Female Green Treefrogs: Cooperation or Manipulation?

Lillehaugen, Brook, Haverford College
Colonial Indigenous Testaments in a Modern, Digital Text Explorer: Presentation, Analysis, and Annotation of a Corpus of Last Wills and Testaments in Zapotec (Oaxaca, Mexico, 1565–1740)

Lomi, Benedetta, University of Virginia
Ofuda: Healing and Protection in Early Modern Japan

McCarty, Matthew M., Princeton University
Ritual and Space in Roman and Medieval Apulum (Romania)

McMeekin, Sean, Bard College
The Russian Army in 1917

Miles, William, Northeastern University
Madagascar Multilingualism in Comparative Context

Morrison, Kevin A., Syracuse University
How the Athenaeum Club Thought, 1824–1923

Munroe, Jeffrey S., Middlebury College
Developing a Record of Holocene Environmental Change From an Idaho Ice Cave

Murphy, Kathleen S., California Polytechnic State University
Natural Knowledge and the British Slave Trade in the Long Eighteenth Century

Niell, Paul Barrett, Florida State University
Landscapes of Reform in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico

Notley, Margaret, University of North Texas College of Music
Contexts for Alban Berg's Second Opera, "Lulu"

Nykiel, Joanna, University of Silesia
Syntactic Variation

Oettinger, April, Goucher College
Lorenzo Lotto and the Rise of the Contemplative Landscape in Renaissance Venice

O'Gorman, James F., Wellesley College,
Buildings and Books: The Antebellum Architectural Career of Boston's Edward Shaw (1784–1859)

Park, J.P., University of California, Riverside
A New Middle Kingdom: Painting and Cultural Politics in Late Choson Korea (1650–1850)

Phillips, Denise, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The Rural Socrates: Experiment and Agriculture in the Enlightenment

Pliatsikas, Christos, University of Kent
The Effects of Bilingualism on Brain Structure and Cognition

Porter, Megan L., University of Hawai'i at Manoa
The Evolution of Color Signals in Stomatopod Crustaceans

Postlewate, Laurie J., Barnard College
Multilingualism and Translation in the Manuscripts of Nicholas Bozon

Powell, Larson, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Archive of the Revolution: The Films of Konrad Wolf

Reed, Amber R., University of Pennsylvania
Apartheid and Today's Youth in Rural South Africa

Richardson, Jonathan, Providence College
Evaluating the Movement and Gene Flow of Three Species of Woodland Animals Across a Complex Landscape in Southern New England

Rimner, Steffen, Yale University
The Foundations of Global Narcotics Control

Rispoli, Fiorella, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
A Study of Terracotta Spindle-Whorls From the Sites of Tha Kae and Phu Noi, Lopburi Province, Central Thailand

Rothman, Joshua, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
The Men Who Made America's Domestic Slave Trade Into Big Business

Rudenko, Andrey E., Stanford University
Design of Catalytic Systems for the Controlled Chain-Growth Direct Arylation Polymerization (DArP)

Schneider, Tsim D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Seeking Refuge, Finding Opportunity: Archaeological Investigations of Native American Persistence at Colonial Tomales Bay, California

Shelley, Christopher, Franklin & Marshall College
Quantification of the Mechanism of Activation of Hetero-Tetrameric AMPA-Type Glutamate Receptors

Smith, Jay, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Scandalous Modernity: The Publicity Revolution in 1780s France

Smith-Cannoy, Heather, Lewis & Clark College
Statelessness and Human Trafficking: An Investigation of Rohingya Victims of Thai Traffickers in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region, 2012–2015

Snyder, Michelle D., Towson University
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis of Interactions Between the Soil Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum and Its Bacterial Prey

Stancioiu, Cristina, College of William and Mary
First Impressions, Lasting Memories: Portraiture in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1290–1669

Steele, John, Brown University
Schematic Astronomy in Ancient Babylon

Sternhell, Yael, Tel Aviv University
The Afterlives of the Confederate Archive, 1865–1901

Stremlau, Rose, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Barbara Hildebrand Longknife: Southeastern American Indian Diaspora in the Age of American Empire

Tareen, SherAli, Franklin & Marshall College
Islam and the Ethics of Authenticity: Tradition, Reform, Innovation

Thomas, Lorrin, Rutgers University
Claiming Human Rights for el Pueblo: A New Language of Politics in Mexico and the Americas, 1960–1990

Thompson, Jason, Dakhleh Oasis Project
Sir Richard F. Burton (1821–1890): A Literary Life

Tonoike, Yukiko, Yale University
Insights from Ceramic Petrography Into Human Settlement Patterns and Socio-Natural Systems in the Khabur Basin, Northeastern Syria

Travisano, Thomas J., Hartwick College
Love Unknown: The Life and Worlds of Elizabeth Bishop (1911–1979)

Treuer, David, University of Southern California, Los Angeles

The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: American Indian Life Since the Close of the Frontier

Valelly, Richard, Swarthmore College
Exile, Vision, and Legal Mobilization: Creative Political Responses of Discharged Lesbian and Gay Military Personnel, 1965–1995

Versteeg, Margot, University of Kansas
Emilia Pardo Bazan's Theatrical Vision of a New Spain

Weber, Clare M., Washington State University, Vancouver
Culture by Design: Creating the Worlds of Contemporary Hindi Film in Mumbai, India

Wilson, Gregory P., University of Washington
Vertebrate Paleontology and Geology of the Upper Cretaceous of Baja California, Mexico

Wright, Alice P., Appalachian State University
Archaeological Investigations of the Monumental Landscapes of West Tennessee, ca. 200 BC–AD 500


Adams, Nicholas, Vassar College
The Concert Hall and Classical Music: A Comparative Study of Two Interwar Concert Halls and Their Subsequent Influence on Musical Life in the Two Cities

Amor, Monica, Maryland Institute College of Art
Gego: Weaving the Space In Between, 1930s–1980s

Anderson, Emma, University of Ottawa
God's Grandmother: Tracing the Cult of Saint Anne

Ayalon, Yaron, Ball State University
Autonomous and Integrated: Jewish Life in the Ottoman Empire From the Sixteenth to Early Twentieth Centuries

Bertellini, Giorgio, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
The Divo and the Duce: Film Stardom, Public Opinion, and the Romance of Leadership in 1920s America

Bockelman, Brian, Ripon College
"Down With the Palms of the Plaza!" How a Tree in Buenos Aires Sparked Argentina's First Modern Culture War, c. 1883

Bose, Neilesh, University of North Texas
Universalism, Religion, and Reformation of the World: An Intellectual History of the Brahma Samaj

Botkin, Frances, Towson University
Thieving Three-Fingered Jack: Transatlantic Tales of a Jamaican Outlaw, 1780–2014

Brandt, Gabriel, Franklin & Marshall College
Preventing Parasites From Remodeling: Screening for Inhibitors of Kinases Secreted From a Malaria Parasite

Candido, Mariana, University of Kansas
Atlantic Ties: Women's Economic Roles in Nineteenth-Century Angola

Capelli, Piero, Johns Hopkins University
The Talmud Trial of Paris 1240: A Critical Edition of the Hebrew Account

Casper, Andrew, Miami University (Ohio)
The Shroud of Turin as Art, Icon, and Relic in Early Modern Italy

Chattaraj, Durba, University of Pennsylvania
Democracy and Informality in New Delhi: An Ethnographic and Mixed-Methods Study of the Contemporary City

Ciarla, Roberto, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Techno-Typological Study of Prehistoric Technical Ceramics From Iron Age Sites of the Khao Sai On Minerary District, Lopburi Province, Thailand

Close, Christopher, Saint Joseph's University
An Empire of Alliances: Sovereignty and State Formation in Early Modern Europe, 1450–1672

Cornelison, Sally, University of Kansas
Mannered Piety: Giorgio Vasari's Religious Paintings and Chapels

Culumber, Zachary, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Learning From the Past to Predict the Future: The Physiological Basis of Climate Change in Freshwater Fish

DeBlasio, Alyssa, Dickinson College
The End of Russian Philosophy? Philosophy and Religion at a Crossroads in the Twenty-First Century

Delle, James, Kutztown University
The Villagers of Marshall's Pen: An Archaeological History of a Jamaican Plantation Community, 1812–1850

De Lorenzi, James, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
Orientalism on Trial: The Life and Times of Enrico Cerulli, 1898–1988

Epstein, Katherine, Rutgers University, Camden
National Security and Intellectual Property in the United States Since 1865

Evans, Jean, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Sacred Gifts and the Visual Culture of Elite Religious Practice in Third Millennium BC Mesopotamia

Fearnley, Andrew, University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
Ashley Montagu, Freud, and the Mental Sciences Around Mid-Century, c. 1930–1970

Fenwick, Corisande, Brown University
Archaeology of a Late Antique Church Complex at Bulla Regia, Tunisia

Franits, Wayne, Syracuse University
Godfried Schalcken: A Dutch Painter in London, 1692–1696

Friscia, Anthony, University of California, Los Angeles
Trends in Paleogene Carnivorous Mammals in Africa and North America

Fry, Andy, King's College (London)
New Orleans Jazz in National and International Perspective, 1935–1960

Garrick, Ryan, University of Mississippi
Why Do Unrelated Insect Species Have Spatially Clustered Population-Genetic Breaks in the Southern Appalachian Mountains?

