
Posts related to the Conservation Department

Renée Wolcott
After thoroughly documenting Ben Franklin’s 1760 Book of Common Prayer (see posts one and two of this series), I was ready to begin conservation treatment...
Renée Wolcott
In April 2016, Benjamin Franklin descendant Mai Duane Harper and her husband, James A. Harper, presented the APS Library with a lectern-sized edition of the...
Renée Wolcott
As a young man, Benjamin Franklin famously wrote his own epitaph: The Body of B. Franklin, Printer, Like the Cover of an old Book, Its...
Karissa Muratore
Last time we spoke, I was introducing you to a 19th-century letter in need of treatment. Due to the planned use of this object in...
Renée Wolcott
This manuscript, Vocabulario de la Lengua Cakchiquel y Guatimalteca by Thomás de Coto, was bound in parchment around 1700. The leaves of the thick book...
Karissa Muratore
The path to becoming a conservator is not easy, but it can be fun. As with most things, the best way to learn is by...