This portion of the Bohr Scientific Correspondence was microfilmed in Copenhagen in the early summer of 1963. See Chapter I, Section 5, for further details regarding this collection.
BSC 1. N. Bohr Scientiflc Correspondence through 1922, A-D
Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: M. Abraham (1/1 in 1920); E. P. Adams (4/9 in 1920); E. N. da C. Andrade (5110 in 1919-22); S. Arrhenius (10/21 in 1920-22); Auer v. Welsbach (4/5 in 1922); T. Aurén (2/5 in 1917) Baedeker (1/3 in 1911); J. B. Baker (1/1 in 1922); J. Barres (1/4 in 1915).
Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: C. Benedicks (1/1 in 1918); Aa. Berlème (4/12 in 1916-21); A. Berliner (2/4 in 1916-18); H. F. Biggs (8/34 in 1914-21); R. T. Birge (3/5 in 1919-22).
Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: V. Bjerknes (4/9 in 1920-21); N. Bjerrum (1/3 in 1918); M. Born (1/2 in 1918); W. H. Bragg (1/2 in 1920); W. L. Bragg (10/13 in 1920-22); L. Brillouin (1/1 in 1921); J. N. Brønsted (2/2 in 1913); J. M. Burgers (1/1 in 1921); C. Christiansen (3/10 in 1915-1916); A. H. Compton (3/4 in 1922).
Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: D. Coster (18/27 in 1920-22); R. Courant (9/15 in 1922); C. Cuthbertson (3/8 in 1913); C. Darwin (9/21 in 1913-22); P. Debye (4/10 in 1911-18); L. M. Dennis (3/3 in 1922).
BSC 2. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, E-G
Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and P. Ehrenfest (49/130 in 1918-22).
Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. Einstein (4/7 in 1920-22); C. D. Ellis (8/10 in 1922); P. Epstein (8/19 in 1918-22); H. von Euler (3/4 in 1918-20); E. J. Evans (9/19 in 1913-22).
Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: K. Faians (1/2 in 1921); A. D. Fokker (5/22 in 1916-19); P. D. Foote (517 in 1918-22); A. Fowler (23/55 in 1913-22); R. F. Francis (1/2 in 1916).
Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: J. Franck (36/73 in 1920-22); H. Fricke (9/28 in 1914-20).
Section 5. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. Garbasso (2/5 in 1914); H. Geiger (3/5 in 1913-22); J. Geitler (1/1 in 1919); W. Gerlach (3/3 in 1922); C. Gerthsen (5/16 in 1920); L. C. Glaser (3/3 in 1921-22); F. S. Goucher (2/8 in 1919); W. Grotrian (1/1 in 1922).
BSC 3. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, H-J
Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. Haas (4/5 in 1914-22); H. M. Hansen (9/30 in 1914-22); G. R. Harrison (2/2 in 1922); H. R. Hassé (2/5 in 1921-22); W. Heisenberg (1/2 in 1922).
Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: G. A. Hemsalech (4/7 in 1919-20); G. H. Henderson (2/2 in 1922); V. Henriques (2/8 in 1915-t65; P. Hertz (2//26 in 1919-22); E. Hertzsprung (3/5 in 1919-22); K. Herzfeld (1/3 in 1914).
Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and G. Hevesy (63/179 in 1913-22).
Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: D. Hilbert (6/11 in 1920-21); Fr. Hoffmann (2/2 in 1921); H. Holst (6/16 in 1919-22); J. Holtsmark (2/3 in 1919); P. Horton (4/10 in 1920); F. C. Hoyt (6/9 in 1922); A. Ll. Hughes (2/2 in 1920-21); H. Høffding (8/13 in 1906-22, plus re-. marks about 4th and 5th editions of Høffding's Formel Logik); J. C. Jacobsen (3/8 in 1921); Frjohannsen (9/22 in 1907).
BSC 4. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, K-L
Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: H. Kayser (1/1 in 1918); W. H. Keesom (1/1 in 1916); O. Klein (42/107 in 1918-22).
Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: M. Knudsen (9/21 in 1912-20); H. Konen (4/6 in 1913-22); W. Kossel (2/3 in 1921); H. A. Kramers (33/66 in 1916-22).
Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: R. Ladenburg (11120 in 1920-22); A. Landé (30/70 in 1919-22); I. Langmuir (7/14 in 1913-22).
Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: J. Larmor (3/5 in 1909); M. von Laue (5/6 in 1918-22); E. L. Lederer (2/5 in 1911); W. Lenz (1/2 in 1922); G. N. Lewis (9/17 in 1916); W. C. M. Lewis (1/3 in 1919); E. Lindelöf (1/2 in 1922); R. B. Lindsay (1/3 in 1922); G. H. Livens (7123 in 1914-20); H. A. Lorentz (14/24 in 191922); T. Lyman (2/2 in 1922).
