

The index which follows is divided into five sub-indices. Part I is a guide to the project and its catalog (goals, methods, arrangement of rnaterials, special notations, etc.). In Part II source materials, other than correspondence, located by the project are sub-divided by type (interviews, lecture, notes, etc.), and listed alphabetically by author and/or subject. Part III is a full list of the personal names which figure in the catalog, excepting those which enter solely because of an individual's participation in the project's work, e.g., as staff member, interviewer, or consultant. Part IV is a similar list for institutions, subdivided by type (colleges, technical schools, laboratories, etc.); it also includes entries for such quasi-institutional matters as fellowships and military service.

Some correspondence with institutions not obviously related to science is grouped together under "Miscellaneous Administrative Correspondence." In Part V are listed the various depositories which hold materials related to the history of quantum physics. Two special notational conventions are employed in the name, institution, and depository indices of Parts III-V. An entry in bold face type indicates the presence and location of an article concerning the corresponding person in Chapter II. Roman type is used when citing primary source materials located by the project. Italic citations lead to materials abstracted from secondary sources or to secondary discussions of primary sources. Numbers refer to pages and letters to quarter pages in the printed (i.e. not the on-line) version of the guide.


I. The Project and its catalog