Chatsworth House and Its Collections - A Conversation between the Duke of Devonshire and Jay Robert Stiefel

12:00 p.m. EDT

Register for this event online via Zoom.

October 23, 2020

12:00-1:00 p.m. ET (U.S. & Canada) via Zoom

Event Type
Image of Duke and Duchess of Chatsworth
The art collections at Chatsworth are among the most significant in Europe, having grown in scope and diversity with each of the 17 generations of the Duke’s family who have lived there. The collections span 4,000 years, from ancient Roman and Egyptian sculpture and masterpieces by Rembrandt, Reynolds, and van Dyck, to work by outstanding modern artists, including Lucian Freud, Edmund de Waal, and David Nash. 
Stoker Devonshire and his wife, Amanda, have been collectors for the last 40 years. Since taking up residence at Chatsworth in 2006 they have commissioned many works of fine art and design and developed an extensive program of exhibitions. Having spent the past 11 years overseeing restoration and modernization within the house, they are now working on long-term projects within the garden. 
The event is co-hosted by the American Philosophical Society and the Philadelphia Club, and co-sponsored by the Oxford & Cambridge Society of Philadelphia and the American Friends of the Attingham Trust. Our speakers studied history at the University of Oxford and the Duke is a Patron of the Trust. The APS is the publisher of Jay Stiefel’s current book. The event is free, but as space is limited, registration will be required. 
Watch a recording of the event on our YouTube page.