BSC 5. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, M-P
Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: S. B. McLaren (4/11 in 1911-13); J. C. McLennan (10/13 in 1920-22); A. MacLeod (2/4 in 1919); W. Makower (4/6 in 1916-20); A. W. Marke, (2/8 in 1914); E. Marsden (4/15 in 1913-15); W. F. Meggers (1/1 in 1922).
Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: L. Meitner (1/2 in 1922); E. Meyer (5/7 in 1920); K. Meyer (5/11 in 1912-21); H. Miers (3/6 in 1916); R. A. Millikan (2/2 in 1922); R. Minkowski (2/3 in 1922); H. Moseley (2/10 in 1913).
Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: H. Nagaoka (2/2 in 1913 and 1921); K. Aa. Nissen (37/60 in 1916-22); G. Nordström (1/4 in 1922); N. E. Norlund (6/16 in 1914-17).
Section 4. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: S. E. Ohlon (1/3 in 1919); H. W. Olsen (1/1 in 1920); H. Kamerlingh-Onnes (2/5 in 1919); C. W. Oseen (36/97 in 1911-22).
Section 5. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: E. A. Owen (10/32 in 1912-18); F. Paneth (3/11 in 1914-19); W. Pauli (7/12 in 1922); M. Planck (11/33 in 1919-21); K. Prytz (3/3 in 1920-21).
BSC 6. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, R
Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: M. Reeks (6/11 in 1919-22); M. Reinganum (4/15 in 1911); D. Riabouchinsky (15/33 in 1918-20); O. W. Richardson (29/78 in 1914-22).
Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: D. Roschdestwensky (2/6 in 1921); S. Rosseland (14/29 in 1920-22); E. Rubin (1/7 in 1915); A. Rubinowicz (35/71 in 1919-22); J. Rud Nielsen (6/6 in 1922 [includes N. B. to K. T. Compton (1/1 in 1922)]); G. Rudorf (3/6 in 1913).
Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and E. Rutherford (96/241 in 1912-22).
BSC 7. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, S
Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: C. Schaefer (2/3 in 1922); K. Scheel (30/31 in 1920-22); E. Schrödinger (3/6 in 1921); K. Schwarzschild (2/6 in 1914).
Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: R. Seeliger (5/6 in 1920); M. Siegbahn (19/26 in 1915-22); L. Silberstein (2/5 in 1920-21); A. Smekal (4/7 in 1918-21); A. Snethlage (1/3 in 1919).
Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. Sommerfeld (33/95 in 1913-22); J. Stark (4/6 in 1913-19); G. W. Stewart (2/5 in 1922); H. Stocker (1/1 in 1914); C. Störmer (3/3 in 1922); S. P. L. Sorensen (2/5 in 1920).
BSC 8. N. Bohr Scientific Correspondence through 1922, T-Z
Section 1. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: T. Takamine (18/32 in 1920-22); F. Tank (3/7 in 1919); H. Thirring (3/3 in 1922); H. Rausch v. Traubenberg (3/8 in 1920-21); W. Tschulanowsky (2/3 in 1922); N. Tunstall (1/2 in 1922).
Section 2. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: A. D. Udden (12/15 in 1921-22); A. van Urk (3/12 in 1922).
Section 3. Correspondence between N. Bohr and: E. Warburg (1/2 in 1914); S. H. Weber (20/54 in 1916-22); O. Veblen (1/1 in 1922); L. Vegard (3/7 in 1918-21); Th. Wereide (9/22 in 1916-22); S. Werner (1/1 in 1922); E. Wertheimer (1/1 in 1922); R. Whiddington (3/4 in 1920); W. E. Williams (4/6 in 1919-20); J. H. Van Vleck (3/7 in 1922); R. W. Wood (1/1 in 1922); P. Zeeman (3/5 in 1922).
These Bohr manuscripts were tentatively identified, arranged for filming, cataloged, and microfilmed by Mag. E. Rüdinger and Fru B. Schultz in Copenhagen during 1963-64. Since the tables of contents of these microfilms have been directly transcribed in Chapter II, they are not reproduced here. Rüdinger and Fru Schultz also prepared a catalog of Bohr's publications through 1922, noting the correspondence and manuscripts which relate to each publication. A microfilm, Bohr MSS 10 Suppl., was made of these two card catalogs. See Chapter I, Section 5, for further details regarding this collection.