Gerschultz, Jessica, University of Kansas
Décoration and the New École in Tunis

Hall, Valerie, William Peace University
Farming Women in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1850–1914: Autonomy, Authority, and Subordination

Hammerschmidt, Soren, Arizona State University Polytechnic
Alexander Pope: Portraits, Poems, and Recycled Print

Harline, Craig, Brigham Young University
The Ecclesiastical Dynasty and the Reformation

Hatoum, Rainer, independent scholar
The Shorthand Fieldnotes of Franz Boas

Henderson, Taja-Nia, Rutgers University
Framing Treason: Disqualification, Reconciliation, and Memory in Reconstruction-Era America

Herrlinger, K. Page, Bowdoin College
Brother Ioann” Churikov and the Politics of Faith, Authority, and Identity Under Russian and Soviet Rule, 1894-1995

Hirota, Hidetaka, Columbia University
An Anti-Alien Tradition: The History of American Nativism, 1700 to the Present

Horowitz, Wayne, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus
The Lost World of the Boy in the Moon: Approaches to Modern and Ancient Traditional Astronomical Knowledge

Jiang, Yonglin, Bryn Mawr College
Changing Customary Law of the Xiangxi Miao People in Chinese History, 1500–2000

Johnston, Michael, Purdue University
The Reading Nation in the Age of Chaucer

Kimball, Bruce, Ohio State University
The Declension Narrative, the Liberal Arts College, and the University, 1880–2000s

Kindscher, Kelly, University of Kansas
The Ethnobotany Manuscripts of Melvin Gilmore, 1868–1940

Knirck, Jason, Central Washington University
A Loyal Opposition? Opposition Parties in the Irish Free State Dail, 1922–1937

Levenstein, Lisa, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Bringing Beijing Home: The Fourth World Conference on Women and the Global Politics of American Feminism

Lewis, Todd, College of the Holy Cross
Completing the Circle: Religious Ethnography of the Newar Buddhist Merchant Community in Kathmandu, Nepal, and Its Transformations

Lynch, Jack, Rutgers University
The Shakespeare Phantom: The Lives of William Henry Ireland, 1775–1835

Martens, Peter, Saint Louis University
Decoding the Bible in Christian Antiquity: A New Edition of Adrian's "Introduction to the Divine Scriptures"

Martinez, Victor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Feeding Rome, ca. 50–550 CE: The Final Publication of the Roman Amphorae from the Palatine East Excavations

Mednick, Thor, University of Toledo
A New Landscape in Paint: Art, Science, and Technology in Nineteenth-Century Denmark

Miller, Jamie, Quinnipiac University
South Africa in the Cold War, 1974–1980

Mittman, Asa, California State University, Chico
Cartographies of Exclusion: Mapping Jews in the European Middle Ages

Musacchio, Jacqueline, Wellesley College
At Home Abroad: Anne Whitney and American Women Artists in Late Nineteenth-Century Italy

Naddeo, Barbara, City College of New York, City University of New York
From Arcana imperii to Statistics: G. M. Galanti, Political Information, and Science in the Age of Enlightenment

Nadeau, Carolyn, Illinois Wesleyan University
Critical Edition and Translation of Francisco Martínez Montiño’s Arte de Cocina, Pastelería, Vizcochería y Conservería (Spain, 1611)

Nalezyty, Susan, George Washington University
A Merchant Collects: Bartolomeo della Nave’s Art Studio and Gallery in Early Seventeenth-Century Venice

Olden, Julian, University of Washington
Helping Save the World’s Oldest Living Vertebrate, the Australian Lungfish, Through Its Stomach

Olen, Peter, University of Central Florida
Clarence Irving Lewis Archival Project

Ondetti, Gabriel, Missouri State University
Class Conflict, Elite Resistance and Contemporary Tax Burdens in Latin America: A Comparison of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico

Palmer, Philip, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Copious Book, Book in Pieces: Material Readings of Thomas Coryate and the Early English Travelogue

Pederson, Jill, Arcadia University
Circles of Friendship: Leonardo da Vinci and the Academy in Fifteenth-Century Milan

Penny, H. Glenn, University of Iowa
Networked Spaces: German Schools in Latin America Since the 1880s

Phipps, Elena, independent scholar
Eighteenth-Century Samplebooks With Textile Samples Sent From the Viceroyalties (New Spain, New Granada, and Peru) to the King of Spain

Powell, Jason, Saint Joseph's University
The Complete Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder (1504?–1542), Volume 2

Prasad, Ritika, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Intersecting Technologies: Railways and Reading in Colonial India, 1876–1947

Reid-Vazquez, Michele, University of Pittsburgh
Comparative Black Emigration and Freedom in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1830 in Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad, and Puerto Rico

Ritchey, Sara, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
The Palliative Saint: Healing Communities and the Feminization of Health Care Practices in the Late Medieval Low Countries

Rustow, Marina, Johns Hopkins University
Fatimid State Documents From the Cairo Geniza (Egypt and Syria, 969–1171)

Sachs, Honor, Western Carolina University
Freedom by a Judgment: The Legal History of an Afro-Indian Family, 1690–1830

Sacks, David, Reed College
The Certain and Full Discovery of the World: Richard Hakluyt (1552?–1616) and Thomas Harriot (1560?–1621)

Schermerhorn, Calvin, Arizona State University
The Political Economy of North American Forced Migration: The Interstate Slave Trade, Southeastern Indian Removal, and the Making of the Early United States

Schlereth, Eric, University of Texas at Dallas
Quitting the Nation: Expatriation and the Right to Leave the United States, 1776–1868

Schulzke, Marcus, University at Albany, State University of New York
Practical Ethics in British Counterinsurgency Operations

Schwaller, Robert, University of Kansas
Early Afro-Indigenous Frontiers in the Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Southern Caribbean

Skelton, Kimberley, Early Modern Architecture Network
Look But Don't Touch: Sight-Touch Paradigms in Early Modern European Architecture, 1650–1800

Smith, Scott, Pennsylvania State University
Legal Fictions: Plotting Dispute in Early Medieval England

Sonik, Karen, Brown University
Discourses of Alterity: Themes of Alienation, Integration, and Transformation in Sumerian and Akkadian Literature, Mesopotamia, 2000–612 BCE

Spicer, Kevin, Stonehill College
Catholics, Nazis, Jews: The Scourge of Christian Antisemitism in Germany, 1918–1945

Stern, David, University of Iowa
Wittgenstein's Philosophical Manuscripts and Lecture Notes, 1933–1938, in the Recently Discovered "Skinner Archive"

Street, Richard, Princeton University
Subversive Images: Leonard Nadel's Photo Essay on Braceros in 1956

Stuhl, Andrew, Bucknell University
Unfreezing Arctic Assets? The Political Economy of Science in the Quest for Arctic Oil, 1974–Present

Wadewitz, Lissa, Linfield College
Whaling the Pacific World: Race, Sexuality, and Environment on the High Seas, 1820–1920

Warner, Daniel, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Adaptation and Plasticity in Response to Nutrition in Natural Populations

Weld, Kirsten, Harvard University
The Long Spanish Civil War in Latin America

Whalen, Brett, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Last Papal Monarch: A Biography of Innocent IV (1243–1254)

Woodruff, Nan, Pennsylvania State University
The Legacies of Violence and Terror in the Post-Civil Rights South: Memory, Trauma, and the 1966 Desegregation of Grenada, Mississippi

Wright, Elizabeth, University of Georgia
The Epic of Juan Latino: Rediscovering the First Black-African Poet of Renaissance Europe


Alryyes, Ala, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
War’s Knowledge and the Laws of Nature: Subjectivity and Conflict in Philosophy and the Novel, 1660–1798

Anderson, Ross J., University of Sydney
Modern Architecture and the Secular-Sacred: Mies van der Rohe's Chapel of St. Saviour at Illinois Institute of Technology, 1952

Arroyo Abad, Leticia, Middlebury College
The Fiscal Roots of Inequality in Republican Latin America

Avrutin, Eugene M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Velizh Affair: Ritual Murder in a Russian Border Town

Betzer, Sarah, University of Virginia
Surface and Depth: Antiquity and the Body After Archaeology (1750–1870)

Blower, Brooke L., Boston University
Hidden Fronts: The Crash of the Yankee Clipper and American Entries Into World War II

Borbieva, Noor, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Educating the Religious Self: Islamic Schools and Democratic Citizenship in Post-Independence Kyrgyzstan

Brower, M. B., Weber State University
Animal Republic: Social Biology and the Evolution of French Republicanism, 1870-1918

Buchenau, Jurgen, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
The Sonoran Dynasty and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico, 1926–1929

Caponigro, Ivano, University of California, San Diego
Richard Montague (1930–1971): The Simplicity of Language, the Complexity of Life

Caputo, Nina, University of Florida
A Jew in the Margin: Petrus Alfonsi and the Figure of the Medieval Convert

Carey, Jr., David R., University of Southern Maine
International and Indigenous Dimensions of Public Health in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Guatemala

Castagno, Paul, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
From Early Drafts to Broadway Transfers: The Creative Process of Britain's Most Successful Playwright, Alan Ayckbourn

Catterson, Lynn, Columbia University
Stefano Bardini and the Art of Supply

Colby, Robert G., Kenyon College
The Reformation of Pleasure: Bernard Berenson, Altamura, and the Transformation of Aestheticism

Corr, Rachel, Florida Atlantic University
Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Change in Eighteenth-Century San Pedro de Pelileo, Ecuador

Courage, Richard A., Westchester Community College
Novels of Bronzeville: Recovering and Reinterpretating the Literature of the Black Chicago Renaissance

Crane, Sheila, University of Virginia
Migrant Cities: Decolonizing Architecture Between Algeria and France, 1953–1983

Davies, Surekha, Western Connecticut State University
Mapping the Peoples of the New World: Ethnography, Imagery and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, 1500–1650

Davis, Jennifer R., Catholic University of America
The Transformation of Legal Culture in the Post-Roman West, 500–1000 AD

Delbourgo, James, Rutgers University
Empire of Curiosities: Hans Sloane, the British Museum, and the Collection of the World

Dobson, Seth, Dartmouth College
Genetic Basis of Facial Expression in Female Rhesus Macaques, Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico

Dow, James R., Iowa State University
The Culture Commission: Nazi Fieldwork in Italy’s South Tyrol, 1941–1943

Ellis, Ben S., ETH Zurich
Using the Mt. Jackson Rhyolite to Predict the Next Yellowstone Super Eruption

Endonino, Jon C., Eastern Kentucky University
Tomoka Archaeology Project

Gokee, Cameron, Wayne State University
Landscape Archaeology of the Buré Gold Fields, Guinea, 1000–1900

