These materials, excepting those photographed on Microfilm 46, were culled from a crate of papers received from E. Schrödinger's widow, Frau Annemarie Schri5dinger, in April, 1963. All the papers which appeared to date from before c. 1928 have been photographed. The single exception is Schrödinger's notebooks as a student in the University of Vienna, 1905 to 1911, of which there are 106 Hefte, comprising c. 5,000 pages, all in shorthand. A detailed list of these notebooks is photographed at the front of Microfilm 39. A selection was made of the post-1928 materials, emphasizing especially correspondence and retrospective or philosophical writings. A rough list of the material not microfilmed, consisting primarily of c. 10,000 pages of research notebooks and notes for lecture courses, is photographed at the front of Microfilms 39-44. Following Frau Schrödinger's instructions all the papers received from her were deposited, c/o R. Chorherr, Universitat Wien, Boltzmanngasse 5, Wien IX/66, Austria.
The materials photographed on Microfilm 46 were received from C. Lanczos of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies in July, 1963. Prof. Lanczos transmitted those Schrödinger papers possessed by the Dublin Institute which appeared to date from before the 1940s. Excepting that only the cover and first page of each of a number of late notebooks were photographed, all the materials received were microfilmed and returned to Prof. Lanczos at the Dublin Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
- Microfilm 37. E. Schrödinger Correspondence, post 1930
- Section 1. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: E. S. to unidentified (6/19 in [1934-43]); E. D. Adrian (3/4 in 1954); Ankara U. (7/9 in 1946-47); Austrian Government [Klastersky] (20/31 in 1946-54).
- Section 2. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: V. Bargmann (1/4,in 1934); F. J. Belinfante (2/3 in 1951); H. Benndorf (1/4 in 1943); Berlin U. (3/5 in 1946-47); B. Bertotti (6/10 in [1954-58]); P. M. S. Blackett (1/3 in 1947); E. S. to Bologna U. (1/2 in 1937).
- Section 3. Letters to E. Schrödinger from M. Born (32/117 in 1933-57).
- Section 4. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: L. Brillouin (3/4 in 1956): P. Browne, President, U. Galway (2/3 in 1954); J. W. Craik (1/2 in 1945); J. Dalla Noce (3/6 in 1938); P. Debye (1/3 in 1932); P. Dirac (2/4 in 1941-52).
- Section 5. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: A. S. Eddington (7/18 in 1937-40); A. Einstein (8/26 in 1936-53).
- Section 6. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: E. S. to B. Farrington (2/6 in 1949); A. D. Fokker (3/6 in 1952-55); E. S. to Frankenberg (1/2 in 1949); Fröbe-Kapteyn, Eranos Tagung (1/1 in 1946); L. S. Grinter, Illinois Inst. of Tech. (6/9 in 1946).
- Section 7. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: F. Hayek (1/6 in 1952); W. Heisenberg (2/4 in 1954); W. Hepner (1/4 in 1940); S. Meyer (1/1 in 1946); E. S. to V. Hess (1/2 in 1946); R. Ingraham (2/14 in 1951); Intl. Inst. of Intellectual Coop. (2/6 in 1932); The Irish Times (1/1).
- Section 8. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: O. Klein (2/8 in 1954); F. Kohlrausch (1/8 in 1936); E. S. to A. Landé (1/5 in 1953); M. v. Lane (6/12 in 1950-55); T. Levi-Civita (4/8 in 1932-33 [ ?] ).
- Section 9. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: E. S. to McCarthy (1/2 in 1949); E. S. to C. Manneback (1/2 in 1936); A. March (3/7 in 1946-47); E. S. to H. Margenau (1/2 in 1955); L. Meitner (3/10 in 1952); H. Meng (1/1 in 1936); E. Meyer (1/2 in 1932); G. Murray (1/2 in 1956); E. S. to Nature (1/1); Oxford U. (16/23 in 1936-38).
- Section 10. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: W. Pauli (9/19 in 1931-55); J. Podolanski (2/5 in 1937); E. S. to M. Polanyi (2/4 in 1949); K. Popper (6/20 in 1952-54).
