Selected Publications Citing Primary Sources at the APS Library, 2018-2020

David Gary is the Associate Director of Collections and builds, interprets, and protects the Society's collections of books, pamphlets, broadside...
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Here at the APS Library & Museum we’re always excited to see the publications that come from research done in the archives. From Quaker women in the early mid-Atlantic to big data biology to innovations in information technology, the list below reflects the diversity of sources and scholars at the APS over the last two years.


Adelman, Joseph M. Revolutionary Networks: The Business and Politics of Printing the News, 1763–1789. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019.

Beck, David R. M. Unfair Labor? American Indians and the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019. 

Anthony Q. Hazard, Jr., Boasians at War: Anthropology, Race, and World War II (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).

Charles King, Gods of the Upper Air: How a Circle of Renegade Anthropologists Reinvented Race, Sex, and Gender in the Twentieth Century (New York: Knopf Doubleday, 2019).

Paul R.D. Lawrie, Forging a Laboring Race: The African American Worker in the Progressive Imagination (New York: NYU Press, 2018).

Daniel Okrent, The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics, and the Law That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of America (New York: Scribner, 2020).

Jay Stiefel, The Cabinetmaker's Account: John Head's Record of Craft & Commerce in Colonial Philadelphia, 1718-1753 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 2018).

Bruno J. Strasser, Collecting Experiments: Making Big Data Biology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019).

William Willard, Alan G. Marshall, and J. Diane Pearson. Rising from the Ashes: Survival, Sovereignty, and Native America (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2020. 

P. Pascal Zachary, Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American Century (New York: Free Press, 2018).

Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt, Franz Boas: The Emergence of the Anthropologist (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019). 


Annie Anderson, "Working at the Margins: Unearthing and Interpreting New Research at Eastern State Penitentiary." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 143:3 (2019): 381-386. 

Siobhan Angus, “The Frank G. Speck Archive at the American Philosophical    
Society.” Photography & Culture 12:4 (2019): 471–79. 

Jeffrey R. Appelhans, "A Catholic Whig in the Age of Reason: Science, Sociability, and the Everyday Life of William H. Keating." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 163:1 (2019): 51-77.

Regna Darnell, "Franz Boas's Legacy of "Useful Knowledge": The APS Archives and the Future of Americanist Anthropology 1." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 162:1 (2018): 1-14. 

Catherine J. Denial, ""Mother of all the living": Motherhood, Religion, and Political Culture at the Ojibwe Village of Fond du Lac, 1835–1839." Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 17:4 (2019): 443-473. 

Nicole K. Dressler, ""Enimies to Mankind": Convict Servitude, Authority, and Humanitarianism in the British Atlantic World." Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 17: 3 (2019): 343-376. 

Vedran Duančić, “Lysenko in Yugoslavia, 1945–1950s: How to De-Stalinize Stalinist Science,” Journal of the History of Biology 53 (2020): 159-194. 

James Forder, James, “Two Lectures by Friedman: One Famous, One Good,” History of Economic Ideas 26:3 (2018): 51-67. 

James Forder and Kardin Sømme, “Explaining the Fame of Friedman’s Presidential Address,” Cambridge Journal of Economics 43:6 (2019): 1683-1700. 

Reed Gochberg, "Circulating Objects: Crèvecoeur's "Curious Book" and the American Philosophical Society Cabinet." Early American Literature 54:2 (2019): 445-476. 

Linda Greenhouse, "Dinner with Ben Franklin: The Origins of the American Philosophical Society." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 163:1 (2019): 1-9.

M. Scott Heerman,"Abolishing Slavery in Motion: Foreign Captivity and International Abolitionism in the Early United States." The William and Mary Quarterly 77:2 (2020): 245-272. 

Brenna Holland, "Mad Speculation and Mary Girard: Gender, Capitalism, and the Cultural Economy of Madness in the Revolutionary Atlantic." Journal of the Early Republic 39:4 (2019): 647-675. 

Tim Johnson, Christopher T. Dawes and Dalton Conley, “How Does a Statistician Raise an Army? The Time When John W. Tukey, a Team of Luminaries, and a Statistics Graduate Student Repaired the Vietnam Selective Service Lotteries,” The American Statistician, 74:2 (2020): 190-196.

Rachel Knecht, "Visionary Calculations: Inventing the Mathematical Economy in Nineteenth-Century America." Enterprise & Society 20:4 (2019): 786-795. 

Janet Moore Lindman, ""To have a gradual weaning & be ready & wiling to resign all": Maternity, Piety, and Pain among Quaker Women of the Early Mid-Atlantic." Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 17:4 (2019): 498-518. 

John S. Michael, "An "American Humboldt"? Memorializing Philadelphia Physician and Race Supremacist Samuel George Morton." Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 87:2 (2020): 279-312. 

Gary B. Nash, "When we were Young: The American Philosophical Society in the 18th Century." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 163:1 (2019): 10-50.

Robert McCracken Peck, "Collecting Abroad, Preserving at Home: Titian Ramsay Peale II, American Entomologist and Collector," in Arthur McGregor, ed., Naturalists in the Field: Collecting, Recording and  Preserving the Natural World from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-first Century (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018), 706-729.

Patrick Spero, "The Other Presidency: Thomas Jefferson and the American Philosophical Society 1." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 162:4 (2018): 321-360.

Jordan E. Taylor, "The Reign of Error: North American Information Politics and the French Revolution, 1789–1795." Journal of the Early Republic 39: 3 (2019): 437-466. 

Tamara Plakins Thornton, "Mathematical Geography, the “Use of the Globes,” and Race Theory in Early America." The William and Mary Quarterly 77:2 (2020): 273-310. 

John C. Van Horne, "Two Chips Off the Same Block: Benjamin Franklin's Library Company and Philosophical Society and the Saga of their 275-Year Relationship” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 162:4 (2018): 361-386.

S. Spencer Wells, ""That Everyone Should Enjoy His Sentiments": Samuel Wetherill and the Renovation of Quaker Speech, 1780–1793"." Quaker History 108:2 (2019): 23-50. 

Scott Ziegler and Richard Shrake. “PAL: Toward a Recommendation System for Manuscripts.” Information Technology & Libraries 37:3 (2018): 84–98.

Scott L. Ziegler and Steve Marti, "A Hidden Gem Becomes a Fertile Mining Ground: Historic Prison Admission Books and Data-Driven Digital Projects." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 143:3 (2019): 363-373.  


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American Philosophical Society