Gould, Rebecca, Yale-NUS College (Singapore)
Giving Birth to Literature: Translation, Rhetoric, Form in Persian and Arabic Literature

Graham, Emily E., University of Central Florida
Construction of Identity and Survival Strategy by Religious Reformers at the Courts of Aragon and Sicily, c. 1200–1400 CE

Gugger, Paul F., University of California, Los Angeles
Utilizing a Natural Oak Hybrid Zone to Identify Adaptive Genetic Variation Underlying Fitness Traits

Hahn, Steven C., St. Olaf College
Pirates in the Bahamas, Jamaica, and the Carolinas, ca. 1715–1730

Hamill, Sarah B., Oberlin College
Photography by Modern Sculptors, 1890–1960

Hamilton, Louis I., Drew University
Preaching and Biblical Commentaries of Bruno of Segni (Italy, d. 1123) and the Desire for Jerusalem at the Time of the First Crusade (1096–1099)

Hartenberger, Britt, Western Michigan University
Analysis of Domestic Use of Chipped Stone at Iron Age Ziyaret Tepe, Southeastern Turkey

Haynes, Christine, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
"Our Friends, the Enemies": The First Allied Occupation of France, 1815–1818

Herndon, Ruth W., Bowling Green State University
Children of Misfortune: Growing up Poor in Early New England (1676–1817)

Howard, Nathan D., University of Tennessee at Martin
Cultural and Material Prestige in Late Antique Cappadocia (350–400 CE)

Irvin, Sherri, University of Oklahoma
Immaterial: A Philosophy of Contemporary Art

Johnson, Benjamin E., Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society
C. G. Darwin and the Nature of the Conservation of Energy. ca. 1880–1930

Jones, Holly, Northern Illinois University
Using a Multi-Trophic Approach to Evaluate Ecosystem Response to Prairie Restoration

Joskowicz, Alexander A., Vanderbilt University
Jews and Romanies: An Entangled History

Kanter, Douglas, Florida Atlantic University
Gladstone and Ireland, 1825–1894

King, Robert D., Sierra Nevada College
The Philosophical Writings of Norbert Wiener at MIT (1919–1960): The Foundations of the History and Philosophy of Science, from Systems Theory to Quantum Mechanics

Kraatz, Brian, Western University of Health Sciences
Exploring the Paleogene Deposits of the Western Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Province, China, for Vertebrate Fossils

Lakey, Christopher R., Johns Hopkins University
Sculptural Seeing: Architectural Sculpture and the Formation of Perspective in Medieval Italy, 1100–1300

Leiner, George H., Saint Vincent College
A Translation of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Unpublished Fragments: Summer 1886–Fall 1887: A Contribution to the Complete Works

Linstrum, Erik, University of Michigan
A History of Chemical Weapons in the British Empire, 1919–1981

Looper, Matthew, California State University, Chico
Maya Hunting Dances in Highland Guatemala

Luongo, Katherine, Northeastern University
Witches and Bureaucrats: African Witchcraft and Its Relation to Global Asylum-Seeking

Mahiet, Damien, Harvard University
The Metternichs and the Art of the Concert: Music, Political Thought, and Diplomacy

Mardilovich, Galina, Metropolitan Museum of Art
“The Independent Goddess”: Printmaking and the West in Late Imperial Russia

McClure, Christopher J., Boise State University
Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Social Attraction and Site Use by Imperiled Sagebrush Birds

Morgan, Benjamin, University of Chicago
David Ramsay Hay and the Edinburgh Aesthetic Club, 1840–1866

Muldoon, Kathleen M., Dartmouth College
Community Response to Quaternary Environmental Change in Southern Madagascar

O'Gorman, James F., Wellesley College
Isaiah Rogers: The Life and Work of a Nineteenth-Century American Architect and Builder, 1800–1869

O'Hara, Matthew, University of California, Santa Cruz
The History of "Futuremaking" in Mexico in the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries

Oliver, Kendrick J., University of Southampton
America’s "Big Bang": A Social and Cultural History of the Birth of the Universe (c. 1919–1989)

Parker, Kenneth L., Saint Louis University
John Henry Newman's Use of the Oriel College Library (1823–1845) at Oxford University: Tracing the Literary Influences on a Celebrated Victorian Author

Petkov, Kiril, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Coriolano Cippico, "The Deeds of Commander Pietro Mocenigo in Three Books," 1470–1474

Plate, S. Brent, Hamilton College
Drums in African, Afro-Caribbean, and Native American Indian Religious Traditions

Poriss, Hilary, Northeastern University
Writing a Musical Life: Pauline Viardot, 1821–1910

Porter, Dahlia, University of North Texas
The Beautiful Science of Medicine: Aesthetics in the Collections of William and John Hunter (1750–1850)

Resende da Maia, Anabela, Tufts University
Dorsal Fin Evolutionary Pressures and the Role in Locomotor Stability in Centrarchid Fishes

Richardson, Seth, University of Chicago
Mesopotamian Cuneiform Texts From the Late Old Babylonian Period 2 (Seventeenth Century BC)

Rinne, Katherine W., Independent scholar
Rome: An Urban History

Rispoli, Fiorella, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
A Study of Crucible Typology at Prehistoric Non Pa Wai in Central Thailand

Rowe, Erin K., Johns Hopkins University
Black Faces, White Souls: The Emergence of Sub-Saharan African Saints in Early Modern Global Catholicism

Rowe, Michael, Washington State University
Magmatic Volatiles of the 1886 Basaltic Plinian Eruption of Tarawera Volcano, New Zealand

Rupert, Linda, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Inter-Colonial Marronage, Spanish Policy, and Imperial Rivalries in the Eighteenth-Century Circum-Caribbean

Scott, Erik R., University of Kansas
Familiar Strangers: The Georgian Diaspora in the Soviet Union, 1917–1991

Shapiro, Adam R., Birkbeck, University of London
Nebraska Man and the First Antievolution Trial in America (1922–1927)

Silvestri, Michael, Clemson University
Imperial Intelligence and Anticolonial Terrorism: The Policing of Revolutionary Nationalism in Bengal, 1905–1947

Singh, Amritjit, Ohio University
A Literary Biography of Wallace Thurman (1902–1934)

Staudenmaier, Peter, Marquette University
The Politics of Blood and Soil: Organic Agriculture in Weimar and Nazi Germany

Stedman, Allison, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
The Mind-Body Connection in Early Modern France, 1600–1735: Miracles, Mysticism, Metaphysics, Medicine

Terrell, Katherine H., Hamilton College
Scripting the Nation: Poets, Chroniclers, and the Authority of History in Medieval Scotland

Tomescu, Alexandru M., Humboldt State University
Early Permian Plants of Argentine Patagonia

Towner, Ronald H., University of Arizona
Archaeology and Tree-Ring Dating at Hosh dik'ani, a Navajo Hilltop Refuge in Northern Arizona

Walsh, Megan, St. Bonaventure University
A Nation in Sight: Book Illustration and Early American Literature

Whelan, Timothy D., Georgia Southern University
Transcribing Correspondence of Henry Crabb Robinson (1775–1867)

White, Chantel E., University of Notre Dame
House and Household in a Classical Greek Emporion: An Archaeology of Trade and Identity

Wilkie, Vanessa J., University of Redlands
"With Grace and Glory": The Stanley Women in Early Modern England

Willis, Christina M., Rice University
Khengkha Language Documentation and Description Project, Bhutan

Yilmaz, Hale, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Menemen 1930: Event, Place, History and Memory

Zappia, Natale A., Whittier College
Food Frontiers: How Native Consumers and Pathways Forged the Early American West

Zhang, Jun, Bryn Mawr College
Demolish or Preserve? Urban Renewal and Spatial Politics in South China’s Urbanization, 1917–2010



Ameri, Marta, Fashion Institute of Technology
Who Holds the Keys? Using the Archaeological Indicators of Administrative Activity from Shahr-i Sokhta to Reconstruct Administrative Practice in Third Millennium Iran

Arunachalam, Sudha, Boston University
Two-Year-Olds' Use of Linguistic Information to Acquire the Meanings of Verbs

Baring, Edward G., Drew University
The Europeanization of Phenomenology 1900–1950

Bell, Richard, University of Maryland, College Park
The Blackest Market: Patty Cannon (1760–1829) and the Domestic Slave Trade

Bredeson, Kate, Reed College
Occupying the Stage: Performances of May '68 in the Context of 1950s–1970s France

Carpenter, Kenneth E., Harvard University Library
The Publishing History of Benjamin Franklin’s Way to Wealth Before 1851

Coggins, Christopher R., Simon's Rock College of Bard
Village Fengshui Forests of the Central Yangtze Basin: Sociocultural Significance and Conservation Status

Cooperrider, Kensy, Case Western Reserve University
Spatial Reasoning and Bilingualism in Juchitán, Mexico

Dahlberg, Laurie V., Bard College
Amateur vs. Amateur: Photography and the [D]evolution of a Gentleman’s Art, 1839–1900, in France, Great Britain, and the United States

DeLancey, Mark D., DePaul University
King Njoya's Palace: A Fulbe Sooro Behind a German Facade, Early Twentieth-Century Cameroon

DeLugan, Robin M., University of California, Merced
The Civil War, Seventy-Five-Plus Years Later: Studying Social Memory in Contemporary Spain

DeRoo, Rebecca J., Independent scholar
Agnes Varda, Feminism, and the New Wave, 1950 to Present

Dochuk, Darren, Purdue University
Anointed With Oil: God and Black Gold in Modern America (1850–2010)

Dombrowski, Andre, University of Pennsylvania
Impressionism and the Modern Temporal Order (1865–1885)

Dursteler, Eric, Brigham Young University
Around the Mediterranean Table: Foodways and Identity in the Early Modern Era

Eastberg, Jodi R., Alverno College
Sir George Thomas Stuanton and Anglo-Chinese Interactions in an Age of Global Anxiety, 1780–1860