- Section 11. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: A. Proca (12/34 in 1953-57); M. H. L. Pryce (2/2 in 1955); K. Przibram (2/4 in 1932); Rausch v. Traubenberg (1/2 in:1932), B. Russell (4/4 in 1950-52); A. J. Rutgers (2/6 in 1951).
- Section 12. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: H. F. Sandham (4/12 in 1950); E. S. to C. Sherrington (1/2 in 1937); P A. Sommerfeld (5/11 in 1933-49); E. S. to A. Sommerfeld (3/11 in 1937-49); Spanish Embassy, Dublin (1/2 in 1943); J. L. Synge (11/24 in 1952-57); L. Szilard (3/5 in 1951-56).
- Section 13. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: T. Takasu (1/1 in 1953); H. Thirring (8/12 in 1949-54); H. Tollert (1/1 in 1933); R. C. Tolman (1/2 in 1938); E. S. to Eamon de Valéra (1/1 in 1946).
- Section 14. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: B. L. van der Waerden (3/9 in 1932); C. F. v. Weizsäcker (1/1 in 1952); E. S. to H. Weyl (1/2 in 1943); E. S. to E. T. Whittaker (1/2 in 1944); W. Wilson (1/3 in 1952).
- Microfilm 39. E. Schrödinger Papers, to c. 1920
- Section 1. Vita and bibliography, 1938, 8 pp.; School and University notebooks, 1906-11; essay on Peano's postulates, 1907-08, and notes on a lecture by Sir Wm. Ramsay, 1908, 250 pp.
- Section 2. Lectures on meteorology, 40 pp.: book of addresses of physicists, [c. 1914], 34 pp.; diary from 1915, 41 pp.
- Section 3. Notebooks and manuscripts on "Tensor analytische Mechanik," [emphasizing Hamilton's analogy], [c. 1918], 150 pp.
- Section 4. Notes on Brownian motion, [c. 1918], 34 pp.
- Section 5. Two notebooks entitled "Besprechung der letzten Arbeiten Smoluchowskis," [c. 1918], 51 pp.
- Section 6. Lectures on elementary math. analysis, [c. 1919], 163 pp.; exposition of Kirchhoff's principle, [c. 1919], 20 pp.
- Section 7. Notebooks on Indian philosophy and religion, [c. 1905-25], 156 pp.
- Section 8. Notebooks headed "Über Atomistik, mechanische Naturerklärung, und Phänomenologie," and "Ad R. Avenarius," [pre 1920], 63 pp.
- Microfilm 40. E. Schrödinger Papers, c. 1924 to mid 1926
- Section 1. Outline for a book on "Molekularstatistik," [c. 1924], 17 pp.; notebook on "Chemische Konstanten und Gasentartung," [c. 1924], 34 pp.
- Section 2. Lectures on quantum statistics, [c. 1924], 44 pp.; unfinished manuscript draft, "On Quantum Statistics," [c. 1924], 5 pp.
- Section 3. Lectures [?] on topics in quantum statistics, [c. 1924], 100 pp.
- Section 4. Lectures on the "Theorie der Spektren," 1925-26, 94 pp.
- Section 5. Notes on waves, 3 pp.; notes headed "H-Atom, Eigenschwingungen," [1925-26], 3 pp.
- Sections 5-7. Four research notebooks on the "Eigenwertproblem des Atoms," [1925-261, 184 pp.
- Section 7. Numerical values of the Hermite functions, [c. 1926], 2 pp; various notes on transition probabilities, etc., [c. 1926], 9 pp.
- Section 8. Rough notes, tables, and diagrams headed "Intensitdtsberechnung für den Starkeffekt," [1926], 111 pp.
- Section 9. Various notes on wave mechanics, [c.1926], 15 pp.
- Microfilm 41. E. Schrödinger Papers and Letters, mid 1926-c. 1928
- Section 1. Four research notebooks on various topics in wave and quantum mechanics, [1926/27], 110 pp.
