Black History in the Philadelphia Landscape
Benjamin Franklin Hall
427 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA, 19106
Free and open to the public.

Black Philadelphians have shaped Philadelphia history since colonial times.
On February 12, 2025, Amy Jane Cohen will join us for a discussion of her book Black History in the Philadelphia Landscape, which recounts notable aspects of the Black experience in Philadelphia from the late 1600s to the 1960s and how this history is marked in the contemporary city.
Each chapter explores an event or historical figure and how it is memorialized in the landscape, by historical marker, monument, mural, or some other means—followed by a short list of actions to take to learn more about the topic (e.g. a site to visit, a website to explore, a film to watch, a primary source to examine). Some chapters feature reflections by people with direct connections to the topic. The chapters are organized chronologically, so while the book is not comprehensive, it gives the reader a strong sense of Philadelphia’s African American history from the late 1600s through the 20th century.
Amy Cohen is an educator, historian, and writer. After 20 years teaching social studies, she became Director of Education for History Making Productions and is a contributing writer for Hidden City Philadelphia.