The David Library and APS Ring in the Fourth

On June 27, 2019, staff and friends of the American Philosophical Society and the David Library of the American Revolution gathered for a special kick-off Lunch at the Library talk to celebrate their new partnership—the establishment of the David Center for the American Revolution. Mark Somos presented his new book American States of Nature: The Origins of Independence 1761–1775, which references materials held at the David Library and the American Philosophical Society Library. 

man on stage in auditorium

The talk was a fitting introduction for the new center, but attendees were in for a surprise in the day's programming. The American Philosophical Society has a long-held tradition of holding a yearly staff reading of the Declaration of Independence near July 4th. This year, Head of Technology Bayard Miller did the honors of reading the historic document.

man in colonial outfit reading from large paper

Of course, the Declaration of Independence was not received well in England. APS Librarian Patrick Spero delivered the Britsh reply, which rebuked the colonists for their insubordination. 

man on balcony and man on stage

David Library Chief Operating Officer Meg McSweeney brought the discussion into the late 19th century by portraying Elizabeth Cady Stanton and delivering the Declaration of Sentiments from the Seneca Falls Convention, asserting "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal." 

woman in victorian dress