- Section 2. Five research notebooks on the intensities and sharpness of spectral lines and on related topics, [1927], 170 pp.
- Section 3. Research notebook on the many-body problem, May, 1927, 45 pp.
- Section 4. Six research notebooks on dispersion and coupling to the radiation field, and various other topics, [1927-28], 160 pp.
- Section 5. Research notebooks on the "Säkular-problem" and Abelian integral equations [1928?], 19 pp.
The following is correspondence between 1926 and 1928 as found in the folder "Korrespondenz zur Undulationsmechanik":
- Section 6. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: Verlag Barth (2/5); H. Beutler (1/1); E. S. to H. Beutler (1/1); H. Biggs (115); Blackie and Son, Publishers (4/9).
- Section 7. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: N. Bohr (1/2); M. Born (2/10); E. S. to M. Born (3/11); G. Breit (1/2); D. M. Dennison (1/2); P. P. Ewald (1/2); W. Gordon (1/1); E. S. to W. Gordon (1/2).
- Section 8. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: W. Heitler (1/2); E. S. to Notgemeinschaft Dent. Wiss. (1/2); E. S. to Intl. Educ. Bd. (1/2); Intl. Educ. Bd. (1/2); K. F. Herzfeld (1/2); E. S. to B. Jacoby (1/1); G: Joos (1/3); E. S. to G. Joos (1/4); P. Jordan (2/5); G. Kellner (1/2); H. A. Kramers (2/4); E. S. to H. A. Kramers (1/4); J. Kudar (3/15).
- Section 9. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: Max v. Laue (2/2); F. London (7/21); E. S. to F. London (2/7); H. A. Lorentz (3 letters and a manuscript, 15 pp.); E. S. to H. A. Lorentz (1/3).
- Section 10. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: E. Madelung (1/2); C. Manneback (1/4); E. S. to Nobel Committee (1/2); W. Pauli (3/10); E. S. to W. Pauli (1/2); L. Pauling (1/1); E. S. to M. Planck [?] (1/5).
- Section 11. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: R. Ortvay (1/7); H. A. Senftleben (3/14); F. G. Slack (1/1); Solvay Congress (2/2); H. Thirring (1/3); 1. Waller (1/1); Wirtinger (2/6).
- Microfilm 42. E. Schrödinger Scientific Papers, post 1928
- Section 1. Two notebooks on wave mechanics, [pre 1929], 20 pp.; notes on wave mechanics of radioactivity, 1929, 13 pp.
- Section 2. Notes on Oberquantelung," 1930, 56 pp.
- Section 3. Manuscripts "Über die Umkehrung der Naturgesetze," [1931], 20 pp.; "Materiewellen im Schwerefeld," [1931], 9 pp.; "Über Hankel'sche Lösungen," [1931], 8 pp.; notes from 1930-31 seminar, with letter from Sauter on the Dirac electron theory, 11 pp.; notes and manuscript on the Stark effect in alternating fields, 1932, 10 pp.; folder of ideas for dissertations, [c. 1933], 24 pp.
- Section 4. Notes on various topics dating from 193435, 45 pp.
- Section 5. Notebook of reading notes from 1934-35, 38 pp.; manuscript and correspondence for "¿Son lineales las verdaderas ecuaciones del campo electromagnético?" 1935, 23 pp.
- Section 6. Notebook on Fermi's theory of beta decay and on Eddington's fundamental theory, etc., [1936], 22 pp.; notes, correspondence, and drafts relating to the 1937 Bologna Conf., 25 pp.
- Section 7. Lecture notes on quantum statistics, and drafts entitled "The so-called new forms of statistics," 1938, 58 pp.
- Section 8. Draft, "Two remarks on Bose-Einstein Condensation," [1939], 9 pp.
- Section 9. Three notebooks on various topics in quantum mechanics and its interpretation, 1939-40, 124 pp.
- Section 10. Program for 1941, 2 pp.; notebook on biology, 1942, 57 pp.