Eckert, Astrid M., Emory University
West Germany and the Iron Curtain, 1945–1949 to 1995

Engerman, David C., Brandeis University
The Global Politics of the Modern: India and the Three Worlds of the Cold War

Faller, Helen, Independent scholar
Kitchen Talk: Central Asian Women on History and Social Change

Faudree, Paja, Brown University
A History of Mazatec Texts from Oaxaca, Mexico, Late Eighteenth Through Mid-Twentieth Centuries

Foley, Edward B., Ohio State University
Ballot Battles: The History of Disputed Elections in the United States

Garrison, John, Carroll University
Enriching Friendship: Plurality and Amicitia in Early Modern English Literature

Garvey, T. Gregory, State University of New York at Brockport
Post-Napoleonic Peace Societies and the Origin of Global Governance

Goldberg, Dror, Bar Ilan University (Israel)
How Americans Invented Modern Money, 1607–1692

Hanganu-Bresch, Cristina, University of the Sciences
The Strange Case of Miss B. M. J. Banks: Images of Mentally Ill Patients in the History of Psychiatry

Harris, A. Katie, University of California, Davis
Proving Sanctity: Evidence and The Cult of Relics in the Early Modern Spanish Mediterranean

Hayes, Bruce, University of Kansas
Castigating Comedy: Polemical Humor at the Start of the French Wars of Religion

Hoffmann, Dorothea, University of Chicago
A Preliminary Documentation of the Australian Language MalakMalak

Houlihan, Patrick J., University of Chicago
Divided Loyalties and Unconquered Souls: Catholics in Germany and Austria-Hungary, 1914–1922

Jiang, Yonglin, Bryn Mawr College
The Weapon of the Miao: Changing Customary Law in the “Miao Territory” in Chinese History

Kassens, Alice L., Roanoke College
The Effect of Clinical Depression on the Labor Market Outcomes of Young Adults

Keller, Vera, University of Oregon
Cornelis Drebbel (1572–1633): Artisan and Philosopher in Early Stuart London

Kelly, Kenneth G., University of South Carolina
Landlords, Traders, and the Nineteenth-Century Illegal Slave Trade: Historical Archaeology Along the Rio Pongo, Guinea, West Africa

Kirch, Miriam H., University of North Alabama
Susanna of Bavaria (1502–1543): Consort, Patron, and Collector of Art

Klagge, James C., Virginia Tech
Wittgenstein's Lectures and Influences

Kugler, Rob, Lewis & Clark College
Examining the Second-Century BCE Papyri from the Jewish Politeuma at Herakleopolis, Egypt

LaFauci, Lauren E., Simpson College
Peculiar Natures: Slavery, Environment, and Nationalism in the Southern States, 1789–1865

Le Mentheour, Rudy, Bryn Mawr College
The Empire of Hygiene, or How Enlightened Hygiene Shaped Modernity (1750–1800)

Lipman, Andrew C., Syracuse University
The Saltwater Frontier: Indians and the Colonization of Greater Long Island Sound, 1600–1700

Long, Pamela O., Independent scholar
Rome Restored: Knowledge, Power, and Engineering, 1557–1590

Lyman, Elizabeth D., Independent scholar
"Pinning Men to the Floor with Forks": Novel Stage Directions in Plays From the Larpent Collection

Magness, Phillip, George Mason University
Lincoln’s Last Colony: Freedmen Resettlement in the British West Indies

Marston, John M., Brown University
Archaeological Investigation of Agricultural and Economic Sustainability in Bronze and Iron Age Turkey

Matera, Marc, Northern Arizona University
Race Relations and the End of Empire in Britain, 1945–1965

Maxwell, Keely, Franklin & Marshall College
Heritage Conservation and Development in Machu Picchu, 1911–2011

Miller, Ann N., University of Central Florida
A Cross-Denominational Study of the Impact of Church-Level Factors on Youths' HIV Prevention Behavior in Nairobi, Kenya

Miller, Ian J., Harvard University
Renaturing Tokyo: The Everyday Ecology of Japanese Urban Modernism

Morganstern, James, Ohio State University
The Church of Notre-Dame at Jumièges from the Seventh Century to the Present

Murillo, Dana V., Adelphi University
The Silver City and Its Indian Towns: An Ethnohistory of Zacatecas, Mexico, 1546–1810

Noonan, Sarah, Lindenwood University
The Book in Parts: Selective Reading Practices in Late Medieval England

Oja, Carol J., Harvard University
Performing Racial Desegregation: Broadway Musicals and Progressive Politics in the 1940s

Pearl, Jason H., Florida International University
Utopian Geographies of the Early English Novel

Raymond, Emilie, Virginia Commonwealth University
Stars for Freedom: Hollywood, Celebrities, and the Civil Rights Movement, 1947–1972

Renouard, Joe, The Citadel
The Strange Career of the Genocide Convention: America and the Genocide Pact, 1945–2010

Retish, Aaron B., Wayne State University
In the Courts of Revolution: Violence, Legality, and Social Control in the Soviet Union's Rural Courtroom, 1917–1939

Robinson, David, University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)
Analyzing in situ Indigenous Cached Perishable Material, Prehistoric and Historical Periods, at Cache Cave, California

Roffman, Karin S., United States Military Academy at West Point
A Biography of Twentieth-Century American Poet John Ashbery's Early Life and Art

Scanlon, Jennifer R., Bowdoin College
Anna Arnold Hedgeman and America's Freedom Struggles, 1920 Through the 1970s

Schachner, Emma R., University of Utah
Evolution and Development of the Archosaur Lung

Schleck, Julia, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
The Genres of Early Capitalism: English Trading Companies and the Management of Narrative, 1580–1640

Schonebaum, Andrew, Bard College
Novel Medicine: The Curative Properties of Chinese Fiction, 1644–1911

Schwamb, Megan E., Yale University
Assessing the Extrasolar Planet Inventory with Citizen Science

Sharma, Devendra, California State University, Fresno
Saangit, Swang, Bhagat, and Nautanki Performance Traditions in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century India

Sherif, Ann, Oberlin College
Japan's Independent Presses and Regional Publishers: Literature as Social Activism in Twentieth-Century Japan

Sloboda, Stacey L., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
St. Martin's Lane: The Culture of Craft in William Hogarth's Eighteenth-Century England

Small, David B., Lehigh University
Funeral Feasting and the Development of Cretan Communities in the Late Minoan to Geometric Periods

Stagg, Allison M., Independent scholar
An English Influence on American Caricaturists, 1796–1820

Stone, Anita, Eastern Michigan University
The Science of Sex Appeal: Mate Choice in a Neotropical Primate, the Squirrel Monkey

Taylor, Rabun M., University of Texas at Austin
Rome: An Urban History

Tsakirgis, Barbara, Vanderbilt University
Houses and Households Around the Athenian Agora

van Doesburg, Bas, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (Mexico)
Indigenous Language Texts From the Late Colonial and Early Independence Period (1700–1840), Central and Southwestern New Spain

Walz, Terry, Independent scholar
The Private Papers of the al-Jawhari and Other Families in Asyut, Upper Egypt, From the Nineteenth Century

Wells, Allen, Bowdoin College
Latin America's Representative in the U.S. Congress: Charles Porter and the Latin American Crusade for Democracy During the Cold War

Werner, Janelle, Kalamazoo College
Priests and Concubines in England, 1375–1559

Wilder, Colin F., University of Wisconsin
Property and the German Idea of Freedom, 1648–1806

Yanoviak, Stephen P., University of Arkansas, Little Rock
Tropical Biodiversity and Changing Forest Structure: Lianas Influence Ant Diversity in a Panamanian Rain Forest

Yuan, Furong, University of California, Irvine
Evolution of UV Opsin and Yellow Wing Pigments in Heliconius Co-Mimics  


Barney, Stephen A., University of California, Irvine
An Edition of the "Distinctiones Abel" of Peter the Chanter, France, Late Twelfth Century

Bartolovich, Crystal, Syracuse University
A Survey of English Commonplace Books at the British Library, 1600–1800

Bernath, Michael T., University of Miami
Northern Teachers in the Old South and the Emergence of American Sectional Identity, 1793–1860

Brinkman, Paul D., North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
A History of the Captain Marshall Field Paleontological Expedition to Argentina and Bolivia, 1922–1927

Bybee, Seth M., Brigham Young University
Finding a Mate at Night by Land and by Sea: Co-Evolution of Signal and Receptor Genes in Fireflies

Catterson, Lynn, Columbia University
Dealing Donatello: Stefano Bardini (1836–1922) and the Art Market in Florence

Cellauro, Louis, Independent scholar
The Italian Presence in American Architecture: Thomas Jefferson and Palladio

Chernock, Arianne J., Boston University
The Queen and I: Female Rule and the Place of Women in Victorian Britain, 1789–1901

Chittick, Andrew, Eckerd College
Racing the Dragon: Chinese Dragon Boats in Global Culture

Corbould, Clare L., Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Talking Diaspora: Social Science Research and the History of American Slavery

Cort, John E., Denison University
The Jain Tradition of Holi: Allegory in South Asian Religion

Cowan, Benjamin A., Dalhousie University
Combating Sex and Subversion: Educação Moral e Cívica and Cold War Authoritarianism in Brazil, 1969–1993

De Lorenzi, James, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Being Modern Through the Past: Historiography and Intellectual Change in the Red Sea Region, 1850–1935

Du, Chunmei, Western Kentucky University
Cultural Amphibian: Gu Hongming and His Hybrid World, Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century China

Farmer, J. Michael, University of Texas, Dallas
South of Mount Hua: A Translation and Study of Huayang guo zhi [Records of the States South of Mount Hua] (comp. ca. 350 CE)

Fentress, Elizabeth W., International Association for Classical Archaeology
Bodies and Context: A Close Reading of a Medieval Italian Cemetery (Villamagna, Lazio)

Fisher, Linford D., Brown University
Indian and African Slavery in Colonial New England

