This portion of the Bohr Scientific Correspondence was microfilmed in Copenhagen in the early summer of 1963. See Chapter I, Section 5, for further details regarding this collection.
- BSC 1. N. Bohr Scientiflc Correspondence through 1922, A-D
- Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: M. Abraham (1/1 in 1920); E. P. Adams (4/9 in 1920); E. N. da C. Andrade (5110 in 1919-22); S. Arrhenius (10/21 in 1920-22); Auer v. Welsbach (4/5 in 1922); T. Aurén (2/5 in 1917) Baedeker (1/3 in 1911); J. B. Baker (1/1 in 1922); J. Barres (1/4 in 1915).
- Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: C. Benedicks (1/1 in 1918); Aa. Berlème (4/12 in 1916-21); A. Berliner (2/4 in 1916-18); H. F. Biggs (8/34 in 1914-21); R. T. Birge (3/5 in 1919-22).
- Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: V. Bjerknes (4/9 in 1920-21); N. Bjerrum (1/3 in 1918); M. Born (1/2 in 1918); W. H. Bragg (1/2 in 1920); W. L. Bragg (10/13 in 1920-22); L. Brillouin (1/1 in 1921); J. N. Brønsted (2/2 in 1913); J. M. Burgers (1/1 in 1921); C. Christiansen (3/10 in 1915-1916); A. H. Compton (3/4 in 1922).
- Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: D. Coster (18/27 in 1920-22); R. Courant (9/15 in 1922); C. Cuthbertson (3/8 in 1913); C. Darwin (9/21 in 1913-22); P. Debye (4/10 in 1911-18); L. M. Dennis (3/3 in 1922).
- BSC 2. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, E-G
- Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and P. Ehrenfest (49/130 in 1918-22).
- Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. Einstein (4/7 in 1920-22); C. D. Ellis (8/10 in 1922); P. Epstein (8/19 in 1918-22); H. von Euler (3/4 in 1918-20); E. J. Evans (9/19 in 1913-22).
- Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: K. Faians (1/2 in 1921); A. D. Fokker (5/22 in 1916-19); P. D. Foote (517 in 1918-22); A. Fowler (23/55 in 1913-22); R. F. Francis (1/2 in 1916).
- Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: J. Franck (36/73 in 1920-22); H. Fricke (9/28 in 1914-20).
- Section 5. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. Garbasso (2/5 in 1914); H. Geiger (3/5 in 1913-22); J. Geitler (1/1 in 1919); W. Gerlach (3/3 in 1922); C. Gerthsen (5/16 in 1920); L. C. Glaser (3/3 in 1921-22); F. S. Goucher (2/8 in 1919); W. Grotrian (1/1 in 1922).
- BSC 3. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, H-J
- Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. Haas (4/5 in 1914-22); H. M. Hansen (9/30 in 1914-22); G. R. Harrison (2/2 in 1922); H. R. Hassé (2/5 in 1921-22); W. Heisenberg (1/2 in 1922).
- Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: G. A. Hemsalech (4/7 in 1919-20); G. H. Henderson (2/2 in 1922); V. Henriques (2/8 in 1915-t65; P. Hertz (2//26 in 1919-22); E. Hertzsprung (3/5 in 1919-22); K. Herzfeld (1/3 in 1914).
- Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and G. Hevesy (63/179 in 1913-22).
- Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: D. Hilbert (6/11 in 1920-21); Fr. Hoffmann (2/2 in 1921); H. Holst (6/16 in 1919-22); J. Holtsmark (2/3 in 1919); P. Horton (4/10 in 1920); F. C. Hoyt (6/9 in 1922); A. Ll. Hughes (2/2 in 1920-21); H. Høffding (8/13 in 1906-22, plus re-. marks about 4th and 5th editions of Høffding's Formel Logik); J. C. Jacobsen (3/8 in 1921); Frjohannsen (9/22 in 1907).
- BSC 4. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, K-L
- Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: H. Kayser (1/1 in 1918); W. H. Keesom (1/1 in 1916); O. Klein (42/107 in 1918-22).
- Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: M. Knudsen (9/21 in 1912-20); H. Konen (4/6 in 1913-22); W. Kossel (2/3 in 1921); H. A. Kramers (33/66 in 1916-22).
- Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: R. Ladenburg (11120 in 1920-22); A. Landé (30/70 in 1919-22); I. Langmuir (7/14 in 1913-22).
- Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: J. Larmor (3/5 in 1909); M. von Laue (5/6 in 1918-22); E. L. Lederer (2/5 in 1911); W. Lenz (1/2 in 1922); G. N. Lewis (9/17 in 1916); W. C. M. Lewis (1/3 in 1919); E. Lindelöf (1/2 in 1922); R. B. Lindsay (1/3 in 1922); G. H. Livens (7123 in 1914-20); H. A. Lorentz (14/24 in 191922); T. Lyman (2/2 in 1922).
