The Art of Revolutions Conference Papers
October 26–28, 2017
Panel 1: Prints, Performance, and Patriots in the Garden
"The Visual Culture of Commemorative Summerhouses in the Age of Revolutions"
Kerry Dean Carso, State University of New York at New Paltz
"Charles Willson Peale, Nancy Hallam, and Shakespeare's Cymbeline on the Revolutionary Stage"
Amy M. E. Morris, Cambridge University
"The Printer and the Painter: Portraying Print Culture in an Age of Revolution"
Martha J. King, Princeton University
Panel 2: Art in the Age of Atlantic Revolutions
“Independentistas: Francis Drexel’s Trans-American Gallery of Latin American Revolutionaries”
Katherine Manthorne, City University of New York
“The Materiality of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World”
Ashli White, University of Miami
“The Art of Freedom: Camille Pissarro and the Age of Emancipation”
Jon Sensbach, University of Florida
Panel 3: Iconoclasts and Vandals
“Kill the King: Revolutionary Iconoclasm in New York and London”
Wendy Bellion, University of Delaware
“Revolutionary Vandalism Assessed: Destruction and Creation in a Drawing by Hubert Robert”
Frédérique Baumgartner, Columbia University
“Vandalisme Révolutionnaire and Art Policy during the French Revolution”
Nausikaä El-Mecky, Heidelberg School of Education
Panel 4: The Revolutionary Politics of Everyday Art
“Paper Chiefs: Sayer & Bennett’s Portraits of American Revolutionaries”
Amy Torbert, Harvard Art Museums
“Printerly Protest in Revolutionary America”
Jennifer Chuong, Harvard University
“American Idols: Fashions à l’Americaine in Pre-Revolutionary France”
Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell, Independent Scholar
Panel 5: Remembering Revolution in Material Culture
“’Cruelly Murdered’: Gravestones and American Innocence, 1775-6”
Caitlin Galante-DeAngelis Hopkins, Harvard University
“Diamonds and Democracy: Winterhalter’s Royal Portraits after the Revolutions of 1848”
John Webley, Columbia University
“’Revolutionary Penelopes”: Patriotic Seamstresses in 19th-century Italian Art”
Isabella Campagnol, Istituto Marangoni, Milan
Panel 6: Performance and Public Displays of Revolution
“Parade as Persuasion: Re-Thinking New York’s Federal Procession”
Laura Auricchio, The New School
“’What Have We to Do with Rome”: The Politics of Art, Spectacle, and Peale’s Triumphal Arch”
Amy Ellison, APS
“Visualizing Permanence: Materiality and Politics in Depictions of Public Architecture during the French Revolution, 1789-1794”
Camille S. Mathieu, University of Exeter