Philosophical Hall
104 South Fifth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone Number: 215-440-3440
Closed January - March.
Open Thursday - Sunday (April - December)
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
The APS Museum is free to visit. We do suggest a $2 donation per individual or $5 donation per family/small group.
Only 40 visitors are allowed in the exhibition at a time, so we ask visitors to be courteous and respectful of others’ space.
Upon entering, visitors will climb a flight of stairs to reach the Museum on the second floor. If you have different accessibility needs, inquire upon entry and our Museum staff will be happy to assist with the use of our wheelchair lift (capacity of 495 lbs) or elevator as needed. If you have questions about accessibility, email [email protected] or call 215-440-3440. Restrooms are not available on site. The Independence Visitor Center provides the closest public facilities nearby.