Gumm, Jennifer, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Diversification in the Mechanisms of Spectral Tuning in Darters (Percidae: Etheostoma)

Hattab, Helen N., University of Houston
Spinoza's Application of the Geometrical Method to Ethics in Seventeenth-Century Europe

Heineman, Elizabeth, University of Iowa
Kindertransport: A Family History from the Late Nineteenth Century Through the 1980s

Hernandez, David R., University of Notre Dame
Excavations in the Roman Forum at Butrint (Albania): The Archaeology of a Hellenistic and Roman Port in Ancient Epirus

Horowitz, Wayne, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus
Mesopotamian Uranology Texts: Tablet Collections at Yale University and the Vorderasiatisches Museum (Berlin)

Kawahara, Akito Y., University of Hawaii, Manoa
Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Manduca (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)

Kriegel, Uriah, University of Arizona
The Phenomenology of Freedom

Kroll, Mark, Boston University
Ignaz Moscheles and the Jewish Musician in the Nineteenth Century

Landau, Paul, University of Maryland, College Park
Operation M: The Internal Attack on the Apartheid State, 1960 to 1964

Larson, Stephanie L., Bucknell University
Exploring the Ismenion Hill in Thebes, Greece: The Archaic and Classical Temple to Apollo and Its Cultic Environs

Lee, Seunghun, Central Connecticut State University
Understanding the Structure of Sounds: The Phonetics and Phonology of Korean

Levitch, Mark, National Gallery of Art
Getting Real: Visual Culture in Great War France

Malone, Cheryl K., University of Arizona
Information Access and Racial Segregation: The Negro Public Library in Tyler, Texas, 1940–1970

Maulsby, Lucy M., Northeastern University
"Case del Fascio" and Italian Modernism

McKinley, Michelle A., University of Oregon School of Law
Fractional Freedoms: Slavery, Legal Activism, and Ecclesiastical Courts in Colonial Lima, 1593–1700

Minardi, Margot, Reed College
American Citizens of the World: The Political Culture of Peace Reform in the United States, 1812–1865

Neilson, Christina, Oberlin College
Verrocchio's Factura: Making and Meaning in an Italian Renaissance Workshop

Notley, Margaret, University of North Texas
Understanding Berg's Libretto for "Lulu" and the Contexts for It

Odell, Dawn V., Lewis and Clark College
Society and Material Culture in the Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Dutch East Indies, Jakarta, Indonesia (Batavia)

O'Gorman, James F., Wellesley College
Portraying an Emerging Profession: Images of Nineteenth-Century American Architects in Historical Context

Ortolano, Guy, New York University
British New Towns and the Unmaking of Mid-Century Modernism, 1946–1992

Oryshkevich, Irina T., Princeton University
Michelangelo's Florentine Pietà and the Cult of Nicodemus in Sixteenth-Century Tuscany

Pearce, Margaret W., University of Kansas
Native Place Names Mapping: Developing Best Practices

Penn, Michael, Mount Holyoke College
Imaging Islam in Seventh- Through Ninth-Century Northern Mesopotamia

Perrone, Sean, Saint Anselm College
Fiscal Demarcations and Financial Power in Castile during a Transition Century (1450–1550): Analysis with GIS Technologies

Raczek, Teresa P., University of New Hampshire
Examining Shifts in Interaction and Integration From the 2nd Millennium BC to 1st Millennium AD in Northwest India

Randall, Asa R., University of Florida
Resituating the Florida Archaeological Expeditions of Jeffries Wyman (1860–1874)

Rider, Jeff, Wesleyan University
A Study, Editions, and Translations of the Flandria Generosa A and B

Rudalevige, Andrew C., Dickinson College
The Unilateral Powers of the Chief Executive: Command, Context, and Constraint

Salazar-Bravo, Jorge, Texas Tech University
Polylepis Endemics of the High Andes

Samuels, David W., New York University
Lutheran Missionaries, Language Shift, and Ideologies of Conversion on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in the Twentieth Century

Scheck, Raffael, Colby College
Léopold Sédar Senghor as a German Prisoner of War, 1940–1942

Smith, Jennifer E., University of California, Los Angeles
Maternal Effects on Social Niche Construction Among Free-Living Mammals

Stein, Louise K., University of Michigan
Private and Public Opera Production, Performance, Financing, and Politics in Late Seventeenth-Century Naples

Steinberg, Ronen, Michigan State University
The Afterlives of the Terror: Dealing with the Legacies of Mass Violence in Post-Revolutionary France, 1794–1830s

Stern, David G., University of Iowa
Transcribing and Editing Wittgenstein's Lectures, Cambridge, 1930-1933, From the Notes of G.E. Moore

Strum, Philippa, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
"We Must Move With the Wind": The Life of Dorothy Kenyon (1888–1971)

Sugandhi, Namita, Indiana University Northwest
All That Remains: Ceramic Analysis of the Ahar Banas Through Middle Periods at Chatrikhera, Rajasthan, India

Thompson, C. Michele, Southern Connecticut State University
A History of Smallpox and Preventive Treatments for It in the Lands Bordering the South China Sea, 1800–1950

Treharne, Elaine M., Florida State University
Arts and Crafts to Modernism (1891–1940): Beauty and the Book

Treuer, Anton S., Bemidji State University
Ojibwe Grammar Research Project

Uddin, Sufia M., Connecticut College
Tale of the Sublime Manifestation of Grace: An Annotated Translation of the Story of Bonbibi, a Nineteenth-Century Sufi Tale from West Bengal, India

Van Wagenberg-Ter Hoeven, Anke A., University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
Catalogue Raisonné on Painters Jan Baptist Weenix and Jan Weenix

Walicek, Don E., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Language Contact and Social Experience in Anguilla, 1650–1834: The Significance of St. Christopher

Wilson, Gregory P., University of Washington
Uncovering the Paleobiogeography of Baja California's Late Cretaceous Vertebrate Faunas



Aguilar, Pablo S., Institut Pasteur Montevideo
Yeast Mating as a Model of Cell-Cell Fusion

Aslanbeigui, Nahid, Monmouth University
Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877–1959): The Theory of Welfare and the Professionalization of Economics

Avrutin, Eugene M., University of Illinois
Jews and Their Neighbors in Tsarist Russia

Bailey, Gauvin A., University of Aberdeen
Rococo Architecture and Spirituality in South America

Barber, Jesse R., Colorado State University
Evolution of Ultrasonic Hearing and Sound Production in Hawkmoths

Barraclough, Laura R., Kalamazoo College
The Contested Cowboy: Mexican American Charros and the Struggle for Suburban Public Space

Beachy, Robert, Goucher College
Long Knives: Homosexuality in Nazi Germany

Benton-Cohen, Katherine, Georgetown University/Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
The Last Immigration Crisis: The Dillingham Commission and Progressive America

Blum, Hester, Pennsylvania State University
Arctic and Antarctic Circles: The Print Culture of Polar Exploration

Boittin, Jennifer, Pennsylvania State University
Feminist Colonizers? French Women in West Africa, Indochina and Martinique, 1900–1939

Bowles, Brett, State University of New York at Albany
Cinematic Technique, Historiography, and Ethics in the Documentaries of Marcel Ophüls

Busing, Richard T., United States Geological Survey
Forest Dynamics Along an Appalachian Elevation Gradient

Calvert, Jane E., University of Kentucky
The Complete Writings of John Dickinson (1732–1808)

Campbell, Caroline J., University of North Dakota
Emboldening the French Imperial Project: Gender, Ultranationalism, and the Croix de Feu, 1927–1939

Carr, Maureen A., Pennsylvania State University
Stravinsky's Path to Neoclassicism

Carraway, Joanna, Rockhurst University

Crime Control, Dispute Resolution, and Defendants' Rights: The Medieval Legal Tradition and the Practice of Criminal Law in Bologna and Reggio Emilia

Chong, Kelly H., University of Kansas
Intermarriage and the Politics of Race and Gender Among Second Generation Asian Americans

Coleman, Joyce, University of Oklahoma
Chaucer the Court Poet

Cormack, Margaret J., College of Charleston
Medieval Icelandic Church and Landscape

DeBose, Jennifer L., Smithsonian Institution
Release of DMSP and Other Natural Chemical Products Through Reef-Associated Trophic Events and the Corresponding Effects on Reef Fish Behavior

Desan, Suzanne, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Foreign Radicals in Revolutionary France

Dorman, W. J., Durham University
Urban Security and Development in Cairo, Egypt: The View From the Archives

Durband, Arthur C., Texas Tech University
CT Scanning of Ancient Skeletal Remains From the Willandra Lakes, New South Wales, Australia

Fogg, Shannon, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Restitution: Reconstructing Jewish Lives in Twentieth-Century France

Garcia, Humberto, Vanderbilt University
Romanticism Re-Oriented: Indo-Muslim Travelers and English Literary Culture, 1760–1820

Gill, Gordon E., Oberlin College
Families, Communities, and Neighborhoods: Identity Formation Among the Enslaved on the Plantations of Guyana

Godbeer, Richard, University of Miami
The Life and Times of Elizabeth (1735–1807) and Henry (1734–1809) Drinker

Green, James N., Brown University
Exiles within Exiles: Herbert Daniel, Late Twentieth-Century Brazilian Gay Revolutionary

Guneratne, Anthony R., Florida Atlantic University
Rediscovering Shakespeare: The Role of Archives in Reconstructing the Shakespeare Film Canon

Guss, David M., Tufts University
Alastair Cram (1909–1994): Finding Justice

Haggis, Donald C., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The Archaic Cretan City (1200–500 B.C.): The Final Publication of Excavations at the Site of Azoria in Eastern Crete, Greece, 2002–2006

Harvey, David A., New College of Florida
The Varieties of Man: Human Origins and Racial Difference in French Enlightenment Thought

Higgins, Padhraig, Mercer County Community College
“The Rights of the Poor”: The Politics of Poverty in Eighteenth-Century Dublin

