Transmitting a Text Through Three Languages: The Future History of Galen's Peri Anomalou Dyskrasias

Gerrit Bos, Michael McVaugh, and Joseph Shatzmiller
Transmitting a Text Through Three Languages Cover
Transactions 104, Part 5
176 pages (8 FM; 168 text)
ISBN: 978-1-60618-045-7

Most of the new Latin texts of the 12th century have never been carefully edited, and scholars have to read them in corrupt 16th-century editions. The mechanics of translation are all the harder because the few editions that exist have not always been compared with the Arabic or Greek sources from which they were taken.

This study is a contribution in translation studies and results from a three-way collaboration. It focuses on a short Galenic text (Peri anomalou dyskrasias), whose Greek text has recently been edited by Elsa Garcia Novo. Gerrit Bos prepared an edition of the Arabic translation; Michael McVaugh prepared an edition of the Latin translation; and Joseph Shatzmiller edited the Hebrew translation. Anyone who reads the study is sure to be continually sensitive to the Greek text lurking unseen in the background to the three translations edited here.