- BSC 5. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, M-P
- Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: S. B. McLaren (4/11 in 1911-13); J. C. McLennan (10/13 in 1920-22); A. MacLeod (2/4 in 1919); W. Makower (4/6 in 1916-20); A. W. Marke, (2/8 in 1914); E. Marsden (4/15 in 1913-15); W. F. Meggers (1/1 in 1922).
- Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: L. Meitner (1/2 in 1922); E. Meyer (5/7 in 1920); K. Meyer (5/11 in 1912-21); H. Miers (3/6 in 1916); R. A. Millikan (2/2 in 1922); R. Minkowski (2/3 in 1922); H. Moseley (2/10 in 1913).
- Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: H. Nagaoka (2/2 in 1913 and 1921); K. Aa. Nissen (37/60 in 1916-22); G. Nordström (1/4 in 1922); N. E. Norlund (6/16 in 1914-17).
- Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: S. E. Ohlon (1/3 in 1919); H. W. Olsen (1/1 in 1920); H. Kamerlingh-Onnes (2/5 in 1919); C. W. Oseen (36/97 in 1911-22).
- Section 5. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: E. A. Owen (10/32 in 1912-18); F. Paneth (3/11 in 1914-19); W. Pauli (7/12 in 1922); M. Planck (11/33 in 1919-21); K. Prytz (3/3 in 1920-21).
- BSC 6. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, R
- Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: M. Reeks (6/11 in 1919-22); M. Reinganum (4/15 in 1911); D. Riabouchinsky (15/33 in 1918-20); O. W. Richardson (29/78 in 1914-22).
- Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: D. Roschdestwensky (2/6 in 1921); S. Rosseland (14/29 in 1920-22); E. Rubin (1/7 in 1915); A. Rubinowicz (35/71 in 1919-22); J. Rud Nielsen (6/6 in 1922 [includes N. B. to K. T. Compton (1/1 in 1922)]); G. Rudorf (3/6 in 1913).
- Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and E. Rutherford (96/241 in 1912-22).
- BSC 7. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, S
- Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: C. Schaefer (2/3 in 1922); K. Scheel (30/31 in 1920-22); E. Schrödinger (3/6 in 1921); K. Schwarzschild (2/6 in 1914).
- Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: R. Seeliger (5/6 in 1920); M. Siegbahn (19/26 in 1915-22); L. Silberstein (2/5 in 1920-21); A. Smekal (4/7 in 1918-21); A. Snethlage (1/3 in 1919).
- Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. Sommerfeld (33/95 in 1913-22); J. Stark (4/6 in 1913-19); G. W. Stewart (2/5 in 1922); H. Stocker (1/1 in 1914); C. Störmer (3/3 in 1922); S. P. L. Sorensen (2/5 in 1920).
- BSC 8. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, T-Z
- Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: T. Takamine (18/32 in 1920-22); F. Tank (3/7 in 1919); H. Thirring (3/3 in 1922); H. Rausch v. Traubenberg (3/8 in 1920-21); W. Tschulanowsky (2/3 in 1922); N. Tunstall (1/2 in 1922).
- Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. D. Udden (12/15 in 1921-22); A. van Urk (3/12 in 1922).
- Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: E. Warburg (1/2 in 1914); S. H. Weber (20/54 in 1916-22); O. Veblen (1/1 in 1922); L. Vegard (3/7 in 1918-21); Th. Wereide (9/22 in 1916-22); S. Werner (1/1 in 1922); E. Wertheimer (1/1 in 1922); R. Whiddington (3/4 in 1920); W. E. Williams (4/6 in 1919-20); J. H. Van Vleck (3/7 in 1922); R. W. Wood (1/1 in 1922); P. Zeeman (3/5 in 1922).
These Bohr manuscripts were tentatively identified, arranged for filming, cataloged, and microfilmed by Mag. E. Rüdinger and Fru B. Schultz in Copenhagen during 1963-64. Since the tables of contents of these microfilms have been directly transcribed in Chapter II, they are not reproduced here. Rüdinger and Fru Schultz also prepared a catalog of Bohr's publications through 1922, noting the correspondence and manuscripts which relate to each publication. A microfilm, Bohr MSS 10 Suppl., was made of these two card catalogs. See Chapter I, Section 5, for further details regarding this collection.
- Bohr MSS 1. N. Bohr Manuscripts through 1910.
- Bohr MSS 2. N. Bohr Manuscripts, 1911.
- Bohr MSS 3. N. Bohr Manuscripts, 1911-12.
- Bohr MSS 4. N. Bohr Manuscripts, 1912-14.
- Bohr MSS 5. N. Bohr Manuscripts, 1914-16.
- Bohr MSS 6. N. Bohr Manuscripts, 1916-17.
- Bohr MSS 7. N. Bohr Manuscripts, 1917-19.
- Bohr MSS 8. N. Bohr Manuscripts, 1919 '
- Bohr MSS 9. N. Bohr Manuscripts, 1920-21.
- Bohr MSS 10. N. Bohr Manuscripts, 1921-22.
- Bohr MSS 10. Suppl. Card Index of Bohr Manuscripts and Papers through 1922.