Hirschfeld, Nicolle, Trinity University
Return to Cape Gelidonya

Horner, Patrick J., Manhattan College
The Index of Middle English Prose: A Handlist of Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in the e Museo Collection, Bodleian Library, Oxford

Hudson, Angela P., Texas A&M University
“Real Native Genius”: Okah Tubbee's Traveling Indian Show

Janiak, Andrew, Duke University
Newton's God: Theology and Natural Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century England

Kaplonski, Christopher, University of Cambridge
The Question of the Lamas: Violence, Sovereignty and Exception in Early Socialist Mongolia

Khan, Naveeda, Johns Hopkins University
The Imminent, the Everyday and the Eternal: Temporal Orientations to Climate Change in Bangladesh

Livshultz, Tatyana, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Pollination of Primitive Milkweeds and Their Relatives: Testing the Fitness Benefit of a Remarkable Floral Adaptation

Manning, Patricia, University of Kansas
Why Book Vendors Asked the Inquisition to Intervene: Understanding a 1655 Petition by the Brotherhood of Booksellers in Madrid

McCormack, John, Louisiana State University
Testing Speciation Mechanisms in a Recent Radiation of Rocky Mountain Birds Using Data from Next-Generation Sequencing

Medzhibovskaya, Inessa, Eugene Lang College, The New School
Tolstoy's Fate in the Twentieth Century: Documents, Memoirs and Archival Stories

Meiners, Scott J., Eastern Illinois University
Leaf Nutrient Concentrations and the Functional Ecology of Old Field Succession

Mendoza, Zoila S., University of California, Davis
Pilgrimage, Music, and Dance in the Andes: An Interdisciplinary Study of the Sensory Among Quechua-Speaking People

Morgan, William, independent scholar
Correspondence of William S. Burroughs: 1959–1974

Morison, Melissa, Grand Valley State University
Pots for the Ancestors: Funerary Ritual and Identity Construction at Ancient Kenchreai, Greece

Nair, Stella, University of California, Riverside
Retreats Without Surrender: The Architecture of Sanctuary at Chinchero, Peru

Nash, Donna J., University of Illinois at Chicago
Expansion and Control: Investigating Migration Between the Chuquibamba and Moquegua Provinces of the Expansive Wari State, Peru

Nykiel, Joanna, University of Silesia
Acceptability of Preposition Omission Under Sluicing and Fragment Answers

Paugh, Katherine, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
The Politics of Midwifery in Barbados During the Age of Abolition

Rajam, V. S., Independent scholar
A Reference Grammar of Post-Classical, Pre-Devotional Tamil Poetry

Rhine, Kathryn A., University of Kansas
Vitalities: The Gendered Politics of Kinship and AIDS in Nigeria

Rissetto, John D., University of New Mexico
How Climate Change Affected Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Cultural Adaptations

Roy, Ayon, University of California, Berkeley
Sankara Contra Hegel: Advaita Vedanta and the Limits of Reason

Rudolph, Nicole, Adelphi University
At Home in Postwar France: Building Homes, Building a Nation, 1945–1975

Sam Colop, Luis E., independent scholar
Maya Manuscripts Research

Satia, Priya, Stanford University
Guns: The True History of the British Empire

Schmalzer, Sigrid, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Red Revolution, Green Revolution: Encounters with Scientific Farming in Socialist China

Smith, Marilyn S., Independent scholar
The Modernist Turn of a Classical Anthropologist: Jane Harrison and Russia, 1914–1926

Smolenski, John, University of California, Davis
Hearing Voices: Culture and Power on an Eighteenth-Century Virginia Plantation

Strobel, Heidi A., University of Evansville
Mary Linwood and the Art of Installation Embroidery

Strycharski, Andrew, Florida International University
The Literacy Affect: Philip Sidney (1554–1586) and Early Modern Education

Tomescu, Alexandru M., Humboldt State University
Characterizing the Early Devonian Floras of Western North America

Tran, Lisa, California State University, Fullerton
Law and Custom: Women and Marriage in Twentieth-Century China

Tsomu, Yudru, Lawrence University
Migration, Settlements, and Community Formation: Han Chinese Immigrants in Eastern Tibet

Tulchin, Allan A., Shippensburg University
Networks of Enlightenment: The Revolution Before the Revolution in Bordeaux, 1760–1790

Vinson, Stephen M., Indiana University, Bloomington
Digital Recording of Demotic Graffiti in Luxor, Egypt (Valley of the Kings) and El-Kab

von Germeten, Nicole, Oregon State University
Scaling Honor's Walls: Sex, Violence, and Race in Colonial Cartagena de Indias

von May, Rudolf, Independent scholar
Diversification Processes of High-Elevation Andean Frogs

Webster, Susan V., College of William and Mary
The Conquest of European Architecture: Andean Masters and the Construction of Colonial Quito

Westgard, Joshua A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Reading Bede's History in Medieval Europe, ca. 731–1500

Wolfinger, James, DePaul University
Capital’s Quest: Management, Labor, and the Search for Social Control in Philadelphia’s Mass Transit Industry


Ahmed, Asad, Washington University, St. Louis
Charting the History of Rationalism in the Islamic Scholarly Tradition

Allen, Robert, Academy of Natural Sciences
The Protura of Western North America

Anderson, William R., University of Michigan Herbarium
The Plant Family Malpighiaceae in Colombia

Andrews, Christine, Mt. Holyoke College
Artistic Invention in the Fifteenth-Century Luxury Manuscript Trade

Arnade, Peter, California State University, San Marcos
Domestic Drama and Social Honor in the Burgundian Netherlands Fifteenth-Century Pardon Letters

Bennett, Alexandra G., Northern Illinois University
The Complete Works of Jane Cavedish (Seventeenth Century)

Brauckmann, Sabine, Tartu University
The Sublime of Life's Microforms:Roman Vishniac's (1897–1990) Scientific Photographs and Films

Brice, Lee, Western Illinois University
A Greek Legacy of Small Denomination Coins, Fourth Century BCE

Burnett, Stephen, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Christian Hebraism in the Reformation Era (1500–1660)

Campanella, Thomas, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The Last Utopia: Soul City and the Unmaking of an American Dream

Clark, Katherine, University of Kansas
The Claverings and Their Built Environment Through Five Centuries

Damon, Frederick, University of Virginia
Outrigger Canoes as Keystone Species

Dejong-Lambert, William, Bronx Community College
The Cold War Politics of Genetic Research

Dilley, Paul, Kansas State University
The Religious History of Pre-Islamic Iran

Dyer, Gary R., Cleveland State University
The Printing and Publishing of Lord Byron's "Don Juan," Cantos VI–XVI

Engel, Katherine C., Texas A&M University
The Protestant International and the American Revolution

Field, Sean L., University of Vermont
The Trial of Marguerite Porete and Guiard of Cressonessart, 1308–1310

Finney, Paul C., University of Missouri
Catalogue of Late Antique and Early Byzantine Engraved Gemstones in the British Museum

Firpo, Christina, California Polytechnic State University
Racial Categorization, Colonial Security and Forcible Removal of Mixed-Race Children in Colonial Indochina, 1870–1956

Fralish, James, Southern Illinois University
The Impact of Balsam Fir Invasion on Northern Wisconsin Forest Biodiversity and Soil Characteristics

Gage, Frances, Buffalo State College
Painting as Medicine in Seventeenth-Century Rome

Garver, Valerie L., Northern Illinois University
Textiles in the Caroligian World, c. 715–c. 915

Gucer, Kathryn, Northwestern University
Cross-Cultural Information Exchange Between Early Modern England and France

Harland-Jacobs, Jessica, University of Florida
The Politics of Toleration in the British Empire, 1760s–1830s

Hartch, Todd F., Eastern Kentucky University
Ivan Illich and the Crisis of Christianity in the 1960s

Haverty-Stacke, Donna, Hunter College, City University of New York
Trade Union Democracy, Political Dissent, and Free Speech in America 1934–1948

Heinrich, Thomas, Baruch College
An Industrial History of American Naval Construction, 1940–1945

Hilsdale, Cecily, Northwestern University
Greeks Bearing Gifts: Byzantine Art and Diplomacy in an Age of Decline

Hoopes, John W., University of Kansas
Urgent Mapping and Preservation of a Pre-Columbian Settlement in the Caribbean Lowlands of Northeastern Costa Rica

Jacobson, Marion S., Union University
A Cultural History of the Piano Accordion, 1908–2008

Jobs, Richard I., Pacific University
Youth, Travel and the Cultural Integration of France and West Germany

Jones, Janet D., Bucknell University
Technology, Trade, and Influence in the First Millenium BCE Asia Minor

Kolbe, Jason J., University of California, Berkeley
Reconstructing the Invasion History of the Green Lizard (Anolis carolinensis)

Mabry, Karen, Miami University
Using Genetic Methods to Understand How Natal Habitat Affects Dispersal Behavior

Minana, Rogelio, Mount Holyoke College
The Role of a Spanish Cultural Icon in Contemporary Brazilian Social Justice Movements

Murphy, Elizabeth, Oberlin College
The French Great War Picaresque

Ouyang, Xiaoli, Harvard University
Temple Treasury Records and Politics in Ur III Mesopotamia (c. 2112–2004 BCE)

Palka, Joel, University of Illinois
Archaeology and Historical Anthropology of Lacandon Maya Origins in Unconquered Territory in Chiapas, Mexico

Pierce, Robert A., Grafton High School
Domenico Antonio Ferrari (1685–1744)

Pigott, Vincent C., University College
London, The Laboratory Characterization of Prehistoric Copper Processing Crucibles From Central Thailand

Pon, Lisa, Southern Methodist University
Forli's Madonna of the Fire, Fifteenth Century

Porter, Benjamin, University of California, Berkeley
Marginal Communities on the Mamuk Imperial Frontier

Rigogne, Thierry, Fordham University
The Birth of Coffee Culture and the Rise of the French Cafe Through the End of the French Revolution

Roeselers, Guus, Harvard University
Ammonium Assimilation in Chemosynthetic Symbiosis