- Section 11. Notes on the interpretation of quantum mechanics selected from three notebooks, 1951-55, 46 pp.
- Microfilm 43. E. Schrödinger Scientific and Personal Papers, post 1927
- Sections 1-2. Various notes and drafts on quantum mechanical topics, [post 1929], 21 items, 93 pp.
- Section 3. Three notebooks on biology, death, and the history of philosophy: (1) "Warum," [1929], 20 pp.; (2) "Gespräche über den Tod," [1935], 34 pp.; (3) "Xmas 1948," 35 pp.
- Section 4. Selected letters of congratulations on receiving the Nobel prize, November, 1933, 30 letters.
- Section 5. Collection of reviews of Abhandlungen über Wellenmechanik, 1927-28, 25 pp.
- Section 6. Scrapbook of clippings of newspaper articles written by E. S., 1925-57, 75 pp.
- Section 7. Notes for first lectures on wave mechanics in Berlin, 1927-28, 130 pp.
- Section 8. Notes for lectures on "Korpuskularphysik" and "The Solidity of Bodies as a Quantum Effect," 1932-33, 13 pp.
- Section 9. A. Einstein: Draft, "Elementare Überlegungen zur Interpretation der QuantenMechanik," undated, 10 pp.; E. Schrödinger: Disposition for a book on elementary quantum mechanics, undated, 22 pp.; lectures, "Transformation and Interpretation in Quantum Mechanics," 1952, 88 pp.
- Microfilm 44. E. Schrödinger Popular Writings
- Section 1. Manuscript of Nobel address and related documents, 1933.
- Section 2. Popular writings from the late 1930s, 27 pp.
- Section 3. Popular writings from the early 1940s, 70 pp.
- Section 4. Popular writings from the late 1940s, 96 pp.
- Section 5. Notes, "Die Natur der Elementarteilchen," and "Zitate aus Boltzmann's Prinzipe der Mechanik," 1950, 11 pp.; July-Colloquium 1952," 35 pp.
- Section 6. Drafts for three lectures intended for Harvard, 1954, 44 pp.
- Section 7. Lectures and popular articles, 1956-57.
- Section 8. Manuscript of "Was ist wirklich?" 1960, 50 pp.
- Sections 9-11. Various undated notes and manuscripts on philosophy, religion, biology, physics, mathematics, etc., 120 pp.
- Microfilm 46. E. Schrödinger Papers at Dublin Institute
- Section 1. Notes, "Zur Transformationstheorie," [1926-28], 21 pp.; Miscellaneous notes from folder "Sommersemester 1928," 20 pp.
- Section 2. Letters to E. Schrödinger from: E. Wigner (1/3 in 1929[?]); E. S. to J. v. Neumann (1/2 in 1929); J. v. Neumann (1/5 in 1936); E. Schrödinger: Notes on J. v. Neumann's representation of the probability interpretation, [1929-30], 14 pp.
- Section 3. E. Schrödinger: Unpublished manuscript draft, "Gerade und ungerade Operatoren der relativistischen Quantenmechanik," 1930-31, 25 pp.; various notes on Lorentz invariance and the Dirac electron, [c. 1930]), 28 pp.
- Section 4. Notebook headed "Neue Grundauffassung," June, 1930, 66 pp.
- Section 5. Notes on various topics from folder "Paris, Pfingsten 1931, und vieles andere," 44 pp.
- Section 6. Exposition of quantum mechanics and its interpretation for Oxford Seminar, 1933-34, 46 pp.
- Section 7. Notebook, "Grundlagenfragen. Dichte-Matrix," [c. 1936], 76 pp.
- Section 8. "Gent. Ganz vermischte Notizen," [1938-39], 19 pp.; notes on the freedom of the will, [1940s], 14 pp.
- Section 9. Notes on Legendre polynomials marked "Sehr wichtig," [1940s], 17 sheets; covers and first pages of 11 notebooks dealing chiefly with Born's non-linear electron theory, [c. 1939-42], 22 pp.