The card catalog of Sources for History of Quantum Physics, reproduced on this film, contains descriptive references and some cross-references (see Chapter I, Section 4) to all materials on the microfilms described below except: Microfilms 48 and 58, which themselves reproduce various catalogs, and the films of the Bohr Scientific Correspondence (BSC) and the Bohr Manuscripts Collection (Bohr MSS), of which the catalogs are reproduced on Microfilms 48 and Bohr MSS 10 Suppl. The project's catalog also contains references to materials that have not been microfilmed, particularly to: photographs of physicists (Section 4), of which a full set is deposited at the American Philosophical Society and additional copies, when they exist, at Berkeley and Copenhagen; the annotated reprints (Section 7), now deposited at Berkeley, from a collection of separata that A. Landé contributed to Sources for History of Quantum Physics. This catalog does not, however, make any reference to the oral materials, and the ancillary correspondence and working papers, deposited at the various project archives. Duplicate copies of the catalog have been deposited at the University of California, Berkeley, and at the American Philosophical Society.
- Section 1.
- "Lectures and Seminars," c. 125 cards.
- Section 2.
- "Notes and Memoranda," [includes MSS and drafts], c. 350 cards.
- Section 3.
- "Memoirs," c. 50 cards.
- Section 4.
- "Photographs," c. 50 cards.
- Section 5.
- "Administrative letters," c. 300 cards.
- Section 6.
- "Letters," c. 2800 cards.
- Section 7. "Annotated Reprints," c. 100 cards.
This card catalog, prepared at the Bohr Sekretariat in 1962-63 by Fru E. Tanggaard and Mag. E. Rüdinger, was microfilmed in July, 1963. For many of the pre-1923 letters Rüdinger prepared, and the card bears, a summary of the contents of the letter and English translations of key phrases. All cards which had been annotated at the time of filming appear also on Microfilms BSC 1-8. When the other cards have been annotated as well, it is anticipated that the catalog will be filmed again.
These catalogs and descriptions of archives were acquired by Sources for History of Quantum Physics either as a result of its inquiries or through the initiative of interested individuals. Much of the information relating to quantum physics which they contain has been incorporated in Chapter II. J. Pelseneer's unpublished "Historique" (Section 1) has not, however, been abstracted.
- Section 1.
- J. Pelseneer: "Historique des Instituts Internationaux de Physique et de Chimie Solvay depuis leur fondation jusqu'� la deuxième guerre mondiale," [1962], 103 pp. Compiled from, and giving a survey of, the archives of the Solvay Institute.
- Section 2.
- [E. Fermi] : Description of the Fermi materials in the Domus Galilaeana, Pisa, and in the Library of the University of Chicago, 55 pp. [F. London]: Summary description and list of correspondents represented in the London papers deposited in the Duke University Library, 1964, 6 pp.
- Section 3.
- [W. Pauli]: Card catalog of the correspondence in the Pauli Collection, with summaries of the contents of each letter. Prepared by S. Sambursky, [1963], c. 1200 cards, 150 exposures.
- Section 4.
- [E. Rutherford]: Catalog of Rutherford material in the Cavendish Laboratory, 1946, 8 pp.
- Section 5.
- [O. Veblen] : Tentative inventory of the Veblen papers deposited in the Library of Congress, [19641.
- Section 6.
- [H. Weyl]: List of the "Korrespondenz Hermann Weyl" at the Library of the Eidgn. Techn. Hochsch., Zurich. Date lines of c. 800 letters, almost all to Weyl, 27 pp.
- Section 7.
- Sources for History of Quantum Physics' Survey of European Libraries: List of all libraries addressed and replies of those libraries reporting some material.
- Section 8.
- Deutsches Museum: Reply to the Survey of European Libraries, c. 200 items.
- Section 9.
- [C. W. Oseen]: Catalog of letters to Oseen in the Library of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, c. 50 pp.