Rogers, Thomas, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Hunger and Environmental Destruction in Brazil's Forgotten Ethanol Boom, 1971–1990

Rotjan, Randi, New England Aquarium
Vacancy Chains Provide Aggregate Benefits to Hermit Crabs

Rowland, Ann, University of Kansas
John Keats in America

Rustow, Marina, Emory University
Islamic Empire and the Medieval Jewish Community

Rutkin, H. Darrel, Huntington Library
The Professor at Italian Universities, ca. 1400–1600, with an Emphasis on Giuliano Ristori (1492–1556)

Sagarin, Raphael, Duke University
The Indelible Stain of Human Impacts on Plicopurpura Pansa Populations in Mexico

Samonds, Karen, McGill University
Fossil Exploration to Remote and Unknown Regions of Madagascar

Scales, Rebecca P., George Mason University
Radio and the Politics of Auditory Culture in Interwar France, 1923–1939

Smallwood, Arwin D., University of Memphis
A History of the Sixth Iroquois Nation

Spence, Sarah, University of Georgia
Poetic Visions of a United Europe, 1571–1580

Szabo, Vicki, Western Carolina University
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Whale-Bone Identification and Premodern Whale Demographics

Vella, Stephen, Wake Forest University
The Domestication of the Colonial Indian Frontier and the Refashioning of British Imperial Identity, 1790–1850

Willson, Kendra, University of California, Los Angeles
Personal Name Law in the Nordic Countries: Models of Language and Citizenship


Ahlering, Marissa, University of Missouri
Metapopulation Processes in East African Elephants

Alduy, Cecile, Stanford University
Reframing Obscenity in the Blasons anatomiques du corps feminin, 1536–1568

Alford, Mac, University of Southern Mississippi
Origin and Evolution of the Willows and Cottonwoods

Baldasso, Renzo, Smithsonian Institution
Erhard Ratdolt (c. 1447–1528) and the Visual Dimension of Early Printed Books

Bardsley, Sandy, Moravian College
The Status of Late Medieval English Women

Baxley, Anne M., Washington University, St. Louis
Happiness and Its Value in Kant's Ethics

Bernardin, Susan K., State University of New York, Oneonta
More Stories from the Land of the Grasshopper Song, 1908–1909

Blume, Anna, State University of New York, FIT
Maya Concepts of Zero

Borejsza, Aleksander, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas
The Terraces of Calixtlahuaca: Land Improvement and Degradation in Central Mexico, 1200–1900

Borovaya, Olga, Russian State University for the Humanities
The Emergence of the Jewish Press in the Lands of Islam: The First Jewish Periodicals in Izmir (1842–1846)

Calderon, Marco A., El Colegio de Michoacan
Actopan and Carapan: Two Social Experiments in Indigenous Education

Calvillo, Elena, University of Richmond
Giulio Clovio and Artistic Service in Sixteenth-Century Rome

Cintron, Leslie, Washington and Lee University
The National Trust and the Transformation of British Heritage, 1895–2008

DeLay, Brian, University of Colorado, Boulder
Arms Trades and Indian Freedoms in the Americas, 1776–1920

Desmond, Matthew, University of Wisconsin, Madison
The Dynamics of Eviction in Inner-City Milwaukee

Devun, Leah, Texas A&M University
Cures and Closures: Surgery, Intersex, and the Demands of Difference, 1200–1500

Dubois, Thomas, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Lithuanian Religious Woodcarving

Espinosa, Aurelio, Arizona State University
Holy Ordinary: A Comparative Analysis of Local Religion in the Spanish Empire and Modern Mexico

Evrigenis, Ioannis, Tufts University
Images of Anarchy: The Natural Condition of Mankind in Political Thought and Discourse

Fogleman, Aaron, Northern Illinois University
Religion, Sexuality, and Medicine in a Colonial World

Frankel, Henry, University of Missouri, Kansas City
The Controversy Over Continental Drift

French, Susannah, Indiana University
Effect of Human Disturbance on Immunocompetence and Susceptibility in Galapagos Marine Iguanas

Fuchs, Frieda, The College of Wooster
The Politics of Protective Labor Legislation in Britain and France, 1833–1914

Gerbino, Giuseppe, Columbia University
Music, Language, and Desire in Early Modern Italy

Giustino, Cathleen, Auburn University
The Making of Heritage in Cold-War Czechoslovakia

Gleijeses, Piero, Johns Hopkins University
The Struggle for Southern Africa: Havana Versus Washington, 1976–1994

Gomez, Gale G., Rhode Island College
A Thematic Lexicon of Yanomae (Northern Brazil)

Gonzalez de Bustamante, Celeste, University of Arizona
The Making of Mexican Television News, 1950–1970

Gutierrez, Jorge L., National Council of Science and Technology
The Extended Physics of Organisms and Ecosystem Mass-Balance

Gyure, Dale A., Lawrence Technological University
Florida Southern College: Frank Lloyd Wright's "Great Education Temple"

Halperin, Christina, University of California, Riverside
Maya State Collapse and Transition from the Perspective of Household Rituals During the Terminal Classic Period

Hancock, David, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
William Petty, 1st Marquess of Lansdowne and the Promise of Atlantic Internationalism, 1737–1805

Hattori, Anne P., University of Guam
Cameras and Confinement: Capturing Leprosy on Guam, 1898–1920

Hoeksema, Jason, University of Mississippi
Mediation of Plant Competition by Common Mycorrhizal Networks in Coastal Forests

Hutchinson, Deborah, Old Dominion University
Mechanisms of Tolerance and Provisioning of Sequestered Defensive Steroids in an Asian Snake

Jackson, Margaret A., University of Miami
Configuring Narrative: Pictographic Notation in Moche Art of Peru

Karmon, David, College of the Holy Cross
Ruining the Ruins: The Preservation of Antiquity in Renaissance Rome

Klepper, Deeana, Boston University
Christian Views of Jewish Expulsion in the Middle Ages: Theology and Policy

Kupfer, Marcia, independent scholar
The Castilian Alba Bible and Related Materials

Lawrence, James, independent scholar
Frank Stella (1936– ), Pioneer of Abstract Art

Ledig, Thomas, U.S. Forest Service
Evaluation of a Common Garden Test of Pitch Pine (Pinus ridida mill.)

Looser, Devoney, University of Missouri, Columbia
The Sister Novelists Jane and Anna Maria Porter

McKinley, Michelle A., University of Oregon School of Law
Race, Marriage, and Inequality in Colonial Peru

McQuade, Kyle J., Mesa State College
Ras GTPase Methylation in Dictyostelium discoideum

Mensch, Jennifer, The Pennsylvania State University
The Perfection of Knowledge: Intellectual Intuition in Descartes, Kant, and Schelling

Miller, Paul, McDaniel College/International University of Sarajevo
The Footprints of Gavrilo Princip: June 28, 1914, in History and Memory

Mineo, Claudia, Florida State University
In Pursuit of God's Justice: Privileges, Litigation, and Power in Early Modern Castile

Munroe, Jeffrey S., Middlebury College
Developing a Chronology for Holocene Neoglaciation in Glacier National Park, Montana

Munshi-South, Jason, Baruch College, CUNY
Noninvasive Population Genetics of Last Remaining Proboscis Monkey Population on the West Coast of Sabah, Malaysia

Murray, K. Sarah-Jane, Baylor University
The Ovide Moralise: Text and Contexts

Neely, David, Tennessee Aquarium Research Institute
Molecular Systematics in Mongolian Osmans (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Oreoleuciscus)

Nyden-Bullock, Tammy M., Grinnell College
DeVolder and the New Physics at Leiden

Olmsted, Jennifer, Wayne State University
Delacroix, Art, and the Contest for Power in North Africa

Pancaroglu, Ayse O., Bilkent University
Human Images and Persian Poetry on Objects in Thirteenth-Century Eastern Islamic World

Pearcy, Matthew, US Army Corps of Engineers
The Papers of Andrew A. Humphreys (1810–1883)

Pomplun, Robert Trent, Loyola College, Maryland
The Alphabetum Tibetanum of Antonio Agostino Giorgi (1711–1797)

Powell, Jason, St. Joseph's University
The Complete Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder

Power, Margaret, Illinois Institute of Technology
Repositioning the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party: Transnationalism, Gender, and Solidarity

Prasad, Leela, Duke University
Annotating Pastimes: Folktale Collection in Colonial India

Puri, Michael, University of Virginia
Memory, Sublimation, and Desire in the Music of Maurice Ravel

Reinhardt-Zacair, Catherine, Chapman University
African Burial Grounds of Memory: Comparing Guadeloupe, Barbados, and New York City

Ryan, Stephen D., Dominican House of Studies
Text and Translation of the Wisdom Books

Sandberg, Brian, Northern Illinois University
Gender and Violence in the French Wars of Religion, 1562–1629

Schloss, Rebecca, Texas A&M University
France at the Edges: Life in France's Atlantic Port Cities, 1760–1830

Schrader, Jeffrey, University of Colorado
Sacred Imagery and Iconoclasm in the Spanish Civil War

Sha, Richard, American University
Towards a Physiology of the Romantic Imagination

Shepardson, Christine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Fourth-Century Antioch and the Spatial Politics of Religious Controversy

Song, Hoyoung, University of Colorado
Development of a Power-Combined V-Band Millimeter-Wave Power Module

Spaulding, Robert M., University of North Carolina
Joint Management of the Rhine River as a Source of Political and Economic Integration Among German States, 1648–1870

Staples III, George W., Singapore Botanic Garden
World Checklist and Bibliography for the Plant Family Convolvulaceae

Sutton, R. Anderson, University of Wisconsin
Assessing the Orality of Central Javanese Gamelan Music in the Twenty-First Century

Tatham, David F., Syracuse University
Winslow Homer in London

Tshimanga-Kashama, Charles, University of Nevada, Reno
Interracial Unions, Mixed Identities: Mulatto Children in the Belgian Congo, 1885–1960

Verkholantsev, Julia, University of Pennsylvania
The Slavic Idea and the Cross: Benediction Glagolite Monks in Croatia, Bohemia, and Poland

Waldman, Thomas G., independent scholar
Word and Image at the Abbey of Saint Denis at the Time of Abbot Suger (1122–1151)

Ware, Sue, Denver Museum of Nature and Science
An Examination and Diagnosis of Pathology of the Skulls and Skeletons of Three Populations of Gray Wolves

Weaver, Catherine, University of Kansas
The IO Learning Curve: Performance Evaluation in the International Monetary Fund and World Bank

Weber, Thomas, Institute for Advanced Study
The Regiment: Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment, and the First World War

Wegner, Josef W., University of Pennsylvania
Archaeological Recording and Analysis of an Ancient Mayoral Residence at Abydos, Egypt

Wells, Jonathan D., University of North Carolina
Reconstructing the Southern Middle Class in the Post-Civil War Period

Whittaker, Danielle, Indiana University
MHC, Odor, and Mate Choice in a Passerine Bird

Wiener, Margaret J., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Commemorating the Centenary of Colonial Conquest in Bali

Willyard, Ann, University of South Dakota
The Role of Ancestral Hybridization in Shaping Two Species of Schiedea, a Rare Endemic Genus from the Hawaiian Islands

Wright, Deborah, Miami University
The Correspondence of Matthew Prior, an Electronic Edition


Abe, Stanley, Duke University
Making Chinese Buddhist Sculpture into Art

Andrews, Dee E. , California State University, East Bay
Early American Antislavery, 1760-1830

Appold, Martin, University of Missouri, Columbia
Fluid Inclusion Geochemistry of Contrasting Types of Zinc Mineralization in the Bambui Sedimentary Basin, Brazil

Bailey, Gauvin A., Boston College
The Mestizo Style Churches of Colonial Peru

Benefiel, Rebecca, Washington and Lee University
Ancient Graffiti and Regional Interaction, Pompeii and Her Neighbors

Berg, Elena, University of California, Los Angeles
Variation in Egg Color and Speckling in the Mexican Jay Across a Steep Calcium and Elevation Gradient, Mexico

Berkhofer III, Robert, Western Michigan University
Forgeries and Historical Consciousness in Medieval Europe

Biehn, Kersten, Sam Houston State University
Philanthropic Foundations and American University Research, 1901-1941

Blitzer, Harriet, Buffalo State College
Ceramic Production in Late Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Greece

Booker, Courtney, University of British Columbia
The Strange History of Nithard's Historie (841-843)

Breen, Michael P., Reed College
Lawyers, Law, and Social Change in Europe, 1500-1800

Bruzelius, Caroline, Duke University
The Architecture of the Friars in Eastern Europe

Callahan, Michael D., Kettering University
The League of Nations and the First War on Terror

Carlsmith, Christopher, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Student Colleges in Early Modern Italy

Cornelison, Sally J., University of Kansas
Medici Power and Popular Piety: Giambologna's St. Antoninus Chapel at San Marco, Florence

Craib, Raymond B., Cornell University
The Poetry and Politics of Student Protest in Chile, 1906-1925

Davidenko, Nicolas, Stanford University
Parametric Investigation of the Neural Representation of Faces

De Backer, Stephanie F., Arizona State University, West Campus
Women in the Hapsburg Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily: Negotiating Empire Across the Mediterranean, 1516-1700

Di-Capua, Yoav, University of Texas at Austin
Historians and History Writing in Twentieth-Century Egypt

Eisner, Martin, Duke University
Afterlives of Dante's "Vita nuova": Materializing Meanings, from Manuscript to Print

Erben, Patrick, University of West Georgia
Multilingualism, Translation, and the Language of Community in Early Pennsylvania

Feinstein, Margarete M., University of California, Los Angeles
Renewal in the Land of Amalek: A Social and Cultural History of Jewish Displaced Persons in Occupied Germany

Fisher, Michael H., Oberlin College
The Biography of D. O. Dyce Sombre, M. P.

Fountain, Andrew, Portland State University
Glaciers of the American West

Frank, Matthew, Sheffield Hallam University
Population Transfers in Twentieth-Century Europe

Garbarini, Alexandra, Williams College
The Justice of Violence: Mass Murder and Retribution in Europe Before the Holocaust

Gerard, William B., Auburn University
Verbal-Visual Motifs in English Literature, 1760-1820

Gouwens, Kenneth, University of Connecticut
Paolo Giovio's (1486-1552) "Ischian" Dialogue: An Edition and Translation

Guerrini, Anita, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Courtiers' Anatomists: Animals and Humans in Louis XIV's Paris

Hasaki, Eleni, University of Arizona
Potters at Work on the Penteskouphia Plaques from Ancient Corinth

Hasty, Jennifer, University of Pennsylvania
Corruption and Cultural Solidarity in Colonial and Post-Colonial Ghana

Holton, Adalaine, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The Practices of Black Radical Print

Huppert, Ann Claire, University of Kansas
Baldassarre Peruzzi: Perspective, Mathematics, and Professionalization of Architecture in Sixteenth-Century Italy

Katagiri, Yasuhiro, Tokai University
Southern Segregationists: Northern Messiahs, and Anti-Communism in the Civil Rights South

Kent, Deborah, Simon Fraser University
Benjamin Pierce: America's Transcendental Mathematician

Kramer, Daniel, Washington and Lee University
Widening the Boundaries of German Classicism: Winckelmann's Impact on the Austrian Stage (1755-1787)

Lagos, Maria, City University of New York
The Life and Times of Dona Maria (Twentieth-Century Bolivia)

Le, Minh, American Museum of Natural History
A Phylogeny of Kinosternids Based on Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genes and Their Biogeographic History

Leone, Stephanie, Boston College
Cardinal Benedetto Pamphilj (1653-1729) as Patron and Collector in Papal Rome

Martin, Therese, University of Arizona
Royal Palaces of Medieval Spain: The Construction and Display of Power in a Multicultural Society

Marvin, Roberta M., University of Iowa
Creating the Prima Donna in Victorian London

McIntosh, Marjorie K., University of Colorado, Boulder
Yoruba Women, Work, and Power, 1820-1960

Mitchell, Timothy, Texas A & M University
The Voice of Grief in Holocaust Poetry and Music

Morris, Cindy, INRA (France) & Montana State University
New Paradigms for Life Histories of Plant Pathogens

Mortensen, Eric, Guilford College
Integrative Translation of Naxi Oral Traditions and Pictographic Texts

Muldoon, Kathleen, University of Massachusetts
Evaluating Human Impact on Mammal Communities in Western Madagascar: A Paleontological Perspective

Needell, Jeffrey D., University of Florida
Afro-Brazilian Political Mobilization and Abolition, 1871-1888

Ng, Su Fang, University of Oklahoma
Global Renaissance: Early Modern Classicism and Empire from the British Isles to the Malay Archipelago

Petkov, Kiril, University of Wisconsin- River Falls
Somme le Roi of Lorens d'Orleans: Paleo-Sociology and High Medieval Catholicism

Pongdee, Rongson, Colorado College
Glycodiversification of C-Glycosylnaphthacenequinone Antibiotics

Preti, Consuelo, College of New Jersey
The Unpublished Papers of G. E. Moore (1873-1958)

Ramaswamy, Sumathi, University of Michigan
Maps and Missionaries in Modern India

Ramirez, Susan E., Texas Christian University
A Bishop's Books and His Plans for Change in Eighteenth-Century Peru

Ramsey, Kate, University of Miami
Popular Spirituality and National Modernity in Haiti

Rich, Jeremy M., Middle Tennessee State University
Canoes, Slaves, and the Coming of Colonial Rule: Maritime Workers in Central Gabon

Ritscherle, Alice, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Race and Working-Class Political Culture in Britain During the Age of Decolonization, 1945-1968

Rosenman, Ellen, University of Kentucky
Penny Dreadfuls and the Victorian Working-Class Imagination, 1840-1870

Rowe, Rebecca, Utah Museum of Natural History
Ecological Dynamics of the Great Basin Small Mammal Fauna: Legacies of Land Use and Recent Climatic Change

Salyer, Lucy E., University of New Hampshire
Crossing Borders: The 1867 Fenian Crisis and National Citizenship

Samonds, Karen, McGill University
The Importance of Subfossil Micromammals to Madagascar's Fossil Record

Schachter, Marc, Duke University
A Newly Discovered Manuscript of Etienne de La Boetie's "On Voluntary Servitude"

Sinha, Mrinalini, Pennsylvania State University
Imperial Citizenship: The Strange Death of a Political Ideal

Slater, Candace, University of California, Berkeley
Rethinking Popular Culture in Twenty-First-Century Latin America

Sterne, Evelyn, University of Rhode Island
Blue State Bible Belt: Evangelical Protestantism in Twentieth-Century New England

Suiter, John, Media, Pennsylvania
Biography of Gary Snyder

Sweet, John W., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Venture Smith: African Origins and the Dynamics of the Gold Coast Slave Trade, 1720-1750

Tagliacozzo, Eric, Cornell University
The Longest Journey: Southeast Asians and the Pilgrimage to Mecca

Thompson, John, Dakhleh Oasis Project
Queen Caroline and Sir William Gell, a Study in Patronage and Scholarship

Treuer, David, University of Minnesota
The 2005 Shootings at Red Lake Reservation

Trezise, Simon, Trinity College Dublin
Eugene Ormandy and Leopold Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra

Williams, Crispin, University of Kansas
Publication of the Wenxian Covenant Texts and the First English Monograph on the Texts

Winer, Rebecca L., Villanova University
Mothers, Caregiving, and Breastfeeding in the Realms of Aragon, c. 1250-1350

Woodruff, Nan E., Pennsylvania State University
Violence, Terror, Memory, and Truth and Reconciliation in the Late Twentieth-Century South

Yates, Julian, University of Delaware
Prison Rites and Prison Writing in Renaissance England

Zastoupil, Lynn, Rhodes College
Rammohun Roy and the Making